Silly Walks Rule!

Flying Circus AO Launch on 10/26/2017 15 PAX were warmle welcomed to what is rapidly being acknowledged as the finest Thursday AO in Northwest Cary. “Damn