Claymore EMOM

Headed to Claymore a bit early to scout out a spot to do PU’s. Turns out we got nothin there to hang from so it was time for an audible. Had some fun worked out on the tennis courts but need a bit more daylight so… audible II. 2 Frisco and Skipper enjoyed a morning walk together with heavy back packs, I think it was called something that rhymes with Puck. [Read More]

A-Team 5-year Anniversary 7-15-19

28 HIMs showed up to celebrate 5-years of wonderful workouts on Mondays! They were led by 108 years of experience on a classic tour of the site. Warm-Up WWW started the process with the standard disclaimer. There were no FNGs. We pledged allegiance to Old Glory and took off for a short run. WWW led us in GM, Abe Vigodas, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Eskimo Merkins (they are not cool), hamstring stretch, and runner’s stretch. [Read More]

This was a Gross morning

Most of you would agree that the humidity this morning was absolutely gross, which fit in perfectly with my plan for the morning. You see, today marked my 144th day since I started with F3, something that I randomly figured out while planning this workout yesterday. So it was only fitting that the workout be inspired by a “dozen dozen” or 144. After a nice EC ruck with Repeato which left us completely soaked with sweat, we waited for the crowd to gather. [Read More]

Friday, Fellowship, and Faith

17 Pax were out and ready for a solid beatdown. Partially true. Their were 17 pax there. But what started out as a fitness test quickly turned into a fellowship-pace-fitness-test-cluster. But that’s what F3 is about. It’s more than a workout and sometimes the workout is secondary to just being out there in the gloom with your bros. We got in a great beatdown, thanks to Callahan’s 3yr old “fitness test” he created but most of all we just had fun. [Read More]

It was quite Beige in the heart of Bradfords Ordinary

19 pax show up, everyone in one of Becky’s freshly pressed TT’s, no FNGs, gloves not required. Straight vanilla., or beige? 7 Rubberbands follow Angry Elf for stretching. The remaining 12 BOs head to the bank to warmup with various stuff. In plank position, Burt is called on …….. ? And he calls calf stretches. Yeah we were all thinking the same thing, waiting for it to sink in. Really? Shaking away the cobwebs, gathering his wits, he then has us going into a progression of calf stretches, merkins, and …. [Read More]


11 pax came for the beatdown. 4 for the first time to Claymore. 1 site Q was there (Frisco was not the one.) TCLAPS for Earhart making his way back out after a scare with his digestive system (and praises!) Sometimes you plan a workout and then you get to the site and realize there are 2-3 more tennis courts than you thought there were. Oops! I intended to keeps our bodies moving for 45 mins, and we did, but in doing so maybe we did too many miles. [Read More]

The Freedom Trail July 4th Convergence

@Qwerty, @Red Ryder and YHC met last week to plan the 2019 July 4th Convergence hoping to create something special. Our goal was to keep the PAX together in order to preserve fellowship and maybe a few exercises in-between. The disclaimer was disclaimed, the F3 Mission was delivered and Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner put the PAX in a USA state of mind that included a Fly Over courtesy of Delta. [Read More]

We're playing basketball, we're playing basketball.

Date: 7/2/2019 PAX: Aristocrat, Cataracts, Frisco, My Cousin Vinny, Pickles, Press On, Willy Wonka, WWW Claymore is one of those AO that provides many options for a workout. As I listened to 43 feet the day prior with CSPAN speaking to Billy Bob from the F3 Columbia region. Billy Bob is the Nantan of the region. He was brought on to the pod-call-in to talk about lessons learned about being a Nantan of a region. [Read More]

Odd Couple

Pre-Blast 17 (+2 Ruckers) for partner work at #ao-mon-ateam. 6 for great discussion at #qsource. Great start to the week! Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run to the midway parking lot on the right. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, Zebra Butt Kickers, Diamond ‘Mericans, WG ‘Mericans. Partner up, size matters. Run to the front of the back lot. Thang 1 Partner Carry across the lot and one time around the circle. [Read More]

The Sub

19 HIM gather in the gloom for another Claymore, limited run, beatdown care of Ninjago. How many regions have a 12-year old Q on a regular basis I ponder? Welcome to FNG Thriller (Earhart’s 2.1), who received the disclaimer from his brother. After a quick lap around the upper parking lot pickle, we circle-up for Warm Up Good Mornings Sir Fazio Imperial Walkers Hillbillies Side Straddle Hops 10 Burpees OYO thanks to Honey Do being tardy [Read More]