Memorial Day Tribute

On a day set aside to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice 57 HIMs made a statement of gratitude, respect and admiration for the fallen by way of sweat, tears and even a little blood. First things First: 10 brave HIMs participated in an EC Murph at 0600. Pierogi, Hermes, Oofta, Ollie, Banjo, Old Maid, Squatter, Captain Kirk, Joe Smith, Tecumseh, WWW, Sky Blue and Michelob. Excellent work gentlemen! [Read More]

Dante's Peak Walkabout

Perfect weather greeted a group of 19 PAX this fine morning at Dante’s Peak, Carpex’s premier Friday AO. YHC was continuing with Scout Week, this time focusing on the Webelos Walkabout Adventure. The Webelos Walkabout is a 3 mile hike in nature. We encountered snakes, star (jumps), spider (man/peter parker), big beautiful rocks, and brotherhood this morning! In full discloser, there was a lot of mumble chatter on slack about how much distance we would cover this fine morning. [Read More]

Callahanniversary IV

Four years ago I found myself clinging to the fence surrounding Goose Poop Island at Pullen Park quietly vomiting into the pond. The 58 minutes leading up to that point had been brutal. Double 11’s with Dips, Dirkens, L/R Step-ups, and Box jumps. A bevy of sprints. Bear crawls for two miles. Partner carries. Pull-ups. It all culminated at the Island, where all the other PAX were doing Mary and I was doing my best to not die. [Read More]

Do Your Best!

YHC was serving as Senior Patrol Leader today. As with F3, Scouts is a volunteer organization. Specifically, Boy Scouts is led by youth, giving them their first taste at organization, service, leadership, and sometimes humility. Today was a lesson in all four for YHC. It felt like herding cats to get the group to start moving, not unlike any Scouting activity. Trouble was finding four volunteers to serve as Patrol Leaders. [Read More]

A weinke necessary workout.

Well my streak of finishing on-time this week ends with 1. However I appreciated the fact that this group of HIM never once mentioned the time or seemed to care we were a few minutes over. I guess they were just having too much “fun.” I thought about starting this BB with all the things Franklin, Banjo and Hi-Liter had issues with during my Q, and all the helpful suggestions and comments they shared. [Read More]

The Gloom is Gone

I was looking forward to navigating Carpex’s gloomiest AO, but alas, we had 70° at 5:30, a light breeze, and an early sunrise that I suppose we need to get used to! After walking the course down, some quick stretching to the tunes of Hi-Liter’s youth, and a fruitless FNG check, we disclaimed and set out down Park Village Dr. Pause at the clubhouse for: GM // Merkins IC // IW [Read More]

Merkins and Mary, what more do you need?

Empty spaces in the Q sheets hurt my soul…and aggravate my CDO (we’ll see how many of you get that one). Must. Sign. Up. Thanks, Hot Spot. At least it makes Q shopping easier. “Oh look, I’m the Q, I guess I should go there”. Enough rambling, here’s what we did on a gorgeous May Day morning as the first of two full moons set (Werewolf plug). The Warm-up (Beaker’s Beginnings) [Read More]

Miles and Miles at Wolverine (but no Angry Elf)

On this day, when Hello Kitty was looking for a distance record at Kryptonite, YHC decided to take the PAX for a jog around the gloomiest of gloomy AOs in CARPEx. Luckily, it was a full moon dispelling much of the gloom. Alas, no one wore a smartwatch that I could tell [EDIT: YHC notes that Jigglypuff had his (obviously uncalibrated) Strava going. You can enjoy it here]. And thankfully my neighbor slept in meaning we were a perfectly even 8. [Read More]

After the rain, the Turks come out

Long time participant, second time Q, first time back-blaster (yeah, I know). Twas the night before Wolverine and all through the house, not a creature was stirring but the roof might have come off from that ridiculous Summer storm in Spring. YHC had a plan at 4pm that involved the soccer field Mother Nature to YHC: Ha ha ha ha ha…. 9:15 Sunday night (wind whipping, lightning everywhere…) YHC to M: I’m headed to bed, gotta Q in the morning. [Read More]

Hell in the Cell

Friday the 13th and with Wrestlemania in our rear-view mirror and Nature Boy on site with an FNG ta boot, it’s time to get the boys some time in the newly structured cells at Dante’s Peak. 25…oh wait… here comes Sky Blue… 26 for a Friday beat down. Warm-up: Mosey from the flag to the circle Good mornings x6 13 Penalty Burpees for SB showing up late Good morning x7 SSH (Nature Boy style) x 13 Merkins x13 Mountian Climbers x13 Mosey to one of the big fields, not encased by a YUGE fence, thus “The Cell” Thang 1: [Read More]