Rocks Ad Nauseum

12.5 PAX and 2.5 IR PAX assembled at FOD for another round with Beaker - you know who you are Fifty-Fifty. I’ve had in mind to run a Q that hopped from rock pile to rock pile throughout a site, and today seemed as good as any to try it out. The Warm-Up (Beaker’s Beginnings) Jog up to the West FOD entrance where there is a Rock Pile 1 comprised of little baby one-handed rocks. [Read More]

Esse Quam Videri


For those who chose the wise route of taking a language in high school that is actually USEFUL, you might not have the Latin translation for the state motto of NC on the tip of your tongue.

Much like a yuppie JEEP owner gets excited when they finally figured out that 4x4 is not a math question, but a useful tool for “creating parking spots;” I am now equally excited to have an opportunity to share what is, otherwise, useless knowledge.

“Esse Quam Videri” translates as “To be, rather than to seem” and  YHC thinks our state motto embodies what F3 is about. It is about a bunch of fellas that have decided we want to do more than just go through the motions. We want to do more than just talk about it or make excuses for why we can’t do it. We know we can be better the more we work. We get up and push ourselves. We challenge, encourage, and grow together both in the darkness and in the light. We make an IMPACT on each other, our families, and our communities – because we want to be HIM, not seem like HIM.

This starts by simply showing up, it progresses by contributing, it thrives with leadership, and it endures with an impactful legacy.

Hi-Liter and Biner doing their good SiteQ leadership duties, encouraged some of us rookies to do more than just show up and maybe try ringing that 2nd bell. To contribute. To step up and Q.

It is easy to fall into the trap of wanting to be better/faster/stronger before making such a commitment… but leading a PAX is part of the growth.

The PAX always has your back. Just put yourself out there, know you might fall down, and know everyone starts somewhere.  So, what the heck!  Here’s what we did.

The Q

It may be the darkest and gloomiest AO in the Carpex Tribe, but 20 HIM brought all they had and lit Wolverine up for a VQ Butterscotch birthday blowout. Burt brought some Werthers to honor the moment. How sweet…. (Yep) After a few disclaimers, we ran south down Davis to the lower parking lot for a little warmup in the darkness. Fellowship pace.


A little “do as I say not as I do” when cadence and rhythm didn’t match, but we did:

  • Hillbillies, IC??? (debatable)
  • Merkin, OMD
  • Sir Fazio, IC
  • Reverse Sir Fazio, IC

Not saying YHC had some jitters and lost track of count/cadence, but not NOT saying it either. Note: Important to make time in your cadence to actually breathe…

Either way, lots of chatter. Clearly YHC needs to step it up.

Thang 1

Head south with ALL YOU GOT to furthest light pole at Pleasant Grove Church. Then, bear crawl back to the first light pole. Alllll the way back. (75 yards)

Red Bull Smurf Jacks, aka Burtjacks.  IC x 30. No chatter now. Not even Burt. Must be doing something right.

Four Corners , hour-glass formation (no short runs)

  • Sweat Angels x 10 OYO
  • Plank Jacks x 10 OYO
  • Squat Jumps x 10 OYO
  • Wolverines x 10 OYO.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat x 3. PAX grumbling about the Wolverines, so dropped to x5 on round two. On second thought – need to save those arms….Star jumps replaced Wolverines round three.

Thang 2

Indian run back to the shelter. Two lines. Kind of.

Head to the basketball courts for a quick 5 minute workout to “Thunderstruck.”

Get the AC/DC pumping on the speaker

SSH OYO while Angus Young shreds the guitar intro, half burpee every time you hear  “Thunder” (12) Switch to plank. Merkins down on “Thunder” (11) Switch to High Knees. Squats on “Thunder” (10) Recover


Asked for a tight circle. HIM calls exercise and bearcrawls around the circle while everyone else does it. Circle got a little tighter after everyone caught on.

American Hammer, Freddy Mercuries, LBC, LSF, Burpees, etc. Hi-liter gave us some final punishment with boat/canoes to send us out.


Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama.


  • The Bull is at Churham this weekend.
  • Healing Transitions event
  • Banjo is selling BBQ at Cary UMC on 4/20 4pm-7pm. $10pp or $40/family. All are welcome – especially hungry stoners. Venmo/Paypal accepted.


