It's Gonna Be May

Mall Walkers: Chinese Downhill, CK - These guys walked and talked. Mall Walkers with Backpacks: Hotcakes, Skipper, Carvana - These guys walked and talked with heavy stuff. Joggers: Hermes, Bogo, Denali, Largemouth, Old Maid, Hasslehoff, Hotspot, One Four, Coney, Chanticleer, Grease Monkey, Michelob, Bart, Half Baked - These guys jogged around and talked and listened to music. Baddass Bootcampers: Banjo, Build-a-Bear, Flacco, Franklin, Hi-Liter, Pivot, Saban, Sabre, Shut-In, Snots, Swag, Term Paper, Torpedo [Read More]

The Utes invaded

With little planning put into it, YHC was still feeling some pressure this morning headed to Wolverine, largely because Red Baron was in town and waiting for me at the front door for our 0515 exit. Needless-to-say, we left on time. 22 are circled up (a bunch of Utes rolled out of the Meatloaf mobile) for Wolverine and with that we we took off… out of the perfectly good (albeit dark) park. [Read More]

Brother Bri and the letter B

When scrolling through the Exicon in search for new ideas that have not (to YHC’s knowledge) been executed in/around Carpex and you don’t even get past the letter B… you know it’s going to be a good day. _NMS: YHC was ready for EC this morning, but the old bowels had another idea in mind. EC was skipped for a trip to Harris Teeter and back._ 22 Bros meet up at the Field of Dreams. [Read More]


18 HIMs met this morning at the gloomiest AO in Cary, except that clear sky and nearly full moon made it relatively bright. I was dismayed to learn that several pax showed up for the Riptide beatdown not realizing I picked up the Q instead. I don’t blame them, hell I was trying to do the same thing! One FNG this morning courtesy of Honeycomb, so the full, drawn-out briefing was in order. [Read More]

An AB-solutely pollen free beatdown.

There was no visible pollen at Wolverine on a warm and sweaty Monday morning. There were however 20 PAX passing on the left and hitting the six for an ab-solutely splendid morning! Warm-up: Pledge and wait for a just-a-few-seconds late Parker….10 burpees OYO and wait for just-a-few-seconds later Sky Blue…..plank hold, half way down. Hold up some arms, hold up some legs….okay let’s go! Brisk mosey to DDMS, circle up: SSH Calf-stretch merkins, switch Prisoner Squats The Thang: [Read More]

Circles and Compasses

28 HIM show-up in the gloom expecting an epic Yogi beatdown. Well, some plans are meant to change and YHC has stepped up to take the Q. Weclome FNGs Quidditch and Double Dutch. After a mumbling, bumbling disclaimer and pledge at the flag, we head left and to the large circle for: Warm Up Good mornings Cotton Pickers Steve Earls Arm twirly thingies including behind the back. The Thang The first of the many tangs actually starts at the end of warm-up with 5 monkey humpers and 5 burpees OYO. [Read More]

No Mercy Mile

Pro tip: Write your BB as soon possible. This saving them up for the end of the week thing is for the birds. And not that much unlike my struggle to remember what I was doing about 30 hours ago the Exicon provided a doozy of a workout involving the track. I rarely post, or Q for that matter, where there is a running track so I made the most of this opportunity. [Read More]

Topless Broga

One never knows what to expect on April 1st. YHC decided to play it straight, and keep the PAX wondering. At 05:29, twenty PAX had gathered around the flag in anticipation - April Fool’s jokes or not? After the Pledge of Allegiance, we’re off. Warm Up Two laps around the pickle with some backwards running, Karaoke both ways, and high knees. Circle up for SSHs, Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, Plank Jacks and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]


To borrow a phrase from our Nantan, Ma Bell, today I reached level 52 of life. A strong group of 18 PAX (13 bootcampers, 4 ruckers and 1 bruiser) joined in on the celebration this morning at our Gran Torino AO. Awesome weather for a beatdown with temps in the mid/upper 40s. Let’s see how the old guy did… Warm-Up Jog through parking lot over to the bus loop and circle up for: [Read More]

The Gronk

This morning, at the finest AO in Northwest Cary on a Thursday morning, 10 pax paid their respects to the Gronk. After 9 years in the NFL, 5 Pro Bowls, 4 First-Team All-Pro seasons, 79 touchdowns (and Gronk spikes) and 3 Super Bowl wins, the Gronk (Rob Gronkowski) announced his retirement from the New England Patriots and the NFL earlier this week. Gronkowski revolutionized the tight end position. Gronk is one of the most recognizable football players in the history of the NFL, with a larger-than-life personality, on-and-off the field. [Read More]