One for the Record Books

YHC apparently forgot why Rush Hour got its name! Waze said 5:43 arrival and it was dead on. Popped out the car and noticed a LOT of people waiting around for a Q. 19 to be exact. It was said that’s a record, not sure the accuracy of that but YHC will take it! Why so many guys!? 1. The weather, bro! It was gorgeous out there! 2. The beers that would soon follow. [Read More]

Rocking to the '80's

In the gloom, Girls Just Want to Have Fun! Warm-up With the mission stated, the disclaimer declaimed, and the pledge solemnly uttered, the Pax launched to the upper parking lot to circle up. The tunes were rolling and so were we for 2.5 miles over the course of the workout. It began with Side Straddle Hops Good Mornings Sir Fazio Arm circles forward and back Overhead claps Seal Claps Merkins Calf Stretch Thang One Warmed up, me moseyed to the kiosk for a set of 7’s up and down the hill. [Read More]


Beautiful morning at Hell’s Bells for some fun! My first kettleball workout Q, so I did my homework & hoped to do a proper job…. 14 HIMs gathered – No FNGs, only familiar faces. F3 intro given & we started with the pledge. Moseyed around the pickle – front/back/left/right, etc…. With all that running out of the way, we rolled into: The Warm Up Circle up for SSH, prisoner squats (deep stretch style), homer-to-marge, lunges, hip rotators, merkins, and spidermans. [Read More]

F3 Dads - 4/20/19

PAX: 2.0: WII, Swish, Taby, Sully, Chase, Little Bear, South Paw, Everest, Crosscheck FNK: Taylor (Mia), Gracie (Twinkle Toes), Micah (Neymar), Jacob (Sprocket), Ava (Finch), Aidan (Half Back), Tierney (Snacker), Adilyn (Blades) Dads: Chipper, Stolpinski, Doogie, Build-a-Bear, Michael (FNG), Norwood, Grease Monkey, Repeato, Peeping Tom, Prodigal, WWW Q’ing an F3 Dads workout was a first for me. It was actually a fun experience and I’d definitely Q again. I learned a lot which I think would help those who try to Q an F3 Dads: [Read More]

Making Good Friday Even Better: Stations of the Cross

QIC: Crimson, Wonderbread, Flacco 42 HIM gathered in the gloom to commemorate the the final days of the greatest HIM of all time. Stations of the Cross is a Catholic tradition that marks each of 14 notable events the Christ endured on his final day on this Earth. From his condemnation by Pilate and the Sanhedrin to his final (well…not-so-final) resting place in the tomb. Below is the full text that was read and the accompanying exercises for the workout. [Read More]


Feeling like we were on the hunt, 6 showed up for a high temp bootcamp, must be spring break… Savvy veterans on hand, no need of a long drawn out disclaimer, we’re off. Over to the first lot on the Regency loop for: SSH, Sir Fazio, Seals, Sir Fazios and over to the curb for QF and merkins The Thang: Hit the loop, stop along the way for various exercises, true pearls on the string. [Read More]

Crosswalk to Crosswalk

23 in total for YHC’s first crack at Lion’s Den. With some Google Satellite the night before a plan was made. There were some EC runners, some twins in the same shirts, some yoga pants, and a flag. It’s go time! 0530 - Disclaimer and Pledge Warmup lap threw off Franklin so much he quit and waited for the pax to circle the loop and come back. Then YHC went vanilla #shutinsignaturewarmup: GMs, HBs, Merkins, SSHs [Read More]

Lucky 7's? No Triple 7's with NO running

8 pax with no FNGs, brief disclaimer shared, only 1 pax actually read the pre-blast; “Ponder this question before tomorrow.. What is something you have done in the last 1 to 5 years that has changed your life to the positive? The answer cannot be F3 or praying, unless that was the catalyst.” Since the Skipper did not bless us with his presence, we’ll mosey up to tennis court parking area: [Read More]

More like HIMstamine, am I right?

Holy hell, dat yellow stuff is everywhere. Regardless, we pushed through. A group of HIM out for an EC run, and YHC set off to chase down Theismann for ECP. Check out our convo on getting better on today’s PUT6. We wrapped up recording just in time to hear the pax getting restless, it must be spot on 0545. A backwards run for the Q gave me a chance to drop the moving disclaimer on the pax before we’re up to the lot for warmups. [Read More]