Getting FAT w/ Red Baron aka Eagle One

With Eagle One in town, you know him as F3 Red Baron (but truth be told he will always be Dad), I had to ask the QIC’s for this day if YHC could steal a spot. Tclaps to Red Ryder for stepping aside. Brother, I owe you one. So, with Red Baron sitting shot-gun to Wolverine we went. Pax huddled up, with an FNG on-hand and a stellar disclaimer, we were off. [Read More]

Super Supermen and Pull-Ups from down under, just another typical morning at Bradford's Ordinary.

YHC woke up early on this Thursday morning, fine tuning the v-beatdown and concerned that there was not enough goodness on the agenda. The perfect weather and Burt’s bag o tanks (which appeared to be a schmedium on YHC) put my mind at ease. Warm Up - Flacco took us through the Pledge, then on the scenic mosey to the bank where we indulged in Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Standard Merkins, along with a lovely Runner’s Stretch. [Read More] the magic number

Surprise! The PAX thought they were getting 2 weeks in a row of the mighty mighty Sabre, but since he saved my arse last week when I was sick, the least I could do is return the favor. Sabre is down and out, so YHC jumped in, relishing the opportunity to escape germ-infested Montgomery Manor! Such a glorious morning, with many celestial wonderments lighting the sky, and a few imaginary moving objects to be discussed from Riptide’s trip last night. [Read More]

FNGs Abound

The PAX recruiting game showed up strong on this A.M. as we had 3 FNGs make their way into the gloom. The Disclaimer was necessary. As I type this I am just now realizing I forgot to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a priority and so I recognize now the men and women who go and have gone into harms way to protect the liberties that we as a United States of America hold as unalienable. [Read More]

Triple down celebrations

Feb 5th. 5/2. Fifth of February. So many reasons to celebrate……it’s the 36th day of 2019 (Gregorian calendar), it’s the start of the 4716th Chinese New Year (Year of pig) and it’s also Red Ryder’s M’s birthday, who I believe was turning 21 (approximately). With so much excitement to come, YHC started the customary countdown to the start of the beatdown at 3 minutes…..eventually the clock ticked down and we were ready to go…. [Read More]

Hills for the Kulak Krew!

Wow – beautiful morning at the ole Danger Zone – crisp & cool with beautiful stars and a sliver of a moon. My man Flacco had the Q, but asked me to step in as he is under the weather – “my pleasure” as they say at Chick-fil-a – hope you feel better quickly! The PAX gathered with the site Q expertly giving parking commands – Klown Kar of Kulaks was a most welcome sight! [Read More]

Hot and Fresh

YHC went to bed last night with a great workout planned, the perfect preparation for the upcoming Krispy Kreme Challenge. Unfortunately weather and circumstances conspired against me, so a new plan was formulated shortly before we began. Warm-Up Start off with the Pledge at the Flag, then mosey over to the bank for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, good mornings, mountain climbers and calf stretches. The Thang Stay at the bank for 22’s. [Read More]

Half-Century Mountain

Upon checking the weather last night, I posed the ‘more PAX than degrees Fahrenheit challenge’ to the Twittersphere. This ended up being way closer a proposition than we thought it’d be! 25 > 22. With our strong crew of 8, take a lap around the parking lot, and venture into the park. Pause for a warmup consisting of 10 x GM (here comes Pivot) 1 penalty burpee 10 X IW [Read More]

Supercharged, modified and sliding at FOD

A nice morning at FOD. 27 PAX made there way to west Cary to celebrate Liverpool turning 50 and earning the title of RESPECT. Just because he is now with us in the 50’s doesn’t mean he gets an easy workout. All came ready to have some fun and be challenged. Warm up Pledge Run to back of lot 1 - 5 Good mornings Run to back of lot 2 - 10 Imperial Walker with a squat in between Run to back of lot 3 - 112 Supercharged SSH (4 rounds of descending SSH. [Read More]

A new Dora, was it 24 or 22?

Great morning a Wolverine – excellent group of high impact men! All familiar faces - no FNG to to brief…. The Warm-up: Start with the pledge, mosey around the pickle to basketball court & circle up Good mornings, windmills (tough to count for some reason!), SSH, calf stretches with merkins, air chair with chinooks The Thang! Mosey south along the running trail to the big parking lot. Fast feet, bear crawl, curb dips, crab back…. [Read More]