Time is a flat circle.

YHC’s birthday Q week comes to close at this AO. The Green Mile. Ninety minutes of work and the week is done, on your birthday. Let’s get after it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mhZBLUyybo A little dark, but you get the idea. They locked the gates to the track. Bastards. There goes the first Thang planned. But like the strategic analyst I am, primary plans always have secondary, tertiary, and tactical options when confronted with obstacles. [Read More]

Suicide-ish Triple Nickels and Emily Blunts

Some like the saying, ‘another day, another dollar’ or the ever popular in my world, ‘good enough for government work’. In prep for the Back in Black Q this morning and with a still to be determined BRR route on everyone’s mind, I knew we needed hill work. I knew deep down though no one really wanted hill work, but maybe that’s just YHC. I throw on some RATM ‘Bulls on Parade’ for the ride over to Koka Booth VIP lot. [Read More]

Record Breaking Hump Day #twss

YHC’s birthday Q week rolls on. I was excited to get after it this morning feeling strong after a long run last weekend and two solid workouts to start the week. Read all about them here and here. Upon arriving at Point Break, parking was limited. There was quite the turnout for ‘Das Boot’ or whatever the name is of the new long run option on a Wednesday that isn’t The Maynard. [Read More]

Bucket Handle Meniscus Tear? We report, you decide.

Wait there’s an AO in my neighborhood? Yes, yes there is. It’s a wonderful low impact AO designed to make men stronger with their own body weight and rocks. It’s also run by two high impact men in @Pickles and @Frisco. Who knows what @Frisco’s actual nom de guerre is today, as he and the site flag were MIA. Although he did give a head’s up that he might be absent due to working 0000-0400. [Read More]

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for A-Team

Coming off the hill Repeatos, @Imp said it best on the jog back to the Mary lot. “I freaking love that hill. It’s the best part of this entire AO.” I happen to agree. Let’s see how we got there. YHC rolled down Laura Duncan with a little Madonna’s Like a Prayer blastin. There’s a good backstory to why YHC loves that song but that’s for another medium to be sure. [Read More]

Still Water Runs Deep, Bluewater Runs Far

QIC: Bluewater Lots of EC action, with Repeato announcing a launch at 0440 and Oofta at 0455. Warm-Up: Some much-appreciated stretches were mixed into the usual routine. Thing 1: Pearls on a String, up the Ederlee hill (twice) and around Regency Parkway to the rock pile. Thing 2: Partner rockwork dora (each Pax with his own rock). Curls, presses, tricep extensions. Mosey back to the flag (3.25 miles), Mary, have a nice day. [Read More]

If by that you mean filled with joy...

18 PAX gathered at the most senior of all CARPEX Monday AOs to help YHC commemorate the completion of my 45th orbit. Hotspot expressed his pre-event concerns about the contents of the Q sheet, but said “at least you didn’t bring your stinkin’ speaker.” Oh, you mean the speaker sitting over by the light pole? Yeah. Good thing. For now, the speaker was to belt out some 1975 tunes. Not necessarily hits, but all 1975 releases. [Read More]

Power Hour

Francois is your Q. Repeato and Bartman for 60-pound sandbag EC. Warmup: Kashmir on the Sonos for Francois’ patented exercise calls. Thing 1: Power Hour on the Sonos for rock work. Quite a playlist. 2 of the first 3 were Britney. There was some Ricky Martin, TLC, and a Backstreet Boys song. Nothing to see here, just some bros pressing rocks overhead while listening to “Livin La Vida Loca.” Thing 2: Dude Solutions for “Back in Black” and “Don’t Stop Believing” while bear crawling, derkining, quick feeting, and box jumping on the lip of a curb so narrow that everyone wisely bailed out. [Read More]

BOMBS Over Waverly

As tax day began, we had a handful of ECers run the lake loop and we all met back at the flag for an ontime start. No FNGs, so we recited the pledge of allegiance and took off towards the Duke Health parking lot. Warmups: Good mornings, calf stretches, standard merkins and plank jacks. The Thang: B.O.M.B.S. were in order - we partnered up……Partner 1 started the exercises: B = 50 Burpees, O = 100 Overhead Claps, M = 150 Merkins, B = 200 Boxcutters, and S = 250 Squats. [Read More]


Since this is my one year anniversary backblast I’ll start with some of the mushy stuff. It will probably be longer then the Muggo but shorter then a Callahan Christmas speech. So over a year ago my M was at a continuing education class and some guys she knew from Raleigh were talking about F3. One of them who had only gone to one workout and quit was complaining about how early it started and how many push-ups they had to do. [Read More]