YogaMat Loves Cinder Blocks

7 HIDA’s showed up after Pre Blast warning that it was going to be Leg Day. Started off with Pledge of Allegiance and them Mosey to adjacent parking lot where all of the cool toys were hiding. Warmarama • Good mornings 10 • Side Straddle Hop 12 • Hillbillies 12 • Fazio Arm Circles 10 each direction • Air Squats 15 • Freddie Mecuries -12 Thang 1 Weighted Tire Pull Each Pax takes turn at pulling weighted tire around pickle while we do the following exercises with coupons: Each round is repeated until Pax returns from tire pull • Single Leg Deadlift (5 each side) Rinse Repeat until Pax form Tire Pull returns • Curls 12-10-8-6-4-2 • Deep squats 12-10-8…. [Read More]

The Triple Nickel

It’s BRR Season, and that means hills and excessive (debatable) running at most AO’s, especially if you’re not on a BRR team. Today was no exception, and 13 studs posted at the earliest AO in all of Carpex this warm, muggy morning, several of whom just ran the Maynard the day before. I remember when Recovery-sacking was customary after a Maynard. Those good ‘ole days were just last year! I wanted to ensure I was prepared, so in the event a pax or two were just adamantly opposed to doing the BRR Prep workout, I had something special for them, though I advised against it. [Read More]

Bigger than I expected ...

TWSS. A sizeable group of Carpex’s finest showed up and parked along Laura Duncan. Crap. There goes the planned workout. Not a problem, you can conjure up just about anything on a steady mosey. After 34 welcome fist bumps, a thorough disclaimer, an intro to FNG Paul and we were off. After a stellar weekend at F3 Dad’s Camp that included quite the libation session around a fire and more carbs and saltpeter (KNO₃) that’s remotely advised for anyone, I was ready to get after it. [Read More]

The Challenge is 100!!!

PAX: Chicken Little, Chipper, Compound W, Drysdale, Free-fall, Goose, Hamm, Hotspot, Honeycomb, Ma Bell, Quick Stop, Repeato, Ringo, Roasters, Saban, Sixteen Steves, Smokey, Willy Wonka, WKRP, WWW Thank goodness that I’m the co-Site Q for A Team (one of the original 5 Carpex AOs) and we have a reminder for who is Q’ing this week and next week. I had a great weekend trip with the M that I almost forgot that I signed up to Q today. [Read More]

Exicon ABC

43 in attendance. 3 Ruckers, 16 Bootcampers, bunch of runners including those that ran the Maynard. What a way to start off “hump day”…in the doom and gloom of SNS. I am starting a series called Exicon ABC. We will be using exercises from those three (or sometimes 4) letters of the alphabet until we complete the alphabet. Today was ABC. Warm up Abe Vigoda Alternating shoulder taps in a plank position Annie (Arm circles from a plank position) Thang 1 [Read More]

76° with 90% humidity

Three met at 4:45 (GTL/Denali/Largemouth) for a few EC lake laps and got the sweaty slogfest started. With adequate time left for a shoe change #Denalisignaturemove, the rest of the PAX gathered. 5:15 a.m. on the clock so we mosey to the big parking lot. Warm up 15 Imperial Walkers 15 Side shuttle hops 5 Good mornings 15 standard merkins 15 Mountain Climbers Next up is a favorite of YHC, the BLIMPS circuit. [Read More]

A-Team 5-year Anniversary 7-15-19

28 HIMs showed up to celebrate 5-years of wonderful workouts on Mondays! They were led by 108 years of experience on a classic tour of the site. Warm-Up WWW started the process with the standard disclaimer. There were no FNGs. We pledged allegiance to Old Glory and took off for a short run. WWW led us in GM, Abe Vigodas, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Eskimo Merkins (they are not cool), hamstring stretch, and runner’s stretch. [Read More]

This was a Gross morning

Most of you would agree that the humidity this morning was absolutely gross, which fit in perfectly with my plan for the morning. You see, today marked my 144th day since I started with F3, something that I randomly figured out while planning this workout yesterday. So it was only fitting that the workout be inspired by a “dozen dozen” or 144. After a nice EC ruck with Repeato which left us completely soaked with sweat, we waited for the crowd to gather. [Read More]

Fern Gully

In recent months, we’ve encountered a herd of fern people (h/t Hermes) from Lifetime Fitness exercising in our parking lot. I thought this morning, we could return the favor… Augmented rolled up with an FNG, so YHC took a crack at delivering the full disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance, mosey across the street to 8000 Regency for the warm-up. Warm-up (I humbly suggest that Carpex is in a warm-up rut, so I pulled a couple new ideas from the Exicon): [Read More]

Shawn's Bullpen

Got word that the Lowther (aka Chanticleer) Household was experiencing some sicknesses so I was ready to answer the call. Thursday 7 PM it was official, I would be running the show at GT. You know, I am the 3rd-wheel site Q there. And it has been a long time since I have Q’d, so it was meant to be. 13 gathered, 2 had on backpacks, one drove a 15 passenger van, and all where hoping to see Chanticleer. [Read More]