TP flyby

Today was really all about the warm up. And the fly-by. But more on that one bit later. First the warm-up. Rolled into Cornerstone church several minutes early and took a run over to the cemetery for some hill. Singular. Back just in time to grab the speaker, turn on some NIN radio, and greet the crew. No FNGs. Two FNG2M. Never met them before. Glad to know Jeter and Charmin. [Read More]

Something about a blossom

We ended today’s COT with Pivot saying something profound about a blossom. But I can’t for the life of me remember what it was. It was something like “even if you can’t flower, you can smell the blossom”. I know that’s not it but it was something like that. Or maybe it wasn’t. But it definitely had the word “blossom” in the quote. Probably. Today’s Measure Twice was something like a Measure Thrice. [Read More]

Intro to Bruce Lee abs

It is now officially summer. How’s everyone’s beach body? When you think six-pack … are you thinking beer belly or abs? I’ve had this workout flagged for a while but wasn’t quite sure when or how to pull it out. Decided today was as good a day as any. Ma Bell and Franklin get an excused absence. The rest are in store for a beatdown in reverse. Warm-up Pickle laps [Read More]

7th Callahanniversary

Seven years is a significant amount of time regardless of how many years you’ve racked up to this point in your life. For me, it represents over 20% of my existence on this earth. I spent some time the last few days considering how much I have changed in that span of time. A 27-year-old, working as an inside sales rep at a failing wood mill is were it started. Sam, the salesman. [Read More]

Madness In The Method

By trade I’m a project manager. I always have a plan. But many times, I don’t actually finalize Q plans until minutes before the event actually starts. For the FMJ Q today, I must tip my proverbial hat to Suck Up. Unbeknownst to HIM, the plan was nearly finalized while on the playground at Kelly Road park while completing our Memorial Day Murph. In typical Suck Up fashion, he was smiling a lot and finding ways to talk trash while being super nice. [Read More]

2ndF Red Line Overload in the Danger Zone

AO: Danger Zone (duh) Workout Date: 05/21/21 Danger Zone was the first Carpex AO that YHC ever posted, way back in October 2017. I had started posting with my 2.0 BOOM! (7 years old at the time) since he was usually wide awake at 5AM. We ran into Burt at The Forge and he encouraged us to come check out his Q that week at DZ. In preparation for my Q, I dug up Burt’s old Backblast (see NMS) and had a good laugh. [Read More]

So I know some of you are woodworkers...

My 3 years of f3 celebration continue as I Q at the place I posted for the 2nd time, and my favorite Carpex AO, Bradfords Ordinary. What I remember from that post was that Disco Duck was the Q and the old lady that gave Callahan what was walking and carrying a bag of rice as he was coming off of IR a hard time. (Read about it here) FNGs: 2 Welcome Satchmo and Flavortown [Read More]

Inverted Sunrise - FWD 4-27-21

4 For EC 3ish mile standard loop - Banjo, Lookout, Joe Smiff and YHC. 1 for EC 2ish mile jog - Chipper 19 Showed up for the main event. Including some from the other side of Cary. Debrief Greenbow on the game plan for the route. Mention something about invigoration. Pledge allegiance and a ‘follow me’. The Thang: Jog up Cary Parkway to the ’not even an exit’ future road tie-in on the right for a brief warm-up including Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings and Hill Billies. [Read More]


Met up at the ‘flag’ with a collection of both new and old faces for measure twice. No headlamps needed. Full moon is tomorrow Measure the First: Run 45 minutes. Covered about 5.5 miles in a brisk pace but not so brisk that conversation was impossible. Enjoyed catching up with Mayflower, Torpedo, One Four and Mr. Safety. Squatter grunted once, so I suppose that’s a win. Back to the ‘flag’ right on time. [Read More]

It adds up

EC Showed up a bit before 5:30 thinking that FOD was an early start time. Then remembered that FOD is old school. 5:45AM Start old school. Luckily Gump was in the parking lot just waiting to put on some more miles. The man finished his first marathon Sunday and he’s already looking for some EC?! Crazy. We got in a couple miles in ~15 minutes. I would have taken him back to the flag the long way but Gump talked me out of it. [Read More]