It wasn’t a Murph

After stressing out for a few weeks about my first Q, it’s now Monday. I ping Peeping Tom, my cousin who EH’d me one year ago, to get some feedback on my plan. Grief is delivered, something about how I’m asking him about this the day before I’m supposed to Q. I attempt to correct him, stating I’m fine, I’ll have all day Tuesday to nail things down. Additional grief is exchanged about how I’ve actually only got 10 hours before the Q. [Read More]

Sweatin' Bricks

A humble group of 8 HIM’s gathered early for the EC with Jiggly arriving even earlier at 0445 for his first of two laps around the lake. We dodged many a toad along the way. Today YHC Q-subbed for Peeping Tom who remains on IR recovering from an unfortunate cycling accident. He and Greenbow smartly chose to Mall Walk this morning’s workout while ten of us sweat with some bricks. [Read More]

Baker's Dozen 60 Minute Co-Q

Jigglypuff popped his Co-Q cherry this morning when he teamed up with YHC to take on a 60 minute beatdown at Phoenix, Cary’s only Saturday AO. A lucky 13 came out including 1 FNG - Wrench for what turned out to be over 3.4 miles of running and other hoopla. Warm Up YHC’s watch of nearly a year decided to stop working. We started 1 minute late due to this but off we went down to the Kiosk. [Read More]

Shoulders - need I say more...

21 showed up for a surprise shoulder workout. Only one Thang for the day - Wolverines and Crab Cakes. Warm up Barry Sanders up the hill to grab two small rocks 10 each Fazios forward and back 10 Overhead clap 10 Seal clap 10 Good mornings 10 windmills Return rocks Thang 1 (and only) 11 - Wolverine and crab cake (L & R = 1) Mary Mosey to field 10 Toe touch V Roll up - learned it in Atlanta and not sure if there is an actual F3 name for it. [Read More]

5 PAX 2 Vests...

More firsts at Rush Hour for YHC. First, this was my first Rush Hour Q. Second, this was my second Q in the same say. Third, this was the first time I wore a 20lb vest through part of the workout. Lastly, this was the first time I wore a 20lb vest while Qing the workout. #acceleration I was not the only one wearing a vest. There were two vests, thanks to Theismann, that rotated through the Pax throughout the 94 degree beatdown. [Read More]

The Number 34

Sunday was YHC’s 34th Birthday so to celebrate I took the helm for the first time here at FWD! For the second time Qing in Carpex an FNG showed up. Are my workouts too easy? Welcome FNG “The Decision”. **Warm Up **Mosey around the pickle over by the playground and circle up for the following: Hillbillies Windmills Arm Stretches Standard Merkins OMD x34 **Thang One **Mosey halfway to bridge pausing for pickle pounders [Read More]

Inverted Sunrise at FwD 06-18-19

YHC is honored to Q this morning at my old stomping grounds. It is good to be back. Chipper, Jiggly Puff and YHC followed Oofta’s lead on a 3ish mile EC run launching at 4:55. It looked like a couple others got in a shorter EC run. Circle up, disclaimer, moment of silence for Warchild. The Warmup: Follow me, jog around the pickle, some Good Mornings, Windmills, Sir Farzio Arm Circles and SSH for good measure. [Read More]

Fun times at Gran Torino and containing the FNG Outbreak

Date: 6/14 PAX: Banjo, Biner, Burt, Chinese Downhill, Disco Duck, Ezekiel, Geek Squad,GTL, Hi-Liter, Largemouth, Liverpool, Ma Bell, Old Maid, FNG Outbreak, Peeping Tom, Shut In, Spit Shine, Torpedo, Two Factor, WWW I have to prepare for this Q because this AO attracts all the runners. Disappointment is out of the question but it does worry me. When you have Carpexrunning legends like Largemouth, Old Maid, Ma Bell, Hi-Liter and the soon to be up and coming you got to put together something that will challenge them. [Read More]

Fern lovers afraid of wet asphalt at 6/13/19 BiB

Half, Hermes for a 2ish mile fellowship EC mosey. Its time, 7 pax in parking lot, beautiful chill in the air. - Standard Shut-in Warm Up -Follow me, attack the hill with a vengeance unknown to man, lets keep up the mosey for a tour around the new building and back around to the parking deck out front. Partner up. Dora 2 4 6 – 200 Merkins, 400 Calf Raises, 600 LBCs. [Read More]

Four More Years!

YHC joined F3 four years ago, and Ma Bell was the Q at my first workout. Back then there was only one AO per day, Monday through Friday, and he was Q’ing the whole week to celebrate his 50th birthday. Remember that number, it will be important later. I found the backblast from that first post and modified the workout for today, with Ma Bell’s assistance. It was a little tougher than a normal Disco Duck beatdown. [Read More]