A hill 'o beans

Twice as many reps as beans in a can. Introduction For some reason Frisco’s pre-blast was reminiscing about the time he watched Casablanca whilst eating cold baked beans from a tin, washing them down with a cocktail of absinthe and Dr. Pepper. However, interesting fact, the workout I planned had approximately twice as many reps in it as there are beans in a standard can. So, remarkably on point. [Read More]

Sound the ALARMs

6 pax made it out to Rush Hour, the finest place to be on any given Tuesday evening. YHC made it out a little early to scout out a couple of obscure places. So as the start closed in, everyone had gathered to do a little stretching, as Press On got in some pullups. Once 6:00 hit, a disclaimer was given, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and we were off! [Read More]

Talking Myst in the Mist

Picking up and hanging with Capt Kirk is always a treat. He is a mumblechatter master. Put him in a workout together with Horatio and you have F3 Gold. Such it was this afternoon at RushHour. A fine mist (more on this in a bit) hung in the air as I called up the dear Captain to make sure he was indeed up for a DTC beatdown. Come 1740, as I pull up to his house, Kirk is on the phone with a friend (that infamous one-hit-wonder Spock, it turns out) lamenting the fact that it’s raining. [Read More]

Dusting the rust off

Well, F3 Carpex is back open, which is great! YHC has been posting fairly regularly throughout the past couple of months, but the one thing he hasn’t done is Q. Well, with the limit of gatherings to 10 people or less, when 20 people showed up for Hello Kitty’s 3 year Annie Very Sorry Q, the pax needed to be divided. Instead of letting Hermes Q his 73rd workout over the past 2 months, YHC stepped up and took the lead. [Read More]

We did our part.

YHC & Chanticleer for a safe distance EC run The government (and FUMC) approved 9 PAX showed up for a community safe distance workout. **Warm-UP **We circled up for Good Mornings, Windmill, Steve Earle, Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, and Plank Jacks. Mosey through the parking lot with some Karaoke and backward running thrown in for fun. **The Thang **Perform called exercises, either OYO of IC. If you have to stop ort take a break you are “penalized” by running 3 parking spaces ahead, as often as you need to. [Read More]

Draw A Card!

Tuesday Morning at Claymore 5 pax gathered in the gloom to get in some good work. So, after a sort of awkward greeting (as we were not exactly sure what to do with our hands, or at least YHC wasn’t. For anyone reading this in the future, the world was dealing with Coronavirus) and a quick disclaimer we were off moseying over to the playground side of the parking lot. [Read More]

Bartmanniversary V

Strange times. I’d like to think that five years ago when I ventured to A-Team for my first post, I knew I’d be back ITG today to commemorate it. I surely couldn’t have predicted anything else going on in the world this week. Just one day prior, YHC had rucked the OTB TRM thanks to Old Maid Productions. Not feeling tip-top shape today but let’s see what we can do. Good to meet some newer guys like Mama’s Boy and Shipyard. [Read More]

Chuck Norris Turns 80

March 10, 2020 marked the 80th b-day of Chuck Norris, so being Texas Ranger, I had to celebrate. Seven other lucky PAX came along with me at AO-Claymore. Warm-up: 80 SSH single count, 8 good mornings, 8 hill billy. Done. The Beatdown: We moseyed over to the rock pile and YHC instructed the PAX to pick out a big A*S rock. You know, one that Chuck Norris would be proud of. [Read More]

Respect for the LIBRARY

The Cary Community Library opened on Academy Street in 1977. Not quite a F3 respect, but worthy of our appreciation and recognition. I fondly remember many visits with my daughters for reading time and summer reading programs. Warm Up: Mosey to Baptist Church Good Evenings Nice and slow Sir Fazio Windmill Thang 1: L.I.B.R.A.R.Y. L- Lt. Dans: From the corner to the benches. Count of 10 I- Inch Worm. Benches to stone benches [Read More]

Danger Zone Hills with Pain Deck

Date: 3/6/2020 Warm-up: GM, daisy pickers, Sir Fazio, calf stretches with CFM and Eskimo merkins. Thang 1 Hill work with pain cards in between Spades - anvil Hearts - hand release burpees Diamonds - Merkins Clubs - Steve Earls Aces- PAX called ab exercise Thang 2 Mosey over to the rock pile for some global warming and rock work. Thang 3 Mosey to the soccer field for suicides. Mosey to the flag for 150s and have a nice day. [Read More]