Limited Run, Not Limited Fun

Claymore is one of the tougher AOs I’ve had the pleasure of Q’ing. I’m slowly but surely trying to make my way around to all the AOs. I naturally gravitate towards running, and find it a nice reprieve between the reps of misery (merkins, burpIEs, etc.), but as Claymore is “limited run”, I had to fill the time with reps on reps on reps. That’s a lot of counting for this ol’ boy. [Read More]

Hotspot & Sooey were none-the-wiser

It has been a loooong time since I have Q’ed A-Team, so I thought I’d dig through the Backblasts to see what we did. As I was reading I thought this was a pretty good workout. Good enough to be repeated. And unless someone had a really good memory, maybe I can get away with it seeming “original.” The only two people who were there the first time were Hotspot and Sooey, and luckily they didn’t even notice. [Read More]

Plain Vanilla - Old School

Today is the day before the Odyssey. Poor planning had me in the Q spot. However, location was fantastic. Old school Danger Zone. Lots of work tomorrow so goal today was get the sweat on. Work hard but nothing that would put us out of commission for tomorrow. Old school style, old school crowd of 8. Glorious morning. Timekeeper Saban - 545 and we were off. 1.5 laps around the pickle - warm up. [Read More]

T.E.A.M. (or M.E.A.T. or M.E.T.A.) or whatever

Thursday morning in downtown Cary’s sweatbox (parking garage), a feisty crew of 8 did some stuff. 0545 Circle Up, Pledge (led by guest Q Hi-Liter from the neighboring AO-Rubberband Man) Mosey to the bank for some warmups - the usual (Good Morning, Imperial Walkers, King Davids, yada yada yada) To the parking deck! TEAM thang - partner up and AMRAP the called exercise while your partner runs up a level, across and back down; flip flop [Read More]

Blackjack 21 – Split Hand

Claymore BB Date: 9/24/19 QIC: WWW PAX: Blowout, Calvin, EarharT, Frisco, Half Back, Kwik Stop, Ninjago, Pickles, Pivot, Press On, Skipper, Sosa, WWW There were some EC’ing to run and ruck. Hats off to those that participated. I was not one of them. Frisco Q shopped and chose my Q because Claymore and WWW is limited to no running. I was not expecting to hit the miles that we did but you will need to read on to know what we clocked. [Read More]

Who's leading this thing?

YHC had been tracking the rush hour Q spot all day waiting on my 2.0 to get home to see if he wanted to go to Rush Hour since his scout meeting was cancelled. Once work was finished and the plan for Rush Hour was decided we had a slack messaging stating the Q was none other than the Triple Lindy and site Q Kermit. After much discussion it was decided that the name on the Q sheet is the official Q so off we went. [Read More]

Free Lunch's VQ Smokefest at Danger Zone

DATE: 9/20/19 QIC: FREE LUNCH AO: DANGER ZONE PAX: FREE LUNCH, PRESS ON, BANJO, BURT, VIKING, PIEROGI, FNG OLD TUFFY Finally fed up with my poor attendance record despite their failed efforts of begging, pleading, daily reminders, offers to buy an alarm clock for me, and constant flexing when nearby to demonstrate what regular attendance can do for you, Flip Flop and Pierogi decided to kick their scheme into high gear. [Read More]

Andrew Dice Claymore

Dodecahedron Of Pain I had been really nervous about the day I was going to be asked to lead a workout. More or less hoping I would just blend into the background with the rest of the PAX. Mainly just because Im not usually a person who likes to be the center of attention, which its a literal requirement during a VQ. But when the guys I am close with decided VQ week was going to be when they did it, I decided to get over my nervousness and I signed up. [Read More]

18 Years Ago Tomorrow

This morning the PAX turned 10 tightly coiled fire hoses into 10 bandoleer-style, carryable fire hoses for the 9/11 Stair Climb tomorrow. We did it as part of a workout. As we lugged around those bandoleer-ed fire hoses for a Corners Thang–on a whim–I asked each PAX where they were eighteen years ago tomorrow. It was like a couple of blood brothers putting their hands together to see where one guy’s scar lines up with the others’. [Read More]

Let's Get VQ Week Started Early

At 0545 a quick check for FNGs came up empty, which was a bummer because I had absolutely memorized the F3 mission statement. Instead I just let all of the veterans know that I really had no idea what I was doing and they should modify accordingly. On to the Pledge. Warmup: Mosey to the top parking lot to the right and circle up for 20 SSH IC 10 GM IC 10 Standard Merkins OMD Calf Stretches L/R 10 Wide Grip Merkins OMD 10 Daisy Pickers IC Mosey to the back parking lot. [Read More]