As Easy as 1-2-4

It’s a little known secret that when YHC Qs sometimes I transpose numbers or leave out/imply the unimportant ones. It isn’t really an issue though because I am still considered the best Q in Carpex (In fact, Ma Bell has even taken me aside a number of times and offered to pay for me to attend an elite Q school called Camp Gladiator for the next few years.) But there is always room for improvement so YHC thought long and hard about how to deal with all of these ’numbers’. [Read More]

Hello Kitty Q'd Dante's Peak on a Friday in Apex

I’ll admit, sometimes I still flip on the ole GPS to get me out to DP, but when I get there I’m reminded at just how glorious this site is. A few hombres showed up at 0510 for ECP and laps. The only way to get better at pull-ups is to do more pull-ups. Aye! Back to the lot around 5:35 for record PUT6 w/ The Commish. Episode available HERE. [Read More]

Slow Roast Chicken

This was Q #5 and I keep thinking about what makes for a good beat down. If yesterday at BH was a pan-seared steak and then put in the oven to finish, today was all about the slow cook, a nice crockpot set on the counter emitting aromas that fill the house with love and warmth. Hanson and YHC showed up for EC and ECP respectively. If you ever have a chance to run some EC with Hanson you won’t regret the push and the fellowship. [Read More]

We Don't Need No Stinking P

Eight PAX gathered in the well-lit gloominess of St. Mary Magdalene church. It was just above the freezing mark, the temperature dropping more than the Steve had predicted at 9:00 pm the night before. Sour Mash gives the disclaimer, and with the freshly painted Lion’s Den shovel flag firmly anchored in the cold turf, we pledge our allegiance. Warm Up Mosey around the lot, with some backwards running, high knees, and butt kickers. [Read More]

Lion's Den Official Launch

Eighteen PAX braved the unusually chilly March morning to join Red Ryder and Sour Mash in the launch of Lion’s Den at St. Mary Magdalene. The allure of bacon drew PAX from the far reaches of Carpex, including North Cary and even Raleigh. Warm-up: Mosey around the parking lot, backwards run, karaoke left/right, circle-up. SSH, GM, Plank Jacks, Control Freak Merkins The Thang: Partner-up Burp Back Mountain (100 burpees) one partner runs backwards up hill/stairs while other does burpees Apple turnover (100 star jumps) partner 1 - bear crawl 2 spaces, crab walk 3 spaces partner 2 - star jumps Apple turnover (200 CDDs) partner 1 - bear crawl 4 spaces, crab walk 4 spaces partner 2 - CDDs Recover on mosey w/ little Indian run for fun One partner does merkins, other runs around courtyard/stairs. [Read More]

Y'all Hear That???

At 0515, YHC started the fellowship mosey of a half-mileish to that newest of AOs, Lion’s Den, with Hello Kitty and Smithers in tow. Who doesn’t want a brand-spanking new AO virtually in their back yard? Upon arrival Sour Mash is there with the newly purchased but not yet completed shovel flag. Soon a Baker’s Dozen PAX have assembled and the clock strikes 0530. One FNG, the disclaimer is pronounced, Allegiance is pledged, and Sour Mash takes the reigns. [Read More]

It's Better When Sooey Is Here

Another dark, rainy, gloomy Carpex morning, perfect conditions for a Duck. Warm-Up Mosey down to the end of the parking lot and circle up for hillbillies, burpees, cotton pickers, Sir Fazios, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. The Thang Mosey over to the railings between the soccer fields for Australian pull-ups and irkins, starting at 10, descending down to 1, but making the last round 10 reps again, just for fun. [Read More]

Recycled Q

When YHC performed his final posting of the Old Q summary to slack, there was an opening at one of his top AO’s. It’s been quite a while since the PAX has been subjected to a Hotspot Q, so YHC signed up before sending out a fully filled in Qlist for the week. Well, Thursday night rolled around, and there was a plan that needed to be written. YHC grabbed my dusty Weinke from the garage, and pulled out one of the many slips in there. [Read More]

The Plank

I’d run out of vacation time to get outta town and excuses not to VQ so here we are… Little did I know Dante’s would be hosting the Chipolte Qvergence in support of our brothers Liverpool and Water Wings trip to Peru. 43 HIMs posted on a fine spring morning in February, 3 FNGs taboot! Disclaimer and Pledge. Following the Dante’s Peak tradition we mosey down the circle for warm ups, we hardly fit… nice! [Read More]