Sweating up the stairwells

Not tired, just getting cranked up. Q 7 of 10 at THE Cary/Apex AO, Bradford’s Ordinary. Tclaps to Ollie and Term for escorting YHC in on the meow mile this morning. A sack of tanks are at the ready, Mini Me is in the house, and we’re off sans FNGs at 0545. Warm-up: Mosey towards town hall stopping at the lot by the train tracks. Good morning, SSH, other stuff (I can’t remember anything at this point…) Mumble is strong, even from the Q, this is gonna be a good time. [Read More]


It was November 2014 when YHC and Michelob first posted to Ateam. At our one year F3aversary in November 2015, then Site Q’s Denali and Grease Monkey handed off the shovel flag to us to man for the next 2.5 years. We supposed it was time to share the honor with some HIM who hadn’t had the opportunity to do so yet. McCants already had the Q for today, so YHC requested it from him under the guise of “I’m leaving town and wanted to Q before I leave” – He bought it :-) [Read More]

fartsacking @$$ - expectations were high

Coming off (or not) an epic SNS beatdown that Burt led for YHC’s fartsacking @$$ there were expectations that needed to be met. Go Time 0545 Jog to PoPo house and circle up. Some regular, side, and backwards run 30x SSH 15x Peter Parkers 20x merkins 15x Parker Peters Sir Fazio (bc someone thought they needed it) The Thang: Partner up for 5 rounds of the parking garage 4 stations, 2 on ground level, 2 on the top level at each stairway Station 1 20x American Hammers Station 3 20x LBCs Stations 2 & 4 15x Partner Derkins Wrapped up with one for the shelf. [Read More]

Listen Up....I don't hear Pet Sounds

Date: June 13, 2018 Weather: Humid, 83 degrees, cloudy 40 Pax total, including 17 for Vespers. What a group! 5:45. No Pet Sounds (he did make Refinery). Burt takes the Q. Warm up: Mosey to the gate, head to other side of the gate for a standard warm up including 20 burpees, SSH, Merkins, Cotton Pickers, Good Mornings and Little Baby Jumping Jacks. Sprints up the hill (about 40 yards) with a prisoner run back down the hill. [Read More]

Crazy(ish) Phoenix

Banjo hit the Pax with news of his trip to the IR and naturally YHC jumped on the chance to Q Carpex’s premiere AO on a Saturday morning. And with the boys headed out for Crazy Train, we had to get a good beatdown in, in their honor as well. Fellowship run at 0605 (sorry Chipper who had been waiting since 0545 chomping at the bit) and the rest of the Pax arrive on-time for a 0630 start. [Read More]

No Pull-ups, No Problem

YHC started the morning with a nice little fellowship run with Hello Kitty. Got back to the flag and the PAX were already gathering. Nice mix of vets and new guys and guys we haven’t seen recently. 05:45, let’s roll! Warm-Up Mosey over to the parking lot next to Power Line Hill and circle up for hillbillies, side straddle hops, burpees, Sir Fazios and plank jacks. The Thang Mosey over towards Power Line Hill but take a surprise right turn and head down the stairs to the baseball field. [Read More]

10-counts for dayz

Disclaimer, even with no FNGs. Better safe than sorry. Ready to go at 5:44:45, but…waited for official start. Warmup: Run ¼ mile to softball field lot (backwards run, karaoke right, regular, karaoke right(left), regular, karaoke right, backwards run, regular, curb slalom to loosen up the hips) Circle up near the playground for GM x 10 SSH x 36 Thang: Split up 1s and 2s. 1s go do 10 pullups at the playground OYO, 2s LBCs. [Read More]

The Vandals Sack Rome

The day is June 2nd. The year is AD 455. Rome is being sacked for the third time. Today, we are the Vandals who will take the city. Today’s Playlist 06:30 – FNG Check – we have one, Noah – Disclaimer – LET’S ROLL Jog around the over to the secret garden for a warmup. Good Mornings / Side Straddle Hops / Cotton Pickers / Imperial Walkers / Merkins / Mountain Climbers / Plank Jacks [Read More]

Memorial Day Tribute

On a day set aside to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice 57 HIMs made a statement of gratitude, respect and admiration for the fallen by way of sweat, tears and even a little blood. First things First: 10 brave HIMs participated in an EC Murph at 0600. Pierogi, Hermes, Oofta, Ollie, Banjo, Old Maid, Squatter, Captain Kirk, Joe Smith, Tecumseh, WWW, Sky Blue and Michelob. Excellent work gentlemen! [Read More]

Laying some Pipe with a Build-A-Bear VQ

30 Pax convened in the gloom, roughly 15 more than I expected. And they brought props! No, I did not tag everyone, and my apologies. Despite capturing the names immediately after COT, I have lost my notes. No FNG’s this day, let’s get started! Quick count-a-rama and we’re off to the Bocci parking lot at Kildaire and Lochmere for a warm-up! Warm-up: SSH Good Morning Dragon Pose Stretch, 10-count, swap 10-count 4-count calf-stretch Merkin’s - 10 each side Sir Fazio Arm Circles for good measure Thang 1: Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot, split the pax into two roughly equal parts [Read More]