Fancy Meeting You Here

Here is the account of the off-the-books, unofficial, not-F3 Bounty Hunters workout from March 26, 2020. It was such a coincidence that YHC bumped into Schlitz and Compound W right where we would normally meet, at 0530, in the expansive domain otherwise known as Hunter Street Park. We were looking for Hanson, who may have mentioned something about running and doing Merkins. There were also some ladies there, presumably doing a NOT-FiA workout. [Read More]

Under The Wire

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. [Read More]

Momma Said Knock You Out

Having just passed over the #AO-Wed-LionsDen site Q duties over last week, YHC had already planned to start traveling a bit on Wednesdays. The first stop on the #retirement_tour was Tortoise. Or is it Tortoises? A few PAX were doing pull-ups early, then others started to roll in. Finally Yogi came rolling in. The PAX, having just been talking about proper social distancing, mentioned that Yogi was likely to just pull in close for a nice kiss. [Read More]

Step Up

These are strange times indeed. With the declaration of a global pandemic, due to COVID-19 infection, the world as we know it has changed. And will likely never be the same again. Our schools have closed, travel is quickly coming to a screeching halt, and may of the PAX and M’s who are accustomed to going to a job every day are being asked to work from home. Worse, due to the massive economic impact, some are losing their jobs. [Read More]

A Year Goes By Fast

A little over a year ago, YHC was talking with our awesome 1st F Qs about a new Wednesday workout. Numbers were problematic across all the AOs, and I had some ideas about where might be a good place to launch. We talked about a number of options, and through those conversations I learned another PAX was interested in the same thing. To this point, I didn’t know Sour Mash very well - 99% sure that this was my fault. [Read More]

A Happy Ending

37 degrees but it feels like 22. Or something like that. Five PAX in various get-ups designed to buffet the wind and cold gathered around where the flag is supposed to be at The Green Mile. The smell of burnt rubber was in the air. Everyone there had on their running shoes, so once Old Maid picked out which gloves he was gonna wear we were ready to begin. Warm Up Yog the 0. [Read More]


“Hey, it’s 5:43, we should probably stop doing pull-ups and head over to the flag.” With that, 3 of the 8 total PAX we’d have for Claymore today made their way to the area where the flag sometimes rests. That is, when a site Q shows up to Claymore and has a flag. And with that, Frisco comes in hot, on 2 wheels tearing into the parking lot. With the flag. [Read More]

Snow Day Bells

I hurt my right foot a few weeks ago, and not wanting to twist it up on the ice I decided to bring the bells back to Dante’s Peak. Showed up and one of the new Site-Q’s said his completely dry driveway was completely impassible. Warm-Up Quick jog around the lower parking lot, and almost slipped a few times so decided there be minimal running for the rest of the Q. [Read More]

Where the f*ck is Biner???

This morning, before we kicked things off, Red Ryder was sharing his feelings with the PAX eagerly awaiting the start of YHC’s beatdown when PBX interrupted with the title exclamation, “Where the F*ck is Biner?” Needless to say, Red Ryder was upset he didn’t get out all his feelings, but everyone’s attention was now solely focused on theories as to what happened to Biner and where he might be? Everyone had their own take on what happened, but eventually it was 0530 and time for the pledge. [Read More]

Curing a Case of the Mondays

YHC was reminiscing a bit with some of the PAX who were around for the launch of the AO known as Hell’s Bells. Back in the day when this site was just barely beyond a twinkle in the eyes of Earhart & Monkey Nut, there were times when the site Qs posted only to do a 2 man workout. Back in the glory days when the gates at Apex Nature Park always opened well before 0530. [Read More]