This is Kryptonite, Right?

Pre-Blast 7 HIM joined YHC at Kryptonite. 1 for an EC run – his name rhymes with smargemouth. 1 for EC Bible reading in the car during the EC run – his name rhymes with shurmeez. Once or twice, the PAX needed to be reminded that Kryptonite is a hi-tempo workout. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag - abbreviated version? Run around the lake. Circle up for: GM; Extended Plank Series: 200 total reps of MC, PJ, DM, WGM; 100 SSH. [Read More]

Unofficial/Official BRR Training Season

Shut-In blew-out his kankle on Friday and needed to go to the bullpen early in the week. This is now the most unique way that he has managed to avoid my Q. Still trying to wrap my head around how he did that…… 4 of the Carpex 6 for a Hilly pre-run through the slums of Cary. 16 for the main event. Head across the street for a standard warm-up. 10 SSH, 10 GMs, 10 PJs, 10 IWs, 10 MCs, and 10 merkins. [Read More]


37 shakers and vesperers came in to the gloom on special day across F3 Nation, a day where we set aside some time during COT to talk about mental health. But first we have to squeeze 45 minutes of pain into 35 minutes. To help us out, and to illustrate a point, we’re taking one of the Rolling Stone coupons with us, a solid, sturdy log, large and heavy enough that it requires two PAX to carry it. [Read More]

World's Best 11s

YHC arose at 04:50 with great anticipation of Q’ing a site not visited as often as it should by us Apexians. FWD has quite a signature structure - the bridge over US 1. With the weather appropriately gloomy, 13 lucky PAX gathered at the flag to get the disclaimer and two laps around the tiny pickle. Warm Up SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Steve Earles, Good Mornings, Moroccan Night Clubs, Control Freak Merkins, and 5 burpees OYO. [Read More]

Traveling 4 Corners

19 strong on a perfect cool spring morning. disclaimer given and we are off 30 seconds early Brief mosey to warm up area SSH x 15 GM x 7 Hillbillies x 10 Merkins IC x 10 Low plank hold 5 count around the circle Thangs Mosey to one of the many office parking lots with increasing exercises at lamp posts HRM up to 10 Star jumps up to 15 *** [Read More]

Whose Scent Is That?

Having a hard time getting the pax into the tag section of the BB via wordpress. will work on it later though. Red Ryder, Pivot, Peeping Tom, Greenbow, Yoga Mat, Ollie, Lite-Brite, Texas Ranger, Hermes, Smokey, Oofta, Chipper, Bayonne, Captain Jack, Term Paper Warm Up SSH x 15 ** 5 Bonus Burpees – Welcome Greenbow Merkins x 5 GM x 10 Merkins x 10 Hillbillies x 10 LBCs x 10 Merkins x 20 Thangs [Read More]

BO BB 3/7/19: Vanilla Just Tastes Better

15 PAX entered the gloom on a 40-something degree morning in downtown Cary. A couple guys did EC - you know who you are. By the grace of the SkyQ, one of the BO twitterkeepers tweeted out that YHC was the Q for the week. YHC may or may not have remembered that. (I didn’t) In light of that, I jokingly asked @shutincarpex what he was planning to do for his Q down the road, and like a good PAX, he DM’d me his pre-blast. [Read More]


60 degrees. Dry. No wind. 15 dudes. 5 or 6 for EC run. Burt subbing for Half (get well, bro) on the Q Disclaimer, Mission, Safety were covered Warm Up Prisoner run to the big (dark…property mangers please reset your timers on DST Sunday) parking lot. Circle up for squats, Merkins with calf stretch, SSH, Hillbillies, Burt Jacks (perhaps we will do Burt Jack Webb’s at some point), Good Mornings. Most on Cadence, some on down and one on a down and up call. [Read More]

Merkins, Merkins, Merkins, and more Merkins

Yesterday evening I was perusing the weather forecast, workout options and Q-sheets….ok, yes, I was Q-Shopping a bit. About that time, Yoga Mat posted that Bluewater would be running the show here at FWD in the morning and I immediately decided…THAT is where I’m going!!! Shortly thereafter, I got a call from Bluewater advising he would not be able to make it and asking if I would fill in for him. [Read More]

Climbing Burp-back Mountain

Sixteen gathered at the flag for the first exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. After disclaimers are given and allegiance is pledged, mosey to the large parking lot. One coming in hot brings it to 17. Warm Up SSHs, Cotton-pickers, Moroccan Night Clubs, Sir Fazio, Plank Jacks and Control Freak Merkins Thang 1 Modified Cooper - instead of exercises each lap, we are going to stop twice per lap to complete in descending fashion - 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins. [Read More]