
Hey guys, it’s me. Yes, I’ve gotten my passport stamped…again. This week, it’s a trip the legendary Bradford’s Ordinary. I packed a lunch and a bag, and eventually arrived in that glorious location tucked away in the very quaint and bricky beige downtown Cary. Cars in the parking lot indicated guys were either getting in a nap or on an EC run. I honestly don’t know which. Last night my downtrodden, beloved Tarheels lost a nail-biter in Blaxberg. [Read More]

Last Minute Q

Disclaimer- for those that have been to any one of my Q’s in the last year, I usually like to have at LEAST a couple days to write up my Weinke. With Headroom heading out of town and signed up to Q Lions Den that same day, he reached out if I could grab it for my future Q here. Without hesitation I grabbed the spot. 20 Pax arrived on time to find Headroom not here and that I have the Q. [Read More]

Down and dirty

POGL maybe, but they really should sweep the parking lots occasionally. YHC thought it was just me, but the PAX complained as well. Enough bitching. Warm-up Mosey to the park, butt kickers, high knees, backwards run. At the parking lot, warm up shoulders and get the heart-rate up a little. Thing 1 Partner catch-me if you can. Two laps around play area with burpees (x5). Two laps around with star jumps (x10). [Read More]

Are We Gonna Do This The Whole Time?

Slippery When Wet - home of the EC run as well as where YHC completed week 1 of the 2019 IronPax Challenge. In celebration of how much that sucked the first time, we’re gonna do it again today. Several PAX did some kind of EC run, 2 PAX for EC pull-ups. At 0545, there were 15 gathered round the flag. First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up 2 laps around the pickle with some high knees and karaoke. [Read More]

Q Swap Week Countinues - Tabata Crush with Ultimate Frisbee at the Mighty SW Thunder

Date: 1/15/2020 AO: Thunder (SW) PAX: Cataracts, Cauliflower, Disco Duck, Fanny Pack, Gump, Kermit, Kubota, Pikachu, Red Ryder, Wahoo, WWW I got the call from HOTY 2018 and 1stF Q Disco Duck asking if I wanted to Q Thunder during Q Swap Week with our SW Brothers. I emphatically said ABSOLUTELY YES!!! The day and time was not an issue with me because I will take every and advantage to Q a workout. [Read More]

Who Stopped the Rain?

Everyone likes Creedence, way better than the Eagles. . . and apparently F3 stops the rain, at least in the POGL we do! It poured all night but not a drop fell on us while we worked out or during COT. Friday will be my 1 year F3 anniversary, this will suffice as my 1 year celebration Q. It’s been a privilege to get to know so many of you and I am a stronger man physically, spiritually, and emotionally because of it. [Read More]

Who the $&#@ Invented Meatloaf Anyway?

If you wake up at 04:50, hear the rain hitting the side of the house, and don’t think about fart-sacking, we can’t be friends. But one way to resist the urge is to be signed up to Q. Out of bed and head over to A-Team to get in a quick 2 mile EC run before the Main Event. Eleven other marginally disturbed HIMs are there with YHC for what they will later learn is a mini-Meatloaf’s Massacre, otherwise known as the 2019 week 2 IronPax workout. [Read More]

A Little Something for Everyone

Ima be real honest here. DZ is not a site a frequent that often. It’s a damn haul from my house in the POGL. But in 2020, YHC is gonna do better about getting to sites that are not in my normal rotation. And since we’re being real here, that’s a pretty good problem to have here in Carpex. This thing is BLOWING UP! So after I barely made my connecting flight, I arrived at North Cary park with plenty of time to spare. [Read More]

The Lord Provides

The last few weeks at Hell’s Bells has been great as we’ve been pushing 20+ PAX several times. The issue this creates is we are always on the edge of having enough bells, and the site Q’s (Lindy and I) are working on getter more bells (Send Money to Lindy’s Venmo @Joeldangerfield if you can help, $5 goes a long way). Fortunately, the Lord always provides, this time in the form of cinder blocks. [Read More]

Closing out DTP and 2019 with a VQ

With an impending night of debauchery in store for most, an impressive 28 rolled out of bed for a VQ by YHC to close out 2019. I must say, I couldn’t tell at first if I was honored to have that many show up or to pity them for what might be a disaster first Q (probably both). Either way, after going over the F3 mission and core principles with the FNG (nailed it btw), we headed out for what I was hoping to be an “END THE YEAR BEATDOWN. [Read More]