The concrete doesn't actually obliterate your hands

Many of you know that I sometimes go lift after F3. I learned several months ago that doing an EC Run, posting for a beatdown, and then going to the gym usually just leads to a half-assed lifting session, and I stopped doing that. Well, last night I wasn’t thinking clearly and set my alarm for the EC Run knowing I was going to lift after. So,….I really just cheated myself out for 30 minutes of sleep this morning, and I was having some fantastic dreams fishing in Alaska. [Read More]

Shawn's Bullpen

Got word that the Lowther (aka Chanticleer) Household was experiencing some sicknesses so I was ready to answer the call. Thursday 7 PM it was official, I would be running the show at GT. You know, I am the 3rd-wheel site Q there. And it has been a long time since I have Q’d, so it was meant to be. 13 gathered, 2 had on backpacks, one drove a 15 passenger van, and all where hoping to see Chanticleer. [Read More]

You broke your cherry

It truly was a glorious morning at Bradford’s Ordinary…until my Co-Q decided to throw me into the fire. Having gone to Q School on Sunday, and living by the Boy Scout motto of semper paratus, I planned out what was supposed to be my portion of the workout - disclaimer, warm up, and Mary/COT. I even communicated my plans to my Co-Q for confirmation. I practiced my exercises and cadence calls with my 2. [Read More]

Modify the Modification

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 Vesper Runners and Boot campers headed their separate ways. Bootcampers mosey to Community center for warm up of various exercises and good mornings led by Nature Boy. Mosey to the kiosk. Modified 11s, iffin you can call it that. 10 prom night merkins at the top, 10 dips at Sertoma, Burpees, 1…….11 each time you pass the kiosk Run to top of the Hill, around pole, prom night merkins, back to kiosk, burpees, to Sertoma and around the back end, dips, back to kiosk, and repeat. [Read More]

The Long Road

It all sounded like a good idea, until we started doing it. Warm up A quick mosey around the parking lot and onto the lower soccer field SSHs Sir Fazios – front and back Plank jacks Calf stretches – both sides Mountain climbers Ernie Davis Heisman’s The Thang Mosey to the middle of FOD’s long road and partner up for modified 7s or “14s”. Partner one up the hill for 12 LBCs; partner 2 down the hill for 2 WWIIs; reverse and meet in the middle for 10 partner merkins. [Read More]

Core Principles

We moved, we sweat, we got going like a turbo vette! It was a swampy morning at Gran Torino, so we just jumped into it. Warmup: Good Mornings - Pretty weak on the Nature Boy imitations SSH Merkins LBC’s Merkins We’re off The Thang: 4 groups of 2, one group of 3 on the soccer field. We ran opposite directions around the perimeter of the soccer field, and met for 10 LBC’s. [Read More]

Hey There!

Started the morning with an EC run. I can’t remember who I ran with but while we were running a young man on his bike rode by, stopped and then came back to us and asked if we were with F3. Of course we said yes, told him where to go, and headed to the flag. His hospital name is Niko (with an N) and since he had posted in Davidson, his F3 name is “Hey There. [Read More]

Four More Years!

YHC joined F3 four years ago, and Ma Bell was the Q at my first workout. Back then there was only one AO per day, Monday through Friday, and he was Q’ing the whole week to celebrate his 50th birthday. Remember that number, it will be important later. I found the backblast from that first post and modified the workout for today, with Ma Bell’s assistance. It was a little tougher than a normal Disco Duck beatdown. [Read More]

Lets see what sticks...

YHC had not Q’d since we sent the guys to Peru so I was long overdue. A cool and clear spring morning brought strong numbers out to Salem Elementary. EC guys rolled in with a minute to spare and after a piecemeal disclaimer we began. Warm Up Good Mornings Windmills Sixty Second Arm Circles (Check out the exicon, I think I did them justice but confusion ensued!) Sprinkler (Another exicon gem, looked more like a Heisman pose or awkward prom dance move) [Read More]

that sucked

When: 06/03/2019 QIC: Pet Sounds Water Wings, Anger Elf, Sub, Bogo, PBX, Prodigal, Peeping Tom, Snots, Highlighter, Napster, Flacco, Pivot, Pet Sounds Warm up - lap around construction to the soccer field, 25ic SSH, 40OMD Merkins, 19IC Imp Walkers, mozy back to flag for gifts Thang 1 With Bricks the remainder of beatdown Mozy back to the soccer field - 4 Corners 10 OYO Burpees as each corner 15 OYO something 20 OYO - Merkin w reverse fly at top alternating arms (audible to 10) Sumo Jump Squats 20 OYO Jump Lunges Mid Term Mary - WW American Hammers Lap with bricks over head 2 laps R/L 2 brick/1hand curls Lap wings - fly baby fly Mary [Read More]