Grace California

AO: Tortoises Date: 1/9/19 PAX**: Free Bird, Earhart, Clementine, Puddles, Ashbury, Trike, Pet Sounds, Sub, Cataracts, Meat Loaf, Crimson, Deuce, Spartan, Frisco, Payback, Dust Bowl, WWW, Yogi, Quiver, Milton Bradley** There was a slight breeze blowing in when I arrived at Tortoises this morning and a silhouette lingering in the lot, solo, yet there. I walked up and had pleasantries with this man and we seemed to have met before, when others start streaming in with faces coming at me in all directions. [Read More]

Colt 45

Figured this was a nice nod to the Marine Corps’ chosen sidearm, the Colt 1911 Marine CQBP M45-A1 .45 ACP Pistol . Here at Full Metal Jacket, we are used to close quarters, and we went into battle today. 2 hearty youth (@michelobcarpex and @sub)joined YHC for 3 extra credit laps around the Salem homestead. FYI, one lap is a little over 1.33miles if you’re looking for extra credit running in the future. [Read More]

Carpex Challenge 2018 is in the Books

Congrats to the 36 that participated in this year’s challenge. In the end, very few completed all 3 Fs, and in fact, not many were able to post at every AO in 2018. Perhaps I made it too difficult this year, or maybe I didn’t do a good enough job marketing the challenge. But I think it’s more likely a statement of our growth. In the end, it was successful, because I know that it made some number of PAX push themselves a bit more and get out of their comfort zone. [Read More]

And I Thought No One Was Coming

YHC forgot this was the 4 year anniversary of Shut-In (1/5/15 officially) so last week finding an empty Q slot at HBs was perfect! YHC and The Joker did some ECPs while we waited for pax to show. I thought no one was coming but at 0525 the parade of headlights flooded the park. 15 pax were up and ready to go at 0530 for the disclaimer and pledge. Pax # 16 joined us after our loop around the pickle for warmup. [Read More]

19 Murphs in 2019 (1 of 19)

Pre-Blast 10 HIM for the first of 19 Murphs (in 2019) at BH. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the…the site Q didn’t bring out the flag so it wouldn’t get wet?! 10 penalty burpees. Run like 10 yards, circle up for…Smokey and Joe Smith request the shelter for warmups…so we dropped for Superman Holds and WWII sit-ups. We also did a few GMs. The Thang Do a Murph (run to Baucom Elem. [Read More]

Another trip around the sun...

13 optimistic HIM showed up in the gloomiest of glooms to ring out the old year in style. YHC was looking for a way to celebrate 2018 while looking into 2019 filled with hope. Being the 365th day of the year, a theme emerged. 365, you say? Could it be another Hi-Liter style burpee-fest?, the PAX wondered aloud. Read on to find out… Warmup After a quick tribute to our nation ‘round Old Glory, we moseyed to the basketball courts. [Read More]

The Forgotten Hill

22 PAX of all ages, shapes and sizes gathered in the warm, moist gloom of Apex Nature park for a beat down of epic proportions. Little did they know. Warm up Allegiance is pledged, then mosey to the basketball court for SSHs, cotton pickers, good mornings, hill billies, 10 burpees and merkins (on my down AND up). The Thang At the first entrance is where we begin Double 11s. Monkey Humpers here, Peter Parker merkins at the second entrance. [Read More]

Shortcut to the Playground

AO: Bounty Hunters After two plus weeks away from F3 (travel and holidays) it was more than time to hit it hard. Anticipating this situation weeks prior, YHC signed up for a lonely slot on the Bounty Hunter Q-sheet…2 days after Christmas. It was more than worth it. Called an EC 2.5 miler, fellowship pace, first at 0515, only to be politely corrected by Sub, reminding of the 0530 workout start time…revised it to 0500 and off we went: YHC, Sub and Build-a-Bear, for a friendly jog around the block, 11 other HIMs joining on time (well, all except for Shut-in, who just may have been late). [Read More]

The Bay of Fundy

I did something this morning that I have never done. No, not that. I Q’ed an AO where I had never posted. But it was the last one on the list and it needed to be done. And it was fitting that Term Paper was there to present me with the Award for Q’ing all AOs before the end of the year. (Note: One of the statements above is not true. [Read More]

I was there the day we...


  • 16 HIM joined YHC for 2.15 miles at Wolverine with one mission in mind: set a new record as a team. We succeeded.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run to the b-ball court.
  • Circle up for: SSH, Prisoner Squats, Merkins.
  • Run to the big track.

The Thang

Rotate PAX calling 20 Burpees at each corner of the track. Total: 330. 2.15 miles.