BRR Training Barkley Style

The hills at Danger Zone are intense! Having done a few BRR training runs there last year, I knew it was time to get back. When I saw the open Q spot, it was a sign that I must share the love. YHC pre-blasted the plans Thursday on the Slacks, so everyone could see the big idea. I know that DZ is not a high tempo workout, but would resemble that on this day. [Read More]

heh, heh, heh

Picked up the Q the night before so not too much time for planning. Decided to keep it simple and get some BRR hill training in. Arrived early with PBX and put in a couple miles before the main event. By 5:45 we had 11 PAX. Warm up Disclaimer fail Pledge of Allegiance Mosey to the bottom of Andy Hill and circle up for: SSH, plank jacks, and something else. [Read More]

Up Hill Both Ways

Pre-Blast 13 at #ao-fri-gt / Rolling Stone on a glorious morning in NW Cary. One thing led to another…and we ended up at Starbucks for #Coffeteria - the BEST #Coffeteria north of Biscuitville (thx, @Pivot). The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run to the cutout across from Heritage Pine Rd. Circle up for: GM, WM, Cherrypickers, Calf Stretch, ‘Mericans, Mt. Climbers, Plank Jacks, LBCs. The Thang Cross the street. [Read More]

Murph 12 of 19 (in 2019)


  • 15 for the twelfths of nineteen Murphs in 2019.

The Warmup and Thang

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag.

  • Run to the playground and around the track twice for the first mile.

  • Murph at the flag.

  • Run around the track twice and back to the flag for the second mile.


If you want to be number one, train like you are number 2, yep, another BRR inspiration

No one claimed the clean gloves I picked up two weeks ago at wolverine, they are clean. Gloves are optional this morning. No new guys. Mosey to the Park Village pool parking lot to warm up with various exercises including runners stretch and pigeon pose. Recover Mosey to top of hill at the second island, on Park Village Drive. Low squat waiting on instructions: - Run to playground at bottom of hill. [Read More]

Shoulders - need I say more...

21 showed up for a surprise shoulder workout. Only one Thang for the day - Wolverines and Crab Cakes. Warm up Barry Sanders up the hill to grab two small rocks 10 each Fazios forward and back 10 Overhead clap 10 Seal clap 10 Good mornings 10 windmills Return rocks Thang 1 (and only) 11 - Wolverine and crab cake (L & R = 1) Mary Mosey to field 10 Toe touch V Roll up - learned it in Atlanta and not sure if there is an actual F3 name for it. [Read More]

So String Theory says there are multiple dimensions, but nothing about Pearls

“It’s strange how pain marks our faces, and makes us look like family.” - The Green Mile - Beautiful weather this am as the pax roll in. Everyone is early, lots of fellowship. No FNGs but a new face for YHC, well, somewhat new. Hank Williams Jr [hate] was first named 3 years ago at DZ, YHC hasn’t seen him since. Enough reminiscing, grab your gloves, let’s go. 6.25+ mile loop Pearls on a String. [Read More]

Shawn's Bullpen

Got word that the Lowther (aka Chanticleer) Household was experiencing some sicknesses so I was ready to answer the call. Thursday 7 PM it was official, I would be running the show at GT. You know, I am the 3rd-wheel site Q there. And it has been a long time since I have Q’d, so it was meant to be. 13 gathered, 2 had on backpacks, one drove a 15 passenger van, and all where hoping to see Chanticleer. [Read More]