Hot and Fresh

YHC went to bed last night with a great workout planned, the perfect preparation for the upcoming Krispy Kreme Challenge. Unfortunately weather and circumstances conspired against me, so a new plan was formulated shortly before we began. Warm-Up Start off with the Pledge at the Flag, then mosey over to the bank for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, good mornings, mountain climbers and calf stretches. The Thang Stay at the bank for 22’s. [Read More]

Workout at BO

14 dudes worked out in 32 degree weather with a nippy wind chill. Mission of F3 Safety Warm up with stretching, exercises and sprints Double 7s in Baptist Church Lot. Burbees, Hand release Merkins and Jump Squats ManMaker Ladder on Academy. Up to 5. I.E (1, merkin, 1 plank jack, 1 jump with a clap) up to 5 man makers with 5 Merkins, 5 plank jacks and 5 jumps with a clap) [Read More]

Not My Finest Hour (and 20 minutes)

Where do I start? The beginning is always a good place. So I woke up at 5:10 am, the exact time I posted the Danger Zone EC run would start. Feeling completely refreshed and well rested, and not yet comprehending what was going on, I went to the bathroom to get ready and take care of some business. Still in no particular hurry because I wasn’t yet grasping the situation. [Read More]

Pajama Party @ FWD

Little late here in writing this BB….sorry folks! Tuesday, 11/20. 17 HIMS met up at FWD for a morning full of fun, some, 1, still wearing Pajamas. But I am no fashion police. Quick intro to the PAX and we are off. WARMUP Quick jog from the parking lot, to the first playground. Dang its dark. First fail of the morning and we are only a minute in. I did a recon the day before and thought, why don’t we use this first playground? [Read More]

Very Slippery

20 great men got up and came out to SWW. We did a slow jog around parking lot to a warm up, standard 23 Merkins for Gibson, 10 Windmills and 10 PlankJacks. We ran over to Hill on Kildare, we did 5 Carolina Dry Docks on every other light pole. Then we did some hill sprints and some LBC’s, back to picnic shelter for some Frey Daddy Speed Racers. We did 15 dips followed by 1 lap, then 2 and finished with 3 laps. [Read More]

What a Cluster

Here’s an idea; pax show up and we put all of their names in a hat and draw at random to lead parts of the beatdown. Aye? Aye! 22 on hand, 1 is an FNG. Quick disclaimer and send the men to the library. Warm ups: Pickles Cluster 1: Burt is pulled and he calls random Jack Webb’s … signature move Cluster 2: Red Lobster gets pulled out of the hat and takes the pax to the fountain for 3 rounds of bear crawls and lunges while partner pax amrap exercises. [Read More]

99 percent participation became 100 percent

So for my second Q YHC decide to Q at the place I posted for the Second time, and place that has become a favorite of mine Bradfords Ordinary As we waited for pax to arrive a few comments were made about the sweatshirt I was wearing and lack of tank top. I did wear the tanktop and shed the coat, Loom put the tank top over his F3 shirt prompting Burt to say we had 99% percent participation in TTT. [Read More]

Disco Duck was the Q

Thanks to Term Paper for swapping Q’s with me this week, I’ve been looking forward to leading a downtown Cary workout in the morning for a change. Another beautiful morning in downtown Cary, three PAX (Chipper, Lite-Brite, Yoga Mat) for the Meow Mile EC run, zero PAX drinking EC milk, lots of guys in orange shirts. Thanks to Burt for bringing a bag of extra orange shirts #OrangeForDarth Some of the PAX noticed a TV news crew at the corner of Academy and Chatham, so let’s head that way. [Read More]

Flacco's Shock & Awe!

DATE: September 27, 2018 QIC: Sabre AO: Bradford’s Ordinary PAX: (including Bruisers) 29 total gathered in Gloom of DTC (23 boot camp, 6 Bruisers, including a 1-legged Kitty, or is it Das Boot?!) 8 respects , 6 hates, 0 FNGs So I learned what “shock & awe” pre-blast means to Flacco – it means that he is going to hype an epic beatdown, then scoot out-of-state, give the ole neighbor a call to say …. [Read More]