Ladder of Unknown Height

QIC: Parker Date: 10/18/2019 PAX (bootcamp): Largemouth, Torpedo, Sooner, Snots, One-Four, Biner, PBX, Gibraltar, Michelob, Big Red, Doogie, Parker. PAX (Ruck): The Departed, Ezekiel, One Direction, WWW, Bartman, Geek Squad. 12 bootcamp PAX and 6 Ruckers gathered in the 43 F gloom at Gran Torino. Last time I Q’d at GT was BRR Friday, and hi-tempo bootcampers were slim. Happy to see a slightly larger group this time. WWW had a look in his eye about the planned Rucker Q, so all PAX were on edge. [Read More]

Sandbag audible

YHC was in the middle of a BH butt-kicking recently and noticed a REAL NICE stack of sand bags, and so naturally I designed an entire workout around them… and naturally they started to split and spill the sand RIGHT AFTER WE STARTED… but I’m jumping ahead. Pax out on a crisp sub 50 degree morning in Apex. 1 FNG c/o the Greek God of the Olympiad. A purrfectly nailed disclaimer and mission statement and we’re off. [Read More]

Escargot, my car go

I came across a news story Tuesday that the 2019 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees had been announced. I don’t remember how the news came to catch my attention but catch it it did. Start with the fact that two of my favorite bands were on the list (again) and that I hadn’t even heard of a couple others and I got intrigued. An hour or so later, not only had I created a little Spotify playlist to listen to at home, but an idea for a Q was developing as well. [Read More]

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

With the cool brisk October air in full effect, 21 PAX including 2 FNGs gathered at Hunterest of all Parks in anticipation. Some were wearing tanks, but more were not. First exercise, pledge of allegiance. Warm Up SSHs, Good mornings, Sir Fazio, Runner’s stretch, calf stretch, Plank jacks, and CFMs. Pre-Thang 33 burpees to the dulcet tones of AC/DC’s Brian Johnson singing Thunderstruck. The Actual Thang Split into 2 teams to execute the following: [Read More]

Deck of Cards- Bonus Burpees

No FNG’s, Disclaimer 2 HIMs rolled in late so we did 5 Burpees OYO Pledge Mosey to the field parking lot for warm-ups Good Mornings, SSH, Merkins, Calf Stretches THE THANG: DECK OF CARDS- We split into partners so we could divide on the track. Two groups split on opposite side of track. Split track and deck of cards in 4 sections Each PAX would pull a card at each station and call the exercise [Read More]

Groundhog Day in October

Monday of this week I was at A-Team and a few PAX brought it up to me that my DP Q was the day before the Odyssey and I should probably “take it easy on’em with the mileage..and the Mary.” Apparently our boy Squatter had put a hurtin’ on them last year at HIS DP Q the day before Odyssey and there was some griping or somethingorother… Being somewhat new to Q’ing, in the back of my head I was thinking “well, what the hell’s left? [Read More]

What's Your Kryptonite; part II

Well, YHC was at a conference since Friday, so my Slack time significantly decreased. But I see that Shut-In asked someone to Q for him on Friday. Guess he got nothing, so asked again Sunday, which I saw that night. YHC thought, “my goodness, hope Shutty is OK, he wouldn’t just not Q unless something is drastically wrong”. Nope, he just wanted to attend Franklin’s anniversary Q. pffft. big deal. Nah, just kidding Shut-In, you are a great man and ‘Mantan. [Read More]

Wild Thangs

31 posted at Apex Nature Park this morning. 16 heard YHC had the queue and chickened out of Dante’s Peak and did some sort of Soft Pax challenge or some alternate interval pull up stuff, I wasn’t entirely sure what was going on but I knew we couldn’t do a Murph with Theismann commandeering the pull up bars. Let’s Get Started Disclaimer - I am a professional. . . software engineer so follow at your own risk and modify as necessary Pledge of allegiance Let’s mosey! [Read More]

Changing of the Guard

The time has come for the guard to change at Wolverine. Bogo and Pivot completed their time at the helm. They did and amazing job, continuing what Hi-Liter and Biner so graciously began two years ago. The workout and transition went something like this. Well, maybe it was a little more American. Maybe not quite that patriotic and brave. More like this. Yes, the workout today was based on the GHHS Color Guard conditioning routines which are set to music. [Read More]

Unexpected Hurdles

I’ve posted at a few other AOs, but I’ve mostly been coming out to Wolverine since I live right across the street. I’m definitely still learning the ropes and so when Pivot asked me to VQ I took the chance. I didn’t feel ready at all but I figured I’d better jump at the opportunity otherwise I’d never volunteer to do it. We had 20 PAX in attendance and there were no FNGs. [Read More]