A Stroll Down Charlie Gaddy Lane

AO: Bradford’s Ordinary Workout Date: 08/12/21 Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) Jacob’s Ladder on Waldo 2) 5s on Charlie Gaddy Lane (jump squats/star jumps) for the retired WRAL Action News 5 legend 3) Number of the Beast down Academy to appease/quiet the mumble chatter https://www.strava.com/activities/5781333316 Mary: A variety of ab exercises. COT: 17 PAX (14 bootcampers, 3 walkers/ruckers) [Read More]

OG Bootcamp

With all the training for the BRR, I need more bootcamp in my life. The pythons are looking a little sickly (not in the good millenial phrasing way) and I may be a little loose in the cage. This week has been all about more balanced workout - and less miles. So when the chance to Q arguably the greatest AO location in all of Carpex popped up, I jumped all over it and decided to deliver an OG style bootcamp. [Read More]

bo bb

This was a tough day for sure. I’ll keep it limited an amplify the few things that are truly relevant: I’m thankful for Burt and his perpetual support of the PAX. Seeing that flag and the beer made my day. I’m thankful for Riptide. He was up early to let me know and not leave me hanging there. Great to see Foie Gras back after a devastating week. Here for you, man. [Read More]

Front Toward Enemy

AO: Claymore Workout Date: 08/10/21 I scoped out the park on the internet, but arrived too late to scout. With only a couple of minutes to spare, I peppered site Q Skipper with multiple AO-related questions. Hopefully this did not worry him too much. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Side Straddle Hops x20 In Cadence (IC) Good Mornings x5 IC Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward x10 IC [Read More]

Mosquito joy at the 'rok

Kids are out of town so of course all us nutters at F3 decide that’s a great time to post extra and maybe hit up sites that are normally off the books, right? Looked forward to this crew, knowing that it usually brings some faces that are less frequently seen in the gloom. So of course the first face I see when I roll up is Press On rocking a TCU Fear the Frog t-shirt. [Read More]

Conquering the Beast

Serious storms overnight, but a gap in the rain from 530 to 7 made for a great morning to workout. For my 6th anniversary, 6x6x6 (or the Beast) seemed appropriate, but I wanted to mix it up. We made 36 stops throughout Down Town Cary, and performed series’ of 6 exercises at each (sometimes throwing in 2 exercises at the stops) If you want to know what we did (sort of), see the image. [Read More]

7th Callahanniversary

Seven years is a significant amount of time regardless of how many years you’ve racked up to this point in your life. For me, it represents over 20% of my existence on this earth. I spent some time the last few days considering how much I have changed in that span of time. A 27-year-old, working as an inside sales rep at a failing wood mill is were it started. Sam, the salesman. [Read More]

Merlot, 3 Honors, no Murph, no coffee, blood, 1 bud light, & counting can be so freakin' hard!

Wow – crazy fun morning at BO! So very much was happening & I’m not sure if I can capture half of it…. here’s my version, my truth…. Men gathered at the flag, grumbling was evident as Flacco’s presence looms large these days of May…. Murph on the minds of the PAX. We did the mission, the pledge, & were off to tour the town. Loop around & head to the bank for warm-ups – executed under extreme mumble chatter – it was awesome! [Read More]

Will You Call My Name

2 1/2 years ago Pickles approached me with an idea to start a second limited run AO in Carpex. I was months behind on my membership dues but Pickles promised that he could “fix it” with the Leadership if I became a co-Site Q and started paying him directly in unmarked $10s and $20s (privilege of him being the Dues Collector, I guess). At first, I was worried. I was fairly new to F3 and unlike Mama’s Boy people actually liked me after their first post with me. [Read More]

The Danger "No Winkie" Zone

As I found myself at DZ this morning, I was welcomed by cool weather, with a chance of rain along with a bare forearm that is normally covered by the pro level winkie. Alas, today was the day to possible retire it, but no promises. Looking at 9 good looking HIM, with no FNGs, we turned towards the flag for the pledge. Quick lap around pickle for some warmups Mozy up the road to Railinc Corp for Thang 1: 7’s on the Stairs [Read More]