In a Spring Daze

What is the meaning of all of this traffic coming into Bond Park at 0615? I would love to say the 50 cars YHC observed roll in in about about a 10 minute span where pax upon pax coming to receive the highly anticipated beat-down that was near to launch hosted by yours truly. But alas they were not. While the pax turnout of 25 was nothing to sneeze at, this was not going to be a typical quiet morning with the 310 acres of Bond Park to ourselves. [Read More]

Exercise To Be Named Later

Beautiful morning for a 0515 workout. Even better for a 0440 EC. Repeato enjoyed a ruck, YHC and Gym Tan Laundry enjoyed a 3 mile run while discussing rock climbing. (If you haven’t already, watch the Documentaries The Dawn Wall & Free Solo. In that order.) 9 other HIM showed up, disclaimer “was given” and off we went. Mosey to the median at the end of Regency Pkwy for a little Warm-Up and Advertising. [Read More]

One for the Record Books

YHC apparently forgot why Rush Hour got its name! Waze said 5:43 arrival and it was dead on. Popped out the car and noticed a LOT of people waiting around for a Q. 19 to be exact. It was said that’s a record, not sure the accuracy of that but YHC will take it! Why so many guys!? 1. The weather, bro! It was gorgeous out there! 2. The beers that would soon follow. [Read More]

Rocking to the '80's

In the gloom, Girls Just Want to Have Fun! Warm-up With the mission stated, the disclaimer declaimed, and the pledge solemnly uttered, the Pax launched to the upper parking lot to circle up. The tunes were rolling and so were we for 2.5 miles over the course of the workout. It began with Side Straddle Hops Good Mornings Sir Fazio Arm circles forward and back Overhead claps Seal Claps Merkins Calf Stretch Thang One Warmed up, me moseyed to the kiosk for a set of 7’s up and down the hill. [Read More]

4 Pics, 1 Word

Pre-Blast 18 HIM for 5.52 *(more miles than #ao-sat-whiplash)* at the hardest working AO in CarPex on a Saturday, #ao-sat-phoenix. Proud of my fellow warriors…y’all killed it today. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run out the east exit of the park down to the bank and into the dry cleaner lot for a 1 mile warmup. Circle up for: Good Mornings, Abe Vigoda, Runner’s Stretch, Groiner Merkins, Calf Stretch. [Read More]

Making Good Friday Even Better: Stations of the Cross

QIC: Crimson, Wonderbread, Flacco 42 HIM gathered in the gloom to commemorate the the final days of the greatest HIM of all time. Stations of the Cross is a Catholic tradition that marks each of 14 notable events the Christ endured on his final day on this Earth. From his condemnation by Pilate and the Sanhedrin to his final (well…not-so-final) resting place in the tomb. Below is the full text that was read and the accompanying exercises for the workout. [Read More]

The Murph

The day immediately following a Maynard Run is usually reduced attendance, and today is no different. Six HIMs felt the call and posted regardless! Gorgeous weather this morning, and I wasn’t the only one still nursing minor aches and pains from yesterday’s Maynard. 7:15, time to start. No FNGs, so two brief laps around the pickle followed by a quick Warm-Up 20 SSH 5 Good Mornings 20 Merkins OMD 20 Squats OMD The Murph! [Read More]

Keep it 💯

Pre-Blast 7 early risers joined YHC at BiB. 1 flag, 1 site Q. No coffee. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run 1.00 miles for a warmup around the parking lots next door. Circle up for: God Mornings, Calf Stretches, Runners Stretch, Groiner Merkins. 100 SSH The Thangs Across the lot: Between islands, bear crawl then crab walk then lunge walk then sprint. At each island, 10 then 20 then 30 then 40 Merkins. [Read More]


The corporate waiver was delivered. The pax were tasked to learn everyone’s PASSIONs, there would be a test at the end, huh (deer in the headlights expressions ensued). It was then determined that one of Denali’s favorite meals is green bean casserole sans onions, Dinali will be our rabbit. Murmurings of WTF followe. Mosey over to Global Knowledge and paint the lines, then circle up for sundry warm-up exercises. I believe there were some SSH, good mornings, wind mills, and runners stretches. [Read More]

3 Yr. Hermesversary Q

YHC is honored to celebrate my 3 year anniversary in F3 Carpex! Technically it is Monday 3/18, but work, yada yada yada.. The celebration will continue at DZ on 3/22. Repeato did the 440 EC ruck. Several did the 440 EC run, maybe Largemouth, Build-a-Bear and Ollie. My nantan, Ma Bell was blasting Back in Black by ACDC as he rolled up. He named me by the way. We welcomed the Krispiest of all Kremes from Hartsville. [Read More]