Lt. Danger reporting for duty

A balmy 71 degrees this morning did not scare off several EC runners including YHC, Largemouth, Michelob, Chanticleer, Chipper, Ooofta & Staubach. All familiar faces this morning, so off we go for a little traveling warm up around the lake. Stopping a few times for Good Mornings & Windmills, then again for Imperial Walkers and SSH, then again for Mnt. Climbers and Merkins. Final stop was the start of the bridge where we walked on our hands (feet on top of bridge) across to the other side. [Read More]


10 HIMs gathered at Koka Booth for the following: Disclaimer disclaimed, allegiance pledged, and mosey to the biggest, baddest parking lot in all of Cary at 0515 on a Thursday. Warm Up SSHs, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio arm circles forward and back, Moroccan Night Clubs, Calf Stretches, Plank Jacks and Merkins. The Thang Time to play Blackjack. Everything always adds up to 21. Complete 20 Merkins, run the length of the parking lot, and do 1 LBC. [Read More]

Ultimate Burpee with additional Prime Time Merks

AO: The Lion’s Den PAX: Disco Duck, Hi-Liter, Imp, Nerf, Red Ryder, Sub, Sour Mash, WWW The thought for the workout today has been planned for some time. I kept charting the time when it would be light enough to bring back ultimate frisbee/burpee. For the past week, the average time for sunrise was 0545 hrs. I just had to warm the PAX up and then do one round of a thang. [Read More]

Beautiful Morn

Amazingly fresh & a bit brisk this morning at FMJ! Nice size group of 11 – we got to know each other a bit better, got some sweat going, & had some fun! Here’s what happened in brief: Warm-up -- on the mosey around the soccer field/pond we made several stops along the way for good mornings, windmills, calf stretch merkins, burpees, SSH, hill billies, imperial walkers, etc. Thang 1: Aussie pull-ups on the even numbers 20 on down. [Read More]

Last workout of the week

20 Pax hit up the Naturest of all Parks in Apex for a Friday morning beatdown. YHC pre-blasted that we’d be using the pull-up bars and the turf. Let’s see how it went down. 0545 - Disclaimer and Pledge Warmup - No signature warm up. Instead we pranced the parking lot back and forth with butt kickers, high knees, shuffles, karaoke, and a couple warm up exercises. Thang 1 - We headed to the pond and partnered up, each getting a rock. [Read More]

In a Galaxy Far Far Away...

It sure felt like that on the trek to Apex for this morning’s romp. I forget the disclaimer and pledge. I guess I was distraught about not being able to go to toshi station to pick up some power converters. Stupid uncle Owen. 29 of us moseyed to the parking lot for warm-ups Han Solo Hops Princess Leia Lunges Chewbacca Merkins (on my grunt) Obi Squat Kenobis Imperial Walkers Leia secured the Death Star plans and was subsequently chased by Darth Vader. [Read More]

21 for 22's

Warm-Up Mosey out of the park and safely across Cary Parkway to the office park and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios forward and reverse. Notice Red Ryder’s smiling face as he sneaks into the circle, ask the site Q’s what time we start, confirm my suspicion that he’s late, reward his tardiness with ten burpees OMD (#noOYObro). Close out the warm-up with good mornings and criticism of my cadence. [Read More]

The Jim Parsons Project

YHC rolled into the grounds of Flying Circus, arguably the finest AO in west Cary on a Thursday, to see a couple of HIMs already on the grounds. A few pull-ups are done at the baseball field, and eventually there’s a solid dozen ready for a good sweat-fest. Disclaimer is disclaimed, Allegiance is pledged, watches are started, and we’re off. Warm Up Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Seal Claps, and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]

YOLIO (You only lose it once).

8 brave (or just sympathetic/misguided?) PAX came out to HARES @ Sovereign Grace Church this morning to attend YHC’s VQ! Rookie mistakes were made. Lessons were learned. The mumblechatter a constant. But in the end we all got to play with some coupons, hopefully got slightly wrecked, and we all came out the other side better than when we began. 0500 - Sub and 3 others kicked the morning off with some EC mileage and pullups. [Read More]

50 Ways to Saturday Midnight Convoy on a S.W.A.T. Rollercoaster while You Shake that Funky Boogie Duck Fever

Taking a page from Smokey’s playbook (although truth be known I had been planning this for years and YEARS so… yeah), YHC wanted to bring a soundtrack to this morning’s beatdown. Sadly, it turns out 1976 was quite a transitional year. The world was introduced to the Space Shuttle and the Concorde as people were not longer satisfied with the regular ways of getting from point A to B. Now we needed to do it in style! [Read More]