Slow. DOWN.

Occasionally, I like to sit on my porch and tell the kids (and defecating dogs) to stay off my lawn, to complain about the weather, reminisce about walking to school, upAndy, in the snow, both ways, and to yell at the cars to SLOW DOWN. That was the genesis of this workout. And, like almost any old man story, that is completely false. I actually realized about 1/7th of the way through Ma Bells ridiculous Hindenberg workout at FOD (the OG of Tuesday Carpex AOs) that my form was becoming exceedingly sloppy and rushed. [Read More]

How Not to Win Friends & Influence People

Someone mentioned to me last week that I had the Q this week at FOD. I had not remembered that. It would have been super embarrassing to travel across CarPEX Nation and miss a Q at FOD. I mean, who does that? Anyway, given this is the OG Tuesday AO in CarPEX, I wanted to bring it. Nobody splashed but the level of hatred thrown my way leads YHC to the following conclusion: mission accomplished. [Read More]

A River Runs Through It

I know all you Robert Redford fans are rolling your eyes right about now but trust me, I wouldn’t steal it if I truly didn’t need it. Now that Flo is no mo and being how we are the men of F3 it only made sense to me that we take the lead in returning our little community park back to pre-storm conditions (or at least the running path). As I pre-blasted, we’ll mosey around the Apex Lake clearing debris as we go. [Read More]

Rain Dance for Flo

Hurricane’s a-comin’… calves are burning… maybe we do want a little bit of rain! No FNGs, Follow Me! Head out the road on which we came in, stopping to give time for Scarecrow to catch up for Good Mornings. Continue to the intersection for 10 Penalty Burpees OYO, followed by Imperial Walkers. Turn left toward the schools, stopping at the next intersection (pickle) for Windmills, Calf Stretches, and Standard Merkins. [Read More]

Peaceful Transitions

A few months ago at regular Wolverine coffeteria Hi-Liter and Biner were talking about who would be the next Site-Qs. That’s when our eyes met and the rest is history Biner did the same thing to BOGO, but it looked like this: It was weird, but it worked. All kidding aside, I think I can speak for BOGO in that we were both excited to take on the role and really look forward to seeing how the site evolves over the upcoming year. [Read More]

Burpee-cides and Bear Crawls 04Sep18

Descending from a Labor Day Weekend mountain-top experience of Rainbow Trout, Largemouth Bass, and campfires was hard enough. But when the first two sentences spoken to me were “Sky Blue was worried you wouldn’t make it.” and “Can we use your Old Glory calf condoms as a shovel flag?”, I knew we needed to re-instill some semblance of order and discipline in Carpex (amiright, Nantan?). Standards have to be met and exceeded here people. [Read More]

Starting off LABOR DAY weekend

LABOR DAY weekend … the official end of summer. Most kids are back in school and the days are turning cooler, a little. There was plenty of heat at AO Phoenix for starting off the LABOR DAY weekend right. Yogi had locked in the Q at Phoenix for today, but he handed it off to YHC during the week. I wanted to EH a HIM to co-Q, so new guys will keep stepping up and Q’ing. [Read More]

Goonies Never Say Die!!!!

24 PAX gathered at their friennd Mikey’s house on Monday morning for the usual hang out, but that’s when everything changed. We got the news that evil fat cat developers were buying land and planning on tearing down our houses to build a golf course…bummer. This group of misfits started the day with the pledge and a quick jaunt around the pickle. Circled up on the basketball courts. The Walsh family is always so accommodating and polite, so of course we start with Good Mornings. [Read More]

Same Same, But Different

A lovely morning for a workout! We have been truly blessed the last three days with some fabulous weather!!! Roughly 60 degrees this morning, with pretty high humidity. The preblast indicated this would not be a Blue Ridge Relay training workout and while there WOULD be running, it would not be a run-centric workout. Turns out, we still managed a little over three miles…… Bayonne, Biner, PBX, and I met for some EC hill repeats at 5:45 and ran a little over 30 minutes on the High House hill, joined about 3/4 into the run by Snots and Chipper. [Read More]

Advertising works!

YHC has been out of Carpex for the past few days exploring F3 out west in St. Louis and was really looking forward to being back home. Since there isn’t much to do outside of work when traveling YHC was advertising the upcoming beat down all week on slack. And let’s just say that the adverting brought out the numbers - 32 PAX joined my in south Carpex on this fine Friday morning. [Read More]