For Which It Stands

No shovel flag this morning, but there was a flag draped over a tree limb, so we pledged allegiance to it and then we were off. Warm-Up Mosey almost all the way around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, cotton pickers, Sir Fazios (all in perfect cadence) and then Nature Boy led us in the loudest Good Mornings ever. The Thang Mosey out of the park, take a right and head over to the office park next door. [Read More]

3 Traveling Jacks

• When: March 5th, 2019 • QIC: Earhart • The PAX: Hi-Liter, Press-On, Skipper (Ruck) YHC Earhart Another nice afternoon, albeit a little more chilly than last Tuesday’s, Hi-Liter beatdown. 3 HIM gather under the flags for an afternoon of traveling through downtown Cary. After the quick disclaimer and the pledge, we head out, around the back of the complex and to the grassy fields for: Warm Up Good evenings (a three count down, three count up) [Read More] the magic number

Surprise! The PAX thought they were getting 2 weeks in a row of the mighty mighty Sabre, but since he saved my arse last week when I was sick, the least I could do is return the favor. Sabre is down and out, so YHC jumped in, relishing the opportunity to escape germ-infested Montgomery Manor! Such a glorious morning, with many celestial wonderments lighting the sky, and a few imaginary moving objects to be discussed from Riptide’s trip last night. [Read More]

Running?! We don't need no stinkin' running!

I had so many witty things to say about Frisco and my competitive, can’t let things lie, defensive, out-to-prove-something nature that led me to Q Claymore. It’s inconvenient, unfamiliar, and starts at 0545. BUT, DANG-IT, I CAN Q WITHOUT RUNNING! However, we discussed “being known” beyond the superficial this morning, so I will try to live up to that. Here’s the snapshot of me circa 10pm on 05Feb2019: I am thoroughly exhausted after having worked 24 hours in the last 48 - after late nights in the lab on Saturday and Sunday; hoping I can make results by force of will and struggling to be a positive mentor/manager under the incredible stress of just needing s**t to work; coming home to an equally exhausted wife who has one child in bed early for punching his sister in the face, the second child in bed early with vomiting, and the third child (the punched sister) still up an hour and a half past bedtime clamoring for back rubs and screaming that she is having spooky, spooky, spooky, spooky, spooky, SPOOKY dreams (False - you’re not asleep) (UPDATE: M is now sleeping in her bed). [Read More]

Hills for the Kulak Krew!

Wow – beautiful morning at the ole Danger Zone – crisp & cool with beautiful stars and a sliver of a moon. My man Flacco had the Q, but asked me to step in as he is under the weather – “my pleasure” as they say at Chick-fil-a – hope you feel better quickly! The PAX gathered with the site Q expertly giving parking commands – Klown Kar of Kulaks was a most welcome sight! [Read More]

The Night was Lit, albeit wet

Well it was another beautiful evening gloom for a PAX of 6 at Rush Hour, and when I say another beautiful evening I mean we had a consistent rain on us the entire time. Which I had not factored in.. But it was all good, cause as we know F3 still happens rain or shine, and its always a great day to be alive, Amen? Amen! Warm Up First we jogged over to the parking lot just before Academy Street, and proceeded with following exercises: [Read More]

It works 60% of the time. Every time.

26 PAX gathered at the flag, with rumors of a mysterious FNG who was nowhere to be seen. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Mosey to the heart of Apex Community Park, the parking lot adjacent to the tennis courts. Along the way add in some butt kickers and karaoke. Circle up for a standard fare of SSHs, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Steve Earles, and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]


Lots going on at Shakin’ Not Stirred this morning. The Maynerds were off early, Insomnia runners, departed just after the last Maynerd group, and at 5:45 the Vesper and Bootcamp group were ready to get going. The Bootcamp hosted a baker’s dozen, and it went down like this: Tight circle and each man was instructed to identify a fellow PAX that he didn’t really know so well. That was to be your partner throughout the workout. [Read More]

Taming the unruly colonists

**Note: this is an account of Arsenal’s Q at Claymore, as reported by YHC, Pickles. Most of the facts here are actually true.** A couple of weeks back when YHC realized that Arsenal would be in town the idea sprang up that he should Q Claymore. Brilliant! Now, this was Arsenal’s first attempt at taming the unruly PAX of CARPEX. He had Q’d YHC and Arts n’ Crafts on a few of our business trips, but nothing official. [Read More]

Windchill Warrioring

Advice about being out in the cold from the Boy Scouts: layer up. Advice about being out in the cold from “To Build a Fire”: keep moving (and learn to build a fire) Advice about being out in the cold from Costco: Little Hotties are $30 for a box of 40. Advice about being out in the cold from my wife last night: “You’re an idiot” The PAX at A-Team this morning I think agreed with all of the above. [Read More]