Harrrrrrd Worrrrrk!

Pre-Blast 28 land lubberrrrs took FOD by storm. A fair amount of chatter to begin. The chatter turned sour quickly. 27 fist bumps at the end. 0 puffy shirts. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed run up the hill to the top lot into extended Paint the Lines Circle up for: Good Mornings, Windmills, SFAC/OHC, Walk-the-Plank Series (with NO RECOVERY BETWEEN): 20 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 20 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 20 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 15 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 15 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 15 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 10 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 10 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 10 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches, 5 Walk-the-Plankjacks, 5 Main Mast Mountainclimbers, 5 Crabcakes, 20 Side Plank Starfish Crunches. [Read More]

Zen Zen Flex Again

17 HIM descended upon Phoenix for what YHC promised would be a very limited run workout, with a heavy dose of flexibility. We had 1 FNG, Liam from New Jersey, so a thorough and complete disclaimer was in order. Apparently YHC got a little bit loquacious, prompting Callahan to point to his watch, “6:31” and an indignant look of “let’s get on with it” on his face. So off we went. [Read More]


First off, YHC is grateful for being introduced to F3 by my man Flacco and to being so warmly received by each & every Carpex HIM I’ve encountered. I sure am enjoying my F1’s & actually look forward to collecting in the gloom & getting the sweat flowing with this fine group. I’ve been able to participate in a couple F2 & F3 events as well & will be active here – Someone said F3 is kind of like a cult, but I disagree – this is a high-quality fraternity with only the good attributes: make each other better (HIMs) via challenge & encouragement, serve to improve the communities we live in, & have some damn fun along the way. [Read More]

This anniversary beatdown brought to you by the number 11

Today is my 1-Year F3 Anniversary!!!! First post was a year ago today at Flirtin’ with Disaster. Funny story about that…… Blue Water EH’d me, but due to a mix-up, I posted in Carpex and he posted in South Wake. Joe Smith was was the Q that morning. It was his VQ, and I learned who “Dora” is, and how to get to the “Bridge of Pain.” Sosa and I were both named after COT. [Read More]

Fuzzy Math

After traveling throughout the greater Cary/Apex metropolitan region for much of July, it was good to get back to some home turf and get 10 more minutes of sleep. Apparently Hi-Liter got 10 more minutes of sleep as well. One year ago, Parker dragged me out before daybreak to FOD and I haven’t looked back. So it was time to bring the original Bogo shoes out of retirement for the 1-year Bogoversary. [Read More]

Rainy Days and Merkins

8, er 10 HIMs braved the monsoon rains to crush some Kettle-Dora, 7s and 11s at Hell’s Bells. Here’s how it went down: Warm Up We don’t wanna get those kettlebells wet, so we convene at the shelter and triangle up. Standard fare of: SSHs, Sir Fazio, Good Mornings, Overhead claps, Hill Billies and Merkins (on YHC’s down AND up) Thang 1.0 Partner up, size does not matter. Partner 1 does single count L-R step ups, Partner 2 works on: [Read More]

Leave your Bricks behind

Go Time 0545 Jog to end of lot - circle up 20x IC SSH 20x IC Imperial Walkers 20x Plank Jacks 20x OMD Merkins 15x IC Peter Parkers 15x OMD merkins Mozy out (backward Run, Kariokie etc) Stop along the way for Irkins on the fence BTTW walk across the bridge (crowd favorite) The Thang Uno: Pair up (p1 w rock / p2 around pond to pullup bars 5x) Flip AMRAP Rock curls/Rows/Press/Extension/Man Makers 5 trips to pullup bars Head out - Mozy to parking lot Crawl Bear the bridge for good measure The Thang Duo: Grab brick - Circle Up Plank with one hand on upright brick 10x OMD Merkins (brick in other hand) + 10x OMD Merkins 15x brick reverse fly (left arm up/right arm up) 15x brick front raise (left arm up/right arm up) LBC w brick WWII w brick Announcements [Read More]

This is the part of the workout where the Q posts a BB......5 PENALTY BURPEES

40 years ago today, Mr and Mrs Puryear experienced that miracle of life that is childbirth, and brought into this world a bouncing baby McCants…….Who would have thought that momentous event 14,600 days ago would have a chaos theory affect, a RIP-ple if you will, on 7/19/2018 and completely change the day for 16 HIM’s who chose to post at the finest AO in NW Cary on a Thursday morning. [Read More]

Traveling Pearls on a String

When: July 16th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Hermes, PBX, Saban, Trike, Biner, Clementine, Pivot, Geek Squad, Angry Elf, Suds, Cheddar Bo YHC Earhart A warm, Monday morning greeted 12 HIM for a rare Earhart Q outside of Hell’s Bells on Mondays. Many new faces to me, imagine that posting somewhere else for a change. We head out around the pickle, with a backwards run down the hill. A quick detour to the curb for some quick feet before finally circling up for: [Read More]

You are looking live

First-ever (to YHC’s knowledge) Instagram story of an entire(ish) beatdown! Watch it here: https://www.instagram.com/stories/f3carpex/ While YHC figures out how to archive that, here’s what we did for Offish BB purposes: Warm-up: Good morning, merkins, sir fazio and overhead claps, quick feet and curb merkins Pearl 1: Rock curls, tricpes, press and rows x2 with a pickle lap in the middle Pearl 2: 7 burpees at Burpee Corner Pearl 3: Kiwanis Pavilion for LRSU, Dips, LRSU, Table Deadlift Pearl 4: Other Pavilion for LRSU, Erkens, LRSU, Derkins Pearl 5: To the beach for Merkins, WG Merkins, Diamond Merkins and a Texas Ranger prayer Pearl 6: At the kiosk for partner Dora 1-2-3 with the hill at the run Pearl 7: Over to the south of NH rock pile for Curls, Triceps, Press and Rows. [Read More]