Piranha Park Pyramids

Forgetting to have picked the Q at last weeks Piranha Park’s hard launch as per site tradition, the Q was chosen at the popup Stone Cutters AO this past Wednesday. YHC had about 3 days to plan what is only my 3rd Q for a 60-minute boot camp. Inspiration struck when I saw the Carpex Core Challenge for the day was an 18-exercise pyramid (thanks Prodigal). Warmups Cloudy and 60 degrees. [Read More]

Piranha Park Launch!!

When: March 6th, 2021 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Trike, Triple Lindy, Peeping Tom, Yahoo, Overflow, Red Ryder, Clockwork, Side out, Theismann, Open Concept, Snots, Old Maid, Mr. Safety, Ninjago, Queequeg, Flenderson, Nothing Special, Track Star, YHC Earhart 19 PAX gathered to launch the newest, Saturday AO in Apex, Piranha Park! After 127 days of soft launching, YHC and Peeping Tom finally made it official and 17 others were there to celebrate. [Read More]

ABC, Easy as 1-2-3, Simple as Do-Re-Mi

With expectations high for a sophomore Q and accompanying backblast, I opted for a simple schoolhouse theme in honor of the Hot for Teacher AO. A lovely, moonbright, 40-degree morning for a workout. Again, lots of ECers and although I was not one of them, I did show up a bit earlier to check off the Carpex Core Challenge, courtesy of Prodigal. Warmup Trick mosey, then: Side-straddle hop IC 15-count. Imperial walkers IC 15-count. [Read More]

Heaven is a Halfpipe

This backblast is a little late coming as it is from my birthday Q on 8/20, but as you get older you tend to forget things. Any way, as most are aware it’s BRR season and another HIM suggested those of us running the BRR should be sure to take all the open Q slots for BRR inspired workouts. Well, one of my typical training routes goes right through HFT and from the light at Olive Chapel and Kelly Road to Kelly at Beaver Creek Commons appeared to be the perfect “halfpipe” if you will. [Read More]

Tank Tops are Easy

Like all Thursdays, I woke up and grabbed my Pineapple tank top (it’s a real crowd pleaser) and headed out the door. As you know, Carpex Thursdays are of the tank top variety and in these peak heat and humid North Carolina mornings, they’re the next best thing to going full Headroom and rocking nips out. I rolled up to the flag early and was pumped to see HIM after HIM stroll in rocking their tank tops too. [Read More]

Moist for teacher

It was moist today. Humid. Muggy. Sticky. Steamy. Oppressive. Clammy. Soupy. Heavy. Like a Turkish bath. Thank god it wasn’t dank. That would have been too much. Pre: Drive 21 minutes from home to H4T. Check on first option for Thang 1 but decide it’s too dark. Check on second option for Thang 1 and decide it’s a bit too overgrown. Decide to go with third, and most obvious option. [Read More]

Down and dirty

POGL maybe, but they really should sweep the parking lots occasionally. YHC thought it was just me, but the PAX complained as well. Enough bitching. Warm-up Mosey to the park, butt kickers, high knees, backwards run. At the parking lot, warm up shoulders and get the heart-rate up a little. Thing 1 Partner catch-me if you can. Two laps around play area with burpees (x5). Two laps around with star jumps (x10). [Read More]

PAX got educated about PRIDE AND EGO.

AO: HFT Date: 12/19/19 PAX: Bobby Boucher, Cataracts, Crimson, Flenderson, Frisco, Hamm, Henny Penny, Oxtail, QueeQueg, Slappy, Theismann, FNG Shake It, Short Circuit, Shut-In, Traffic Cone, Two Factor, Wahoo, Yahoo, WWW, We did have an FNG so we recited the F3 mission, core values and credo cited. Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory and 16 of us head off for the workout and 3 head in the other direction to get in a 5+ miler (Shut In, Slappy, Two Factor). [Read More]

Lazy Dora

//********************************** // Includes //********************************** #include <iostream.h> #include <thread.h> /* pull in Recover, OnYourSix, Stretch, Mosey, Burpee, BearCrawl, Merkin, PlankJack, CircleUp, SideStraddleHops, ImperialWalkers, SirFazioArmCircles, SealClaps, OverheadClaps, MorrocanNightClubs, Plank, PartnerUp, LBCs, SixInchHold, Squats, SquatHold, PickleCompleted, OneHundreds, WorldWarIIs, PicklePounders, AmericanHammers, HaveANiceDay, CountPAX */ #include "Exicon.h" using namespace std; using namespace F3; //********************************** // Defines //********************************** #define I_WORKOUT_TIME_SECS (60 * 45) #define I_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PAX 50 //********************************** // Globals //********************************** int giOverallWorkoutTimer_secs = 0; string gsPaxF3Names[I_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PAX]; bool gbFlagFellAndSourMashHadToFixIt = true; bool gbPartnerCaughtUp = false; //********************************** // Function Prototypes //********************************** extern void LoadPaxNames(string sPaxNames[I_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PAX]); void Thread_TrackTotalWorkoutTime(); void CheckForFNGs(); void WarmUpStretches(); void CircleUpExercises(); void LazyDora(); void BearCrawlCatchMeIfYouCan(); void Mary(); //********************************** // Function Definitions //********************************** /********************************** Author: Brian Newberry Date: December 5, 2019 Function Name: main Arguments: None Return: None Description: This function will hold the structure of the workout and will begin at 5:30 AM. [Read More]

And recover. ( thanks Shut-in)

We are four days in to the week and this is my third Q. I’m not sure how some of you Q for an entire week, my brain hurts from coming up with the workouts almost as much as my legs do from doing the workout. Anyways, always happy to wake up super early to lead the Pax. Here goes my third Q. No fng’s so said the pledge and mosey around the pickle. [Read More]