Klingon Opera

I’m sorry…what? 13 PAX descended on downtown Cary, NC, a town formerly known as Bradford’s Ordinary. Personally, “Cary” is much easier to say so I’m thankful I don’t have to say I live in Bradford’s Ordinary, North Carolina. Either way, still better than saying that I live in Apex. WARM UP Quick jog over to the Bank for: SSH Calf stretches Merkins Good mornings Squats THE THANG Mosey over to the Ol’ Parking Deck for Double 11s. [Read More]

May the 4th Be With You: Light Side vs Dark Side Challenge

Disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance. (This Backblast is long….) Pre-Thang A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Away…. May the 4th CARPEX Light Side vs. Dark Side Challenge It is uneasy times in galaxy. The Galactic Republic is a memory and the Empire has taken its hold over everything. Emperor Palpatine has charged Darth Vader to send a team of Imperial Stormtroopers to collect Kyber crystals that were stolen by Bounty Hunters and that have been lost on the plant Endor. [Read More]

Rinse and repeat...

Some folks may be aware that YHC does not typically post on Tuesdays and Thursdays as those are the M’s mornings to go to the gym. Well, with the 1.0s in town, the unique opportunity has arisen for YHC to not only post, but jump on that Q sheet. So I decided to take my talents to downtown Cary, if for nothing else, free deodorant and beer. I just Qed on Friday so figured why not just run that bad boy back since only Wahoo was at that Q anyway and when I apologized that it was redundant, he didn’t seem to notice and stated, “They all run together at this point. [Read More]

No Mehs

Warm-Up Mosey over to the bank and circle up for warm-up. Hard to recall all of them but I’m pretty sure we did 4 burpess and 20 arm circles. The Thang Mosey safely across Chatham Street and make our way down Academy Street doing five monkey humpers at the odd light poles and ten merkins at the even light poles. Sevens at the Art Center, V-ups at the bottom of the stairs, bear crawl up the stairs, LBCs at the top, mosey down via the ramps on the sides. [Read More]

Papa Smurf

Surprisingly brisk mid-April conditions at North Cary Park this morning, so chilly even Ma Bell was wearing sleeves. Warm-Up Mosey around The Pickle back to the flag and circle up for control freak Good Mornings, imperial walkers, burpees, copperhead merkins and squats. The Thang Mosey down to the shelter for 11’s (since Callahan says 7’s aren’t a thing), left-right step-ups in the shelter, hand release merkins at the flag. Partner up, one partner runs The Pickle, one partner does irkins, dips and derkins. [Read More]

More miles please?

With the weather being a pleasant 48f this AM, 17 of Carpex’s finest came out in the gloom. Some appeared eager and did an EC, others didn’t. I am not one to judge, rather my purpose this morning was to Q. Let’s do this. Starting with: Pledge of allegiance Mozy to parking lot for warmups consisting of: Good mornings Seal claps Overhead claps Sir fazio arm circles Side stradle hops Mozy to top of trail path Thang 1: 7’s Plank Jacks & Sumo Squats Mozy past lake to parking lot [Read More]

this is the year

HAPPY OPENING DAY! We made it through another baseball offseason. And through another Q1. And through another gloomy gloomy winter. We got some sprinkles this morning, and I don’t think we cracked 50deg, but it was glorious nonetheless. Here’s what we did… Gather up, and oh snap, Bayonne’s here!! Awesome to see you back, man. 9 others rolled up including 2 via EC. Burt swaps his Dodgers jersey for a tank top, and I don my Matt Harvey jersey for potentially the last time. [Read More]

Rock around the Clock at the Big, Long Scottish Sword

A fine, forty-degree morning to Q what Frisco had told me was Carpex’s newest Tuesday AO, called Big, Long Scottish Sword. Apparently, site tradition holds that only one Site Q may preside at a time, today being the Thane of Pickles, and you have to imagine the flag. No FNGs, so let’s get to work. Warm up Backwards walk, high knee walk, and karaoke walk to the roundabout parking lot. [Read More]

A-Team GBBs!

Super excited to Q at A-Team this morning – it’s one of my favorite sites and is always loaded with High Impact Men. Speaking of HIM, @petsounds was there! So great to see him back in the gloom! Bootcamp-wise, I felt like trying something new – here’s what went down…. 15 total pax, 9 bootcampers, the remainers bruising/walking + 4 legged Manny! Pledge of course! Then mosey straight into the park to the top of the powerline hill for warm-up: good morning, windmill, hill-billy, mtn climbers, merkins, etc. [Read More]


Every year on the Ides of March, YHC has the distinct honor to celebrate the anniversary of his first F3 post. Today on the 6th installment I was honored once again to do so with my F3 Carpex brothers. We gathered outside the open gates* of Apex Community Park, home of A-Team, and noted the peak spring gloom, having endured a full 26 hours of Daylight Savings Time. 3/4ths of the ShieldRuck was on hand, one in a Cubs jersey #oversight. [Read More]