27 years and counting

Frustrating game for YHC to sort of watch last night. Flip and family were over for dinner and board games so the game was on mostly in the background but every time I looked up, something not good was happening. The 49ers were scoring… Elliot was gaining 0.1 yard… penalty after penalty. Then, after getting Cowboy Nation excited with the prospects of a major comeback, Mike McCarthy turns into Barry Switzer (or maybe he was all along) and Dak does his best Romo impressonation and we are now at 27 years since Michael, Emmitt and Troy last lifted the SB trophy. [Read More]

Stuff happened

It’s Revolution time in CARPEx and about 30 dudes were running the Maynard. YHC came out for Insomnia and … ran it solo despite the parking lot being full of cars. Plus it was really cold. So I didn’t expect many guys to show up. But show up they did. In droves. All within 30 seconds of go time. 30 seconds later we were off. Only one goal today: keep everyone warm. [Read More]

Grand plans... but no Ark

Measure Twice. Outside of DZ, my most frequented - and most Qed - AO in 2021. So might as well keep that distinction going in 2022! Oh the plans I had this morning. The running … the trails … the hills … not to mention the yoga! Oh the yoga! The PAX were going to be beaten down, broken up and then yoga-glued back together in ways the rest of the AOs could only dream of. [Read More]

It sure feels like spring.

As I am awoken from a restful nights sleep post holiday party, I roll out of bed, check the weather and am giddy that I’ll be able to feel my fingers during the entire workout! Spring is here… for the day at least. With that I head over to SWW a bit early, taking in the sites and sounds of the gloom, and confirming my Q. 5:45 arrives along with 9 HIM, 1 being and FNG, the disclaimer is given, and the pledge is recited. [Read More]

Just a vanilla beat down with no running.

Arriving at 25 mins before go time to the AO, I had a moment of, “crap, did this location get relocated?” As there were no cars in the lot and thus no one doing the “EC thang”. I then also recalled that this isn’t a school and there was no pre-blast sent! Someone else would eventually show up. Nonetheless, I did my own short loop of an EC and then 14 others rolled in to join YHC for what I heard was on task for no mileage and overall solid. [Read More]

Back of the bus

Q-school time fellas. Showed up early enough to get the bricks out of the back. But not so early as to have to do it alone. Thanks Schroeder for the help. Having sat through Ma’s Q-school @ FOD earlier in the week, knew the focus today was going to be on putting things into practice. A group of eight for the main event - with a fly-through from HK - made it all just about perfect. [Read More]

5 Years of F3 Sn2Fe Style

As many eye rolls and sighs of exasperation YHC received last night for, arguably, emphasizing the “DA” in HIDA with this Q, it was gonna happen. Not to get all sappy with y’all but there is very little I can say I have been doing - and loving - for five years and running. Yes, the 1st brings us out but truly it is the 2nd that keeps us coming … and growing … and building off each other. [Read More]

Do you even plan, bro?

A few weeks ago, I realized I had not Q’d a single Monday workout in 2021. Well, that seems to be a problem which needs fixing. Meet up at 5:05 at Wolverine to run some hills with Ma Bell. Return to a parking lot of HIMs at 5:28. Warm Up Run across the street to the pool parking lot. Circle up for Good Mornings, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, Runner’s stretch, calf stretch, with a little Pigeon thrown in there. [Read More]

Operating Heavy Machinery

Having been thinking about having some fun at an AO for a while and decided MASH would be the ideal place to give it a shot. Had I known how many peeps we’d have, I would have recruited a second! Arrived a few minutes early. Unfortunately not early enough as I was maybe 15 seconds too late to give Pivot a good scare by blasting my horn as he ran by. [Read More]

El Halfitan run club

Truly appreciate the guys who made it out this morning. Solid conversation throughout, with maybe the pause here and there on the climbs. Thanks for coming out. Route: start to Cary Pkwy east towards Evans zig/zag through Silver Creek development including one segment and one missed turn exist to Evans heading south right onto Maynard and all the way back to the start Official mileage is 5.7. New record. COT: [Read More]