"I am rather inclined to silence" Abraham Lincoln

28 HIMs showed up for my VQ and TCLAPS to Liverpool for the EC run (Hoping if I tired him out enough he would limit the MC he promised to deliver. Today I learned never to underestimate that man and his ability to talk) 0530 hit, disclaimer and we recited the pledge. Checked my weinke and it said mosey so we did. Warm-Up Ran the path along the railroad tracks - stopped at the batting cages and 5 burpees OYO - remember the batting cages [Read More]

As you wish*

Well, a day passed, and so did a year. First post and Q of the new age, at the greatest AO in Downtown Apex on a Thursday morning. Tossed the notion of an EC run out there, and I was joined by the Site Q in training, Sub, and the craziest man in Carpex right now, @djvtec (who has just signed on as the sixth man, on the 6-man 2019 BRR team, aptly named F3 Carpex Pick up the Six (TM) (R). [Read More]

Shortcut to the Playground

AO: Bounty Hunters After two plus weeks away from F3 (travel and holidays) it was more than time to hit it hard. Anticipating this situation weeks prior, YHC signed up for a lonely slot on the Bounty Hunter Q-sheet…2 days after Christmas. It was more than worth it. Called an EC 2.5 miler, fellowship pace, first at 0515, only to be politely corrected by Sub, reminding of the 0530 workout start time…revised it to 0500 and off we went: YHC, Sub and Build-a-Bear, for a friendly jog around the block, 11 other HIMs joining on time (well, all except for Shut-in, who just may have been late). [Read More]

HSP Running Circuit

Nice temperature break in the mid-40s for 20 PAX at Hunter Street Park today. Lots to do in the park and throughout downtown Apex at this AO, but the half-mile loop around the athletic fields is a must-do. Here’s how we made use of it. Warm-Up Short jog to parking lot and circle up 20 SSH, IC 15 Hillbillies, IC 20 MCs, IC 20 Wide-grip Merkins 10 Windmills Circuit Run counter-clockwise around 0. [Read More]

Calories Melting Like Snow

The morning was cold but not as cold as we all expected; 31 degrees vs an expected 27- yay Global warming! We had 15 men turnout to challenge, cheer, and celebrate each other. After a brief disclaimer from the law firm of Oxtail, nervous, and chilly LLP, we turned north for our warm up run. Let the self questioning and labored breathing begin! Below are the work out details. Mosey from flag to 1st lot for warm up – curb albert on arrival Warm up 1 - Good Morning - 14 [Read More]

Christmas Tour D'Apex

14 gathered on a beautiful crisp Thursday morning in December. I love tacky Christmas decorations, so we will go on a tour of DT Apex Beignet Food Truck for warm up SSH x 15 IW x 15 GM x 10 Jump Squats x 15 Pizza Hut Merkins, Squats, WW2s x 5 Cigar Shop Merkins, Squats, WW2s x 10 Apex Baptist Merkins, Squats, WW2s x 15 Sun Trust Merkins, Squats, WW2s x 20 [Read More]


Pre-Blast 14 Him joined YHC for 2.12 miles of Burpaliciousness. We sang Hail to the Victors too. Michigan beat UNC last night. That is all. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run a one mile warmup stopping for 20 Burpees OYO in honor of late PAX. Circle up at the skate park for: GM, Windmill, Sir Fazio AC/Seal Clap/OHC/MNC/Sir Fazio, 84 SSH (Michigan’s point total last night). Partner up. [Read More]


FNG Check / Disclaimer / Lets Go Warm Up - Mosey up the hill and around the back of the track to the far end. Circle up! Warmup featuring GM // OC // SM // SSH Partner up. CMIYC with 10 Merkins to the Crossroads of the Town Hall, or the ‘Eye of the Sharknado’ as it were. Plank Hold until everyone is in. Mosey together to the back of the complex. [Read More]

Sharknado: Part Deux

The Sharknado - it has become YHC’s favorite circuit routine next to the Murph in recent years, and has become the official benchmark test of downtown Apex’s finest AO, Bounty Hunters. The idea is to test your endurance abilities 3 times per year to see if you are making incremental improvements, and also…because its Thursday. (hopefully not infringing on any trademark laws surrounding The Maynard’s slogan) Warm-up run from the flag to the Apex Town Hall courtyard, circle up [Read More]

Calm Before the Storm

Pre-Blast 11 HIM joined YHC for a calm-before-the-brr-storm workout at BH. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the community center, paint the lines. Circle up for: SSH, St. Merkins, Freddie Mercuries, Imperial Walkers. The Thang****s Grab a partner. 7’s/Catch Me if You Can: drop and do five Merkins while your partner backpedals across the parking lot, sprint to catch him. Then, your partner drops for five Merkins while you backpedals. [Read More]