Blackjack! (dealer folds)

In the fourth and final installment of Flaccoversary Week 2018, YHC’s eyes were a little bigger than his stomach. We stepped up to a buffet of Wolverines and put a few more on our plate than we could stomach. More on that later, for now you just need to know that 16 HIM gathered at Bond Park ready to cap the week with a Flacco-style beatdown. Which is sure to include some yoga. [Read More]

Merkin Monday (on a Friday)

Welcome to the 3rd installment of Flaccoversary Week 2018, and only the 2nd installment Q’d by YHC! After an unexpected business trip to Virginia preempted the 2nd installment (that was graciously Q’d by Sabre), YHC felt the need to get swolt. (And my legs aren’t working very well since the lungefest at SNS, so upper body seemed the way to go.) So my M went to Crate & Barrel to buy me something nice for my Flaccoversary, and she found Merkins on sale. [Read More]

Why do my legs still hurt?

It’s been 50 hours and 13 minutes since this workout at SNS on Wednesday September 26, and my legs still hurt. This was the first installment of Flaccoversary week and I wanted to make it one to remember. Now I’m trying to forget it. Read below to see why. Warm Up Mosey to the gate, circle up and warm up Good morning x 10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 front x 10 back Imperial Walkers x 15 Shoulder/tricep lean R/L Merkins x 40 [Read More]

Carpex Crud?

Waking up to a DM that the scheduled Q was out sick today, YHC couldn’t help but wonder if this was some kind of new site Q hazing ritual. But upon hearing that Kryptonite suffered from the same affliction, perhaps it’s possible that the Carpex Crud has returned. Better wait on that picnic for a few weeks. In any event YHC was somewhat concerned that my co-site Q would struggle coming up with a themed workout and associated props in 30 minutes, so I decided to step up and give it a go on short notice. [Read More]

Pickles and Wheelbarrows

19 Strong for this last Q of 6. Pledge of Allegiance Pax feeling strong as we mosey to farthest points of Bond Park so that innocent eyes may be spared of what’s to come. Warm up Steve Earle - Squat to a Hillbilly Theismann - Affectionately named by Ma Bell - Arm circle with coordinated foot circle out front Nancy Kerrigan - Leaning forward on one leg, with other leg extended back, circle arms Good Morning 100 Pickle Pointer - The opposite of a Pickle Pounder, from your six, lean back and rest on elbow to form an inverted plank, thrust pickle to the stars in cadence. [Read More]

No Mucking Way!

September 17, 2018 YHC was inspired last weekend. He spent Saturday prior running around in the mud in Denver for an MS charity. Knowing he had to figure plan a workout for the old crew on Wednesday AND that it rained a little bit in the area, inspiration quickly took hold. Not knowing exactly WHAT they were going to do, he definitely knew WHERE it was going to happen. There was even a PSA on the site AO days ahead of time. [Read More]

Slow. DOWN.

Occasionally, I like to sit on my porch and tell the kids (and defecating dogs) to stay off my lawn, to complain about the weather, reminisce about walking to school, upAndy, in the snow, both ways, and to yell at the cars to SLOW DOWN. That was the genesis of this workout. And, like almost any old man story, that is completely false. I actually realized about 1/7th of the way through Ma Bells ridiculous Hindenberg workout at FOD (the OG of Tuesday Carpex AOs) that my form was becoming exceedingly sloppy and rushed. [Read More]

How Not to Win Friends & Influence People

Someone mentioned to me last week that I had the Q this week at FOD. I had not remembered that. It would have been super embarrassing to travel across CarPEX Nation and miss a Q at FOD. I mean, who does that? Anyway, given this is the OG Tuesday AO in CarPEX, I wanted to bring it. Nobody splashed but the level of hatred thrown my way leads YHC to the following conclusion: mission accomplished. [Read More]

We’re Not Sissies

Pre-Blast 9 HIM spat in the face of adversity as Fo spat in our faces. I think we won. YHC has heard through the grapevine that our FNG this AM, who we eventually named Flo-Rida, had questions regarding the strenuousness of our workouts. YHC was committed to giving him a proper introduction. We’re not sissies. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to DDMS, circle up behind the school. [Read More]

Peaceful Transitions

A few months ago at regular Wolverine coffeteria Hi-Liter and Biner were talking about who would be the next Site-Qs. That’s when our eyes met and the rest is history Biner did the same thing to BOGO, but it looked like this: It was weird, but it worked. All kidding aside, I think I can speak for BOGO in that we were both excited to take on the role and really look forward to seeing how the site evolves over the upcoming year. [Read More]