Extra Spicy

Pre-BB In 1785, William Cowper wrote a poem he entitled, “The Task.” In it, Cowper wrote the famous idiom, “Variety is the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor.” And so it was that SNS this morning was Extra Spicy. BB When the guy who first invited you to F3 asks for help, you help him. I gladly said “yes” when Water Wings asked for a Q sub today. [Read More]

The Brickyard

When: 07/24/2017 QIC: Pet Sounds PAX - 20 total The Brickyard. Following along with the message from last week YHC sees F3 as a way for all PAX to challenge themselves to prepare for whatever comes their way. The pavers at first did not feel heavy and were laughed at by some PAX. However just as in life what starts easy can sometimes derail and turn difficult quickly. To be Life Ready, we must push ourselves through new experiences and challenges. [Read More]


12 HIM came out to learn more about 2T3S. How does this simple statement impact our lives, our family and friends. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control 2T - Toughness Physically & Mentally - To serve our families and community as leaders we must prepare ourselves. It is not easy to get up at 5am (most) everyday and work ourselves to a pulp, suffering through a beatdown. [Read More]

Hitting and Running for the Cycle

It was so hot, I thought we were at Dante’s Peak….then I realized I only drove 2 mins to the AO….not 20 mins. The Insomnia extra credit boys (Large Mouth, Hermes, Callahan, Pet Sounds and PBX) came running follow my Mr. Rucker (Bartman) as we circled up to get started. Nice work men. 73 degrees, feels like 88, clear, no wind. Theme for today was baseball given the 2nd F Bulls outing on Sunday. [Read More]

Oldies vs Youngies

12 PAX decided to get up 15 minutes early this morning. One of them was Burt…get a few Bond Brother brews in @burtcarpex and it’s easy to talk him in to posting to Kryptonite. Knowing this I thought it’d be fun to peg the Respects against the millennials (if they would just put their phones down.) Jog down the Koka Booth parking lots to the way back and circle up for warm up… [Read More]

Bones-Bones-Bones-Bones Bones, Bones, Bones, Bones, Bones…

…Now tell me what ya gonna do, When it ain’t nowhere to run (haha, Shut-in reminded me of this Bone Thugs-n-Harmony song and I think I’ll start my next Q with this in the background) F3 started for me in Churham at The Falcon approximately two years ago, later spending 1 year as Co Site Q at Tobacco Road. After moving from Durham to Cary 1 year ago this month, I was past due for my first Carpex Q. [Read More]

Give Me Liberty or Death!

With all the spirit and having experienced the 1776 beatdown personally, I felt one more inspirational workout was due to the PAX. With everyone there on a hot and muggy morning, we head out running out and back, circling around the Nan-tan for the first group of exercises and: Warm Up 10 Good Mornings 20 Imperial Walkers 20 Variable Side Straddle Hops 15 Elevated Heel Raises 15 Mountain Climbers 15 Elevated Heel Raises [Read More]

Sledding in July, who knew.

Sleds in July! YHC dusted the cobwebs from the ol’nog’n to come up with a limited run workout that would entertain the PAX looking for a fast pace…. Here goes. Shutin stated to Aspartame at 5:25 oh there will be others. And as he finished that sentence in roles 4 more…. Something about Kryptonite, is it the 15 minutes earlier, or the location. YHC was pumped to have 7 PAX show even with the limited run preblast / warning. [Read More]

Lulu's VQ & 8 months of gloom

Looking back on 8 months of the gloom, since my first post at SNS, I can’t imagine life BF3 (before F3). I remember feeling the hook and leaving Bond Park that morning wanting more. Needless to say, F3 and the PAX have since become more than an early morning workout for me. F3 is brotherhood, accountability, mental and physical exercise, discipline, growth and now (thanks to Shut-In’s not so optional invitation to Q) practice in leadership. [Read More]

Presence in life

A rule YHC learned early was to listen more than talk. In every interaction with the Carpex PAX I’m inspired. Today was another one of those times to soak in what others have to share. Go Time 0530 Jog to the Parking Garage and up the steps to the top floor SSH x 25 (IC) Windmill x 15 (IC) Merkins x 10 (IC) Mountain Climbers x 20 (IC) Merkins x 10 (IC) Peter Parkers x 20 Parker Peters x 20 Thang One: Do to our limited numbers and the plan to have mostly partner work YHC called an audible and we Moseyed to the covered porch. [Read More]