On Monday this week, Slim Shady made me a deal that if I Qed Lion’s Den, he would go ahead and get on the Q sheet for Wild Wild West. So here we are. I had thought about just running back last week’s Back In Black Q, but that seemed like cheating and then the M decided last night was a good time to take down the Christmas decorations, so I never did get a chance to put the thought I wanted to into the plan, but BLIMPS was close enough to last week so there it was. [Read More]

Baselines and backblasts

January 1. Symbolically speaking, a turning of a new leaf. And while most years are met with some degree of glee and dread, it’s pretty safe to say that the vast majority of us today are expecting much greater things from 2021 than 2020 gave us. So, with that in mind, today’s Dante’s Peak beatdown aimed to set new bars and improve on past glories. Warm-up: I have been working on getting a couple of guys from my son’s BSA troop out for months now and got a positive response last night from one of the dad’s about potentially joining us at DP this morning. [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 4 #5 Tin2Iron Tire is the Pacer

Date: 12/17/2020 PAX: Ausfahrt, Disco Duck, Hello Kitty, Intimidator, Pet Sounds, Ramsay, Reentry, Roasters, WWW I arrived at the AO early to get prepped. Coffee started and equipment out. As it gets closer to time, I noticed two runners making their way to the AO (Hello Kitty and Ramsay). They wanted their mileage. Hello Kitty mentions that Pet Sounds was supposed to run in as well. 0530 on the clock and no Pet Sounds. [Read More]

🎶 5 Bu-r-pees... 🎶

The Q for Lion’s Den remained unfufilled and I hadn’t Q’d on the home turf in sometime so I took the opportunity. 10 Pax gathered at the flag with no FNG’s although with the winter gear on some were more distinguishable than others. A quick pledge and we’re off. Tour of Lights Mosey I had promised Coxswain a view of my neighbor’s Star Wars Christmas display as a perk to coming to Lion’s Den earlier in the week on Slack, alas he picked up the Q at Point Break so wasn’t with us – I decided to go through with the tour anyhow. [Read More]

We Already Did These

Pierogi made an astute observation on Sunday evening - there were 14, count ’em FOURTEEN empty Q slots for this week. Feeling personally called out by that, I scooped two of them. As we’ll see on Friday of this week, it was easy to select the two that I did. More on that on Friday. #foreshadowing I arrived at MDP at approx 5:04 (so as to avoid the pressure of joining the EC) to settle on the plan for the workout. [Read More]

Disclaimer: We Won't Run.

YHC hadn’t posted since Hot for Teacher last week as I was dealing with a bum ankle, so when coming up with a plan for this morning, I thought it’d be a good idea to limit the running and just hit upper body hard. I announced to the group how unprofessional I am and made a disclaimer that we wouldn’t be doing a lot of running. I quickly realized in the first mosey that the ankle was feeling pretty darn good so I changed my plans on the fly and incorporated the worst hill I could find. [Read More]

Relax / Recover / 🤷🏻‍♂️

I was lucky enough to be able secure the highly coveted Q for Apex’s new 45 Min AO: Off the Rails – wanting to align the workout with the site name I didn’t want to spend too much time planning. Here’s what we did: With 6 Pax at the flag we said the pledge and then mosey’d along the trail out behind the baseball field to a nice grassy opening I had spotted along a little EC. [Read More]

The People's Champion

Davis Drive park has got to be one of the darkest places in an otherwise bright and somewhat beige world of Cary. Wait, is this where the Beige Bros got their name? Nevermind, I digress. It’s dark at Wolverine. Not too dark to know where to do pull-ups before the witching hour of 0530. It’s a busy Monday, with 17 PAX making the journey this morning. No FNGs, so a very abbreviated disclaimer was given. [Read More]

Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration 2020

8 Pax showed up at a very foggy Wild Wild West (that YHC completely expected to be Wet and Wild) on this 2nd Monday in October . Respectfully 1 decided to distance himself due to a wild weekend of debauchery (TYFYL). The other 7 mosey around the front of the school and back to the basketball court… Warm Up 5 Good Mornings 40 SSH 30 Imperial Walkers 20 Sir Fazio F bigger R Bigger [Read More]

"Grundel to the Ground"

Well its both hard to believe its only been a year and hard to believe a year has gone by. Having been while since I’ve Q’d, I decided to pick up Dante’s Peak for my F3 Anniversary. I arrived a little early to sort out and finalize my plans with a short EC around the site getting in a few pull-ups and scaring something that sounded larger than it should have been in the woods by the amphitheater (or did it scare me? [Read More]