The most fun I have other than Q’ing / leading men through workouts is scouring the exicon for workouts. This particular preparation was fun to develop. As I was trying to figure out what to put together, it dawned on me. The HIMs needs some HFT EDUCATION. The exicon is full of great ideas but what is challenging is making the final selection. As I read through the definition of the exercises to make sense of what the definition is, some are not easy to imagine. [Read More]

Wow, things are changing around here

I had the honor today to Q at the still relatively new Hot for Teacher - just minutes away from where i used to live about 10 years ago. Although I drive by here frequently, I can’t believe the development… oh well - its 530 - off we go. Oh wait - FNG - just for grins - i had Nature Boy do the disclaimer - (well worth it). I do hope that FNG Bobby Boucher does return…. [Read More]

Bricks and Burpies

My name is Chicken Little and I began F3 on June 5th, 2019 with Banjo as the Q at Lion’s Den. I feel that I was hooked almost immediately, after several other PAX that I’m friends with told me that I needed to come to F3. I was like, “yeah right, who begins to work out at 5:30 anyway?!” And then I remembered that I was fat… and realized that what I WAS doing was not working. [Read More]

Straight Vanilla

14 showed up for a very sticky Thursday morning at Olive Chapel Elementary. 3 for EC runs, 1 for ECP, maybe a couple others I didn’t get sorry if I missed you. And it finally happened, Wake Zone right across the street opened! Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - I am not a professional, F3 has no assets, but our golf tournament apparently has a war chest that you might be able to raid Pledge of allegiance There will be no theme, just running and doing stuff. [Read More]

It was a wheelbarrow of a time with Merkins, taboot! Luckily, QIC/YHC had extra gloves for those who showed up in the gloom without any.

Date: 9/5/19 PAX: Butt Fumble, Cataracts, Chicken Little, FNG Dreamliner, Frisco, Glow, Headroom, Oxtail, Prosecco, QueeQueg, Qwerty, Shipper, Slappy, Smithers, Taxi Driver, Wahoo, WWW The morning was beautiful with a comfortable 70 degrees. As the PAX showed up, I asked those who did not have any gloves as they stepped out of their chariot, why no gloves? Luckily, QIC/YHC was prepared and handed those without gloves extra gloves that I did have. [Read More]

DLR's Choice!

YHC got on the signup sheet for this site months ago, right when it went live! Who knew I’d get busy at work and home, and let the fitness slide a bit (a LOT). So, with a Q on the horizon, I JUMPed back on the bandwagon last week to try to get my DROP DEAD LEGS back in shape. With all the BRR prep out there, I thought it would be nice to NOT run too far today and to get in some flexibility where we could. [Read More]

Calculated Risks

In the summer of 1993, YHC and his M had just graduated with our respective Bachelor’s degrees from The Dub (UNCW). My dad was a building contractor with a small crew of 2 men, and had just signed a contract to build a house. I was in need of gainful employment over the summer before starting grad school at UNC. So the M and I spent 12 somewhat awkward weeks in the summer of ‘93 living with my parents and spending some weekends at our freshly rented apartment in Chapel Hill. [Read More]

Def Leppard is still the King

When: 08/1/19 QIC: Pet Sounds Sooey, Deuce, Short C, Slappy, HAM, Chick Lit, Cataracts, Red Ryder, Qwerty, Shipper, Hanson, Two Factor, But Fumble, Triple, Lindy, Qu Qued, Oxtail, Head Room ,Traffic Cone, WWW, Pet Sounds Warm up - Mozy lap to pick up Two Factor, We did stuff then got bricks, then ran to the park, Circle back up at the head of the Greenway Trail Thang 1 7s Hills Repeats - Bottom 2 Upper Cuts/2 Jabs, Top Merkins Mary [Read More]

Hot for Thursday

19 showed up for a beautiful Thursday morning at Olive Chapel Elementary. It was 64, low humidity, and the sun was just starting to come up. Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - I am not a professional, F3 has no assets (did a lawyer actually make sure I can’t be sued? Should I get that umbrella policy GEICO keeps trying to sell me before I Q again? Too late to ask these questions, it’s time to go) Pledge of allegiance First Thang: Map! [Read More]

And Here's To You Mrs. Johnson

While planning my first Q at Hot For Teacher, I thought back to my school days. I don’t remember most of my teachers, but I remember Mrs. Johnson. She was a mean old witch who pushed her students hard and didn’t tolerate any nonsense. I hated her back then, but now I wish my own 2.0 could have a teacher just like her. With that inspiration, here’s what we did. [Read More]