Changing of the Guard

Due to technical issues, there is not a way to have the QIC list both Beaker and YHC as the QIC but he was in the mix and deserves the glory. Warm-up Beaker led all the PAX from the flag over to the other lower parking lot and back again to get the legs moving. Once we circled back up we enjoyed a few other treats: SSH x 20 Windmills x 10 Slow Count Merkins x 10 Good Mornings x 10 Thang 1 [Read More]

I was there the day we...


  • 16 HIM joined YHC for 2.15 miles at Wolverine with one mission in mind: set a new record as a team. We succeeded.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run to the b-ball court.
  • Circle up for: SSH, Prisoner Squats, Merkins.
  • Run to the big track.

The Thang

Rotate PAX calling 20 Burpees at each corner of the track. Total: 330. 2.15 miles.


Miles for Merkins

YHC was excited about Gran Torino since it was announced. Not being a hi-tempo kinda guy, posting at this new hi-tempo workout presents a challenge, the kind of challenge YHC seeks. But leading the workout? That’s enough to make even a grizzled veteran a little anxious. The PAX are expecting a proper and thorough beatdown, so at 05:30 (by the QIC’s watch) we’re off. Warm-Up A quick pledge at the flag, and mosey safely across the street to the tennis park parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, and the Disco Special, 10 burpees OYO. [Read More]

Cold Burpees

It was a cold morning at the finest AO in NW Cary, on a Thursday morning. The mumblechatter abounded on slack about the impending Burpee beatdown and there were still two dozen PAX in attendance. Here is how it went down…. Disclaimer to two FNGs - Welcome Molson and Ratchet! At 5:45 sharp many PAXs were surprised as YHC started jogging. Quick warm up run to the front middle school parking lot for some warm up. [Read More]

The Princess Bride

Today the brute squad assembled early in the fields of Florin to enjoy a workout that would include Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles. However the pax wasn’t impressed and responded. “Doesn’t sound too bad. I’ll try to stay awake”, “Oh, well, thank you very much, very nice of you. Your vote of confidence is overwhelming” dread pirate pivot answered back…. A quick warm-up lap around the parking lot and then circle up to meet the characters [Read More]


Pre-Blast 12 Him joined YHC for 2.51 miles of, in Term Pappy’s words, 70 reps of lots of stuff. 6 for EC run. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to the back of the park - stop for 70 reps each of SSH, Standard Merkin, Squats, LBC. Complete the loop at the back of the park with extended PTL. ****The Thangs Run toward the front of the park. [Read More]

The Caterers I Hired Suck!

This morning I hosted (what may have been) the first ever Field of Dreams Welcome Party, which started 15 minutes prior to the workout. Invitations went out to the entire PAX however Ma Bell, Largemouth, Biner, PBX, Katniss, Bogo, Two Factor, Liverpool, Sosa, Crimson & YHC RSVP’d. We gathered in the parking lot and ran over to the shelter near the soccer field, but when we arrived I noticed the food I ordered from the caterers hadn’t arrived yet. [Read More]

Liverpool Loves Dips

Feeling like the ankle is getting back to full speed, and with the Thanksgiving convergence coming up, YHC knew he needed to shake a little bootcamp beatdown rust off. There is no finer AO on a Monday morning at 0530 on Davis Drive than Wolverine, for said beatdown. Oh, but first HIM of all HIMs Build-a-Bear called a 0455 EC run and YHC felt obliged to join. Grizzly Bear Ollie was there to boot and it was a wonderful 3 mile loop. [Read More]

Breaking news, Franklin Q sets the mileage record at Gran Torino

Rumor went out early on slack that YHC was going to break a mileage record at an AO, a sentence few people would ever expect to see in writing. Some showed up this morning to see if it was true, others showed up expecting it to be a record low mileage, but oh no- YHC meant serious business. He was going to attack the 3.8 mile GT distance record. 0530 - one burpee OYO, circle up for count off (18) GM and IW - and then we were off. [Read More]

Where's the Rain?

So we got lucky on the rain, 10 cool guys showed up and we got after it. Nice slow jog up to a parking lot, did 23 Merkins in honor of my son Gibson, 10 Windmills, 10 Plankjacks and 10 Hill Billies. Part one was some Fry Daddy ’s Speed Racers, 5 Burpess and one lap, 10 Burpees and 2 Laps, 5 Burpees and 3 laps. Part 2 was slow jog to rock pile, we did curls, rows and tricep extension with some running to a variety of light poles. [Read More]