  • Water Wings – M has flue and Nanny recovering from torn ACL.
  • Burt – BIL John going for another round of treatment.
  • HiLiter – Dad going for another round of chemo.
  • Praise for Disco Duck M - good report


  • Werthers are actually caramels, not butterscotch. My entire life is a lie!
  • HiLiter and Biner were vested.
  • It is possible for Hermes to workout without telling a Dad Joke.
  • Biner does not run through puddles. They always move out of his way…

BOMBS Away at the Flying Circus

It’s Spring Break, so YHC decided to go a bit down range this week. I had never ventured out to the Carpex-Churham DMZ to visit Flying Circus, so I figured why not make my first post a Q (and there looked to be plenty of fun features to use at FC). Eight PAX initially gathered in the parking lot, many questioning our life choices with temperatures dropping back in the 20s. [Read More]

The path is dark and full of merkins

Hello Kitty graciously allowed me to grab this Q for my 45th birthday celebration. Site-Q Biner mentioned the greenways hadn’t been explored much so that setup our prime directive – destination White Oak Park west along the White Oak greenway. Park is only about 1 mile away with a lighted shelter, basketball and tennis courts. There is a playground along the way for the neighborhood tucked back in there so we stopped and did some work. [Read More]

Taking my breath away...

On the 4th day, Breathtaker and I decided to Q Flying Circus. Its been on my TO-DO list for awhile. Forecast? Copious amounts of rain. Head for cover? Heck no… Roll up on the AO with five minutes to spare. Not one around… uh-oh. Luckily Biner keeps a spare shovel flag in his SUV as no site Qs were present. Though I did get a drunken text from 1AM SkyBlue apologizing that he was “working” late. [Read More]

Hell's Bell's in the Field

When: February 27th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Franklin, PBX, Beaker, Bogo, Sooey, Moped, Pivot, Chum, Airbag, Sabin, Skyblue, Goose, High-liter, Biner (RS), Bartman (RS), Katniss (RS) YHC Earhart I head to an old stomping ground for my next Q, this time bringing with me an assortment of kettlebells for a Hell’s Bell’s beatdown at FOD! I also notice that Rolling Stone is here with me so all kinds of weight pain are going around this fine morning. [Read More]

Scotts are invading

Both original plans were thrown out the window with news from Beaker that the Bridge to nowhere was not easily accessed, and the underpass was over a mile away. One day we will journey outside the friendly confines. Go Time 0530 Warm Up Short mozy to warm up SSH x25IC, Merkins x20-OMD, Imperial Walkers, (2)Offset Merkins x20-OMD,Good Morningx11IC, Thang One: Across the field Burpees 5,10,15,20 at 50, far end, back to 50 and back to start Plank Hold Thang Two: Around the Track Mary, at corners 25x Merican Hammers (LR=1) 25x Big Boy Sit Ups 25xShakeras (each side 25x LBC Thang Three: Mozy to Stairs for 3 rounds of Partner 1 run stairs + 25x Squats Partner 2 Merkins to failure 3x rounds of 5 pullups under stairway Thang Four: 4 Rounds of Soccer Field Sprints - All You Got - to mid field then mozy to other end Mary 10x Catalina Whine Makers Announcements [Read More]

The Nautilus - Writ Large

When YHC’s alarm roused YHC from YHC’s dream about a land where Burpees are always in perfect form and L-R counts as 2 lunges, YHC said to YHC, “YHC, it’s a great day for YHC to have the Q at YHC’s favorite AO at a USA Baseball Complex directly adjacent to a toll Interstate that YHC spends several of YHC’s pretty pennies on. But, what should YHC bring to the party today? [Read More]

Octonauts to the Octopod

There’s valentines day, and then there’s the day after valentines day. Well, that was today. 10 HIM’s gathered in a very pleasant 50+ degree gloom at the finest AO in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning, and were looking forward to a workout that unbeknownst to them was borne out of a children’s TV show from across the pond…. BUT, wait, what are those lights approaching…getting closer….coming in hot on two wheels…. [Read More]

Hill of Dreams

11 gathered at FOD this morning, 9 were anxiously wondering who was the Q. Franklin and YHC were the only in the know. With discussion of a Beaker, Hi-Liter and YHC tri- Q, it was not to be. Already planned more than we would get to. Let’s go!!! Warm-up. Jog around the parking lot and circle up for: 20 SSH, 10 GMs, 20 PJs, 10 IW, 20 Mountain Climbers, 2pp merkins. [Read More]