The Gloomiest

Excited to Lead the HIM of the Gloomiest of Gloomy AOs Go Time 0530 Warm Up Jog a lap around the Pickle with some Karaoke SSH x20IC, Merkins x20OMD, Mtn Climbers x16IC, Plank Jacks x16IC, Merkins x20OMD, Good Morningx11IC, Sir Fazio Fwd/Reverse 10/10IC Thang One: Street Light Rodeo Mozy over to the road where the only light exists Lungewalk to pole 1, broad jump to pole 2, Bearcrawl to pole 3 Pause at each pole for Merkins offset etc Head back to parking lot via a reverse Crawlbear, broadjump, lunge walk Thang Two: Dora 1-2-3 Modified 100 Partner leg Press 200 Squats, Partner Runs the Pickle 300 Hammers, Partner Runs the Pickle Mary We did something… it is foggy, kind of like the gloom of this AO Announcements [Read More]

1/24/18 - TheMaynard and some clean feet

Well there were about 8 or 9 HC’s on the Slack channel for the pre-blasts. Turns out we had 23 run the 10.7 miles for The Maynard or as our Nantan apparently wants to call it: The May May. We also had 1 legendary servant leader: Shut-in volunteering to wash our feet, I mean serve as our course manager/swag waggon/emotional support/cooler retriever/safety official/cheerleader/mentor/and all around High Impact Man! If you are not sharpened by his Iron then you are doing it wrong. [Read More]

Buy One Get One

20 mph wind and driving rain, but no thunder. Time for YHC’s VQ. Warm up: Mosey to the lower lot with high knees mixed in. SSH x 20, CP x 10, WGM x 20, PJ x 20 Thang #1 Sevens Escalating Star Jumps starting at sidewalk to baseball field Hand-release merkins at crosswalk by the shelter Thang #2 Mosey to the lower field/pitch for a round of BOGO’S B - Broad jump burpees across the field O - O-face 10 count in each direction OMO; mosey length of the field for G - Gorilla hop across the field O - Overhead clap x 41 S - Sumo squats in middle of field x 41 OMD Fortunately for the PAX they then received another round of BOGO’s for free [Read More]


Pre-BB It was high time that EVERYBODY at a CarPex AO ALL spelled MERLOT on the same workout. YHC was determined to make that happen today. And so it did. BB 6 highly committed, highly motivated men spelled MERLOT at Wolverine on a nippy January morning. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the flag - Run to the north field, far corner - SSHs, Good Mornings, St. Merkins, Sir Fazio+OH Claps, Penalty Burpees, Hillbillies, LBCs - Run to the rock pile, grab a “one hand” rock - Run to the shelter with the rock over your head [Read More]

Your mother was a hamster...

..and your father smelt of elderberries! Practice makes…better. So four days into this Q-stravaganza and YHC is still hanging on. Uncharted territory folks. Fortunately (for me) this came during Q swap week, so attendance has been maybe a little bit down in these other AOs compared to what it could be. (Read: less cats to herd). Whatever, I’ve enjoyed my time with all of you. Some of you were subjected to multiple days of YHC, and for that, I’m sorry. [Read More]

ICEing on the cake

Day 2 of YHC’s b-day Q-stravaganza…36F at 0511 in greater Apex…woo hoo, a day above freezing! Or not. Commute across the border to Brooks Park, and what’s this, but leftover SN/ICE all over the place. Flashback to yesterday’s Kryptonite. ENOUGH with the snow already! 36 at my house, 31 at the AO, meant a nice glaze of black ice was starting to appear, just in time for the PAX to arrive. [Read More]

Wolverine Tour (or how we found our way out of the gloom)

Does anyone else sleep terribly before a Q, especially when it’s an AO VQ? YHC isn’t afraid to admit that he does. This time was no different. At least three times I woke up checking the clock, making sure I hadn’t overslept. Maybe it was just the fact that I hadn’t done much in the way of planning for this Q. After all, what’s there to plan for when you can’t see the nose in front of your face? [Read More]


Pre-BB We first learned about Festivus (for the rest of us) in Season 9, Episode 10 of Seinfeld. After raining down blows upon a poor, defenseless Christmas shopper, George Castanza’s father began a tradition that still impacts us today…at Flying Circus. Original footage: BB 8 HIM’s aired their grievances and performed feats of STRENGTH (and more) at FC. The Warmup - Run down the driveway to meet the EC runners arriving just in the nick of time - Run the big loop around to the far drive - Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, SSHs, Wide Grip Merkins, Ranger Merkins, Imperial Walkers, LBCs - Partner up, run to the front of the middle school [Read More]

The After Party

Pre-BB Men, YHC and my M, Leah, had an absolute BLAST at the Christmas Party last night. Leah really enjoyed herself and loved meeting many of your M’s. She commented on the way home about how kind, outgoing, funny, and fun-loving everyone seemed to be. YHC intentionally took several moments to look around at everyone smiling, milling about, and having such a great time…and to listen to everyone laughing and talking. [Read More]

Flying V Meets Flying Circus

Warm-Up Mosey around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, cotton pickers and Sir Fazio. The Thang Mosey over to the bleachers next to the track and partner up for Dora 1-2-3. 100 derkins, 200 dips and 300 squats while your partner runs to the fence and back, then flap jack. Mosey over to the stairs for Jacob’s ladder with star jumps at the top (in honor of the absent Site Q Goose). [Read More]