Blackjack 21 – Split Hand

Claymore BB Date: 9/24/19 QIC: WWW PAX: Blowout, Calvin, EarharT, Frisco, Half Back, Kwik Stop, Ninjago, Pickles, Pivot, Press On, Skipper, Sosa, WWW There were some EC’ing to run and ruck. Hats off to those that participated. I was not one of them. Frisco Q shopped and chose my Q because Claymore and WWW is limited to no running. I was not expecting to hit the miles that we did but you will need to read on to know what we clocked. [Read More]

Brought my weinke to a church parking lot

Opening- Working on a short notice from Banjo that he couldn’t Q this morning, YHC quickly threw my name on the Q-sheet. No FNG’s this morning. No sense in wasting any time so recited the Pledge and let’s get working. Warm-up- After a slow mosey around the pickle we circled up for a Crimson favorite of extremely slow Good Mornings, SSH, Sir Fazio, calf stretch, and windmill. The Thang #1- First we counted off into two groups. [Read More]

Andrew Dice Claymore

Dodecahedron Of Pain I had been really nervous about the day I was going to be asked to lead a workout. More or less hoping I would just blend into the background with the rest of the PAX. Mainly just because Im not usually a person who likes to be the center of attention, which its a literal requirement during a VQ. But when the guys I am close with decided VQ week was going to be when they did it, I decided to get over my nervousness and I signed up. [Read More]

18 Years Ago Tomorrow

This morning the PAX turned 10 tightly coiled fire hoses into 10 bandoleer-style, carryable fire hoses for the 9/11 Stair Climb tomorrow. We did it as part of a workout. As we lugged around those bandoleer-ed fire hoses for a Corners Thang–on a whim–I asked each PAX where they were eighteen years ago tomorrow. It was like a couple of blood brothers putting their hands together to see where one guy’s scar lines up with the others’. [Read More]

Birthday Beatdown!

Good morning Pax and welcome to my birthday Q! I was too excited to sleep last night and woke up a good 1.5 hours early for the start of Phoenix. No FNG’s today so quickly through the disclaimer and pledge. Mosey around parking lot and circled up for warmup. SSH, a very slow good mornings, seal claps, and calf stretches. That’s enough of that as I needed all the time I can get for the beatdown. [Read More]

I have the Q at Claymore????

Checking slack last night, see notification that Frisco claims I have the Q for Claymore, which happens to consistent with Q sheet. Of course, I never signed up for this, but what the heck. For the record, I will take it out on his fantasy football team this weekend. Warmup Freddie Mercuries Ranger Merkins Imperial Walkers SSH Carolina Dry Docks Overhead Clap Low slow Flutter Outlaws Seal Claps E2K Sumo Jump Squats [Read More]

KMA, Cataracts!

Sometimes you show up with your fancy new workout only to find out someone else did it the day before and wrote the exact same backblast you planned to write. Sure you could move forward with a copy and be known as a copy cat. Or you could change it completely which is what I did. So if you read WWW’s BB or were at his workout he actually went back in time and changed his so that it looked like mine a SECOND time. [Read More]

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Nothing like taking your phone out of airplane mode at 5:33am to see that “Hey, man, need a favor” text from your favorite jam band loving, stolen truck driving, god of a man Riptide. But that’s what we do, right? Pick a man up when he’s down, take his Q when the M is sick. Being freed to lead means stepping up and doing it. And so, gentlemen and scholars, and Callahan, I arrived at Claymore for the first time ever, ready to do what I do best: bringing the pain and concussive-like symptoms. [Read More]

Better Late Than Never

Eighteen PAX gathered this swampy moonlit morning at Carpex’s original limited-run AO, Tortoises. With the Dark of All Helmets fan club gathering happening over at SNS, YHC was very pleased with the turnout. Disco Duck and Frisco were already doing some EC, alternating intervals runs and pull-ups. YHC started to caution them that they might regret that later, but decided they would find out soon enough. No FNGs, but practice makes perfect, so let’s run through the disclaimer anyway. [Read More]

This was a Gross morning

Most of you would agree that the humidity this morning was absolutely gross, which fit in perfectly with my plan for the morning. You see, today marked my 144th day since I started with F3, something that I randomly figured out while planning this workout yesterday. So it was only fitting that the workout be inspired by a “dozen dozen” or 144. After a nice EC ruck with Repeato which left us completely soaked with sweat, we waited for the crowd to gather. [Read More]