Pee-wee's Big Adventure

Weather: clear, brisk 29 degrees. Scene at 5:43 a.m.: 16 dudes gathered around (a couple even performed Insomnia before the Main Event). YHC was standing in the center of the circle on his used-new Flip Flop door mat gifted from Burt. One of the 16 dudes was FNG Anthony, EH’d by Captain Kirk, who rode in on his 10 speed. There stood FNG Anthony; holding a water bottle, and dressed very warmly in 4 layers up top, and 3 layers down low (as you would if you just biked in 29 degree weather). [Read More]

Lost one before the turn

Pre-blast: IR friendly. QIC is nursing some foot stuff. Nothing major but trying to get to the point where I don’t feel tightness first thing in the morning. With that in mind, I scan the area - through Google Maps of course - and see there may be a nice trail leading from one of the parking lots out to Lochmere Lake. Looks like a nice short cut to cool views and some rocks. [Read More]

Fashion faux pas

Small but stunningly strong set of swain swung into Scots Mill around six. A pair of NC State hoodies got out of their cars. Matching. Embarrassing. It’s 5:46, time to get going. SSH start. Frisco rolls up. Casually. SSHs continue. Frisco leisurely unfurls the flag. SSHs continue. The shovel is planted. SSHs continue. Shovel flag is assembled, with care. SSHs continue. Frisco joins the SSHs. SSH halt. Thang: Get a rock from the heavy rock pile. [Read More]

Prime time

Not that type of Prime. Warm up 1 x jog around the pickle. (Is 1 a prime? Apparently not - we’ll get to that later). 19 x SSH: At this point things started to get rocky. Lots of mumblechatter spread evenly between the 5 other PAX clouded their counting ability. 7 reverse lunges per side: Rockier. Should have said stay one one leg for 7 then switch. 11 tempo merkins, 3 down 1 up. [Read More]

Respect Week Closer - Phoenix Style

Date: 11/21/20 PAX: @WWW @Pigeon @Pierogi @Saban @heythere @baywatch @En Garde @Wrench @Entitlement @Big Red @hgtv @Kwik Stop @Happy Gilmore @VHS @Ollie @Kidney Stone Burt made the call out for Respects to pick-up a Q this week. It was a call to challenge Respects to lead the PAX to grow and accelerate. The amazing part of being a Respect is age is a number and not a discriminator. Respects can bring it and I have been a part of two Respect Qs this week and they brought it. [Read More]

Take the Pain Train

Pain Train 1 5 diamonds 10 Squats 15 HRM 20 BBSU Pain Train 2 5 jump squats 10 Wide grip merkins 15 monkey humpers 20 ww2 Pickle lunge walk merkin run = full lunge of the pickle, 50 merkins, 4 laps of running Shelter work Dips/irkins 11’s Dips/derkins 11’s Mary Rosalita Hammers Freddie mercs Announcements TCP Sawgrass this Saturday at 2 No Thanksgiving convergence Be on the lookout for possible modified start times for certain AO’s [Read More]

Not A Flip Flop - Frisco Co-Q

The word on the Slack channel #ao-fri-dangerzone was that Frisco would be gracing his us with his presence, and maybe Qing as well. There was even some Slack DM chatter of a possible co-Q between YHC and Frisco. We really only have one thing in common: 1. We are both handsome. Other than that, we are more of a Yin-and-Yang. Differences are plentiful: one dude is a masterful Q—one dude f*%#s up every Q, one dude calls perfect cadence—one dude can’t count, one dude is a legend—one dude is a legend in his own mind, one dude has a cemented Slack name—one dude appends his name daily, ……. [Read More]

Disclaimer: We Won't Run.

YHC hadn’t posted since Hot for Teacher last week as I was dealing with a bum ankle, so when coming up with a plan for this morning, I thought it’d be a good idea to limit the running and just hit upper body hard. I announced to the group how unprofessional I am and made a disclaimer that we wouldn’t be doing a lot of running. I quickly realized in the first mosey that the ankle was feeling pretty darn good so I changed my plans on the fly and incorporated the worst hill I could find. [Read More]

Full Metal Snip'n

Twenty-one PAX made it out to Full Metal Jacket Tuesday morning for an Election Day workout. It was my 1-year F3 anniversary and South Cary came to support. At 530 AM, we said the Pledge, and off we went. Warm up Jog over to the parking lot near the baseball field Good Morning Arm Circles (Front/Back) SSH Calf Stretches Merkins First » Two-circle DORA Mozy up to the main circle off the second entrance. [Read More]

Phoenix Phright Phest

Nine men got together for Halloween festivities at Phoenix on Saturday. Glad at least one person got dressed up! Identity Thief It’s too bad he was late… Warm-up: Eight men started off with the Pledge at 6:30AM. The parking lot was mostly empty, save for the approximately 793 sundry signs in Red, Blue and Yellow. Early voting closes at 3PM today so it’s going to be a busy day. After the pledge, we mosey out of the parking lot towards the big field just as a car comes rounding the corner. [Read More]