We did our part.

YHC & Chanticleer for a safe distance EC run The government (and FUMC) approved 9 PAX showed up for a community safe distance workout. **Warm-UP **We circled up for Good Mornings, Windmill, Steve Earle, Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, and Plank Jacks. Mosey through the parking lot with some Karaoke and backward running thrown in for fun. **The Thang **Perform called exercises, either OYO of IC. If you have to stop ort take a break you are “penalized” by running 3 parking spaces ahead, as often as you need to. [Read More]

Won't you step into the Fr--HANDS UP!

Well, it’s my boy Rip’s birthday, and we all sure as shit know he ain’t gonna write this, so I’m going to…what’s it called Nantan?…oh yeah, step up. It all started when I woke up this morning. Dry-ish January means more dreaming, and this morning was action packed. While I typically would prefer a more GroupMe-esque dream (happy Friday, you hooligans), this morning my brain was worked up over RipTide’s birthday Apex “High” homecoming Q at none other than Dazed and Confused, otherwise known as the condition one can be known to find themselves in time to time when hanging with YHC and perhaps others in attendance this morning. [Read More]

Old Home Week

Preamble Nothing like going back home. B.O. holds a special place in YHC’s heart for a few reasons. First, it was the site of my first post, and where I was named. Second, it happens to coexist with where I go to church. Finally, it offers the most diverse set of workout opportunities of any AO in Carpex. But enough of that, let’s go Warmup Jog over to the best warm-up site in all of Carpex in front of the bank and circle up for [Read More]

Dora Blimps

A spectacular evening of mid-60 degree weather in January. And the rain had stopped. What more could you ask for. Warm-up Mosey w/ High knees, Butt kickers, and Left / right shuffles Circle Up for: SSH x15 Hillbillies x15 Sir Fazzio Arm Circles fwd x10 bwd x10 Seal Clap x10 Overhead Clap x10 Michael Phelps x10 Thing 1 BLIMPS around the campus (add a letter at each station: start/finish and corners)* [Read More]

We Have Liftoff

AO Launch Day. YHC was a bit nervous about attendance because there had been zero Slack hype for this event during the lead up. Despite that fact, a lot of folks somehow showed up to be part of the emergence from stealth mode. YHC knew something major was afoot when Ma Bell decided to again venture into “the eastern regions of his former kingdom” for not only the ME but an EC run taboot. [Read More]


We had a couple of visitors from out of town this morning, Monk from F3 The Capital (and before that Gastonia), and Red Baron from wherever Living Legends come from. Warm-Up Disclaimer and Pledge, mosey around the parking lot and grab some curb for three rounds of quick feet and curb irkens, then to the top of the deck and circle up for cherry pickers, arm twirlies, seal claps, hillbillies and a round of Good Mornings expertly led by Crimson. [Read More]

Bacon Makes Anything Better

Perfect weather (40 and rainy). 11 strong. No shovel flag and we are off Warm up in the shelter, which included the standard stuff plus 50 merkins. Instructions given for traveling 7’s. we will hit 5 stations and at each we will do 1 and 6 the first time, 2 and 5 the second, etc. 6 laps (each .4 miles) Playground – pull ups and burpees Greenway entrance – bearcrawls and broad jumps Streetlight – plankjacks and mountain climbersWW2s and hammers – 4 counts Parking lot near baseball field – squats and merkins Shelter- derkins and dips Complete the 6 laps with a couple of minutes to spare and knock out a little Captain Thor. [Read More]

Old School Tour

Aside from VQ Week, RESPECT week is my favorite week on the F3 Carpex liturgical calendar. Well, except for my birthday week. Speaking of that, I once told my wife that our wedding day was the second best day of my life. She looked surprised and hurt, and asked me what my best day was, then rolled her eyes when I told her it was the day I was born. But I digress…seriously, the fact that RESPECT week is on the week of Veterans Day. [Read More]

Morticia Addams, Wonder Bras, and Depends

A beautiful autumn morning, perfect for an F3 workout. YHC rolls in to Annie Jones Park to find Quikstop walking up and down the stairs holding a rucksack over his head. Frisco was supposed to join him for an EC run, but we didn’t see him. I wondered why the lot was so empty, and asked if Claymore starts at 05:30 or 05:45. Turns out it’s the latter, and I’m not the first Q to make that mistake recently. [Read More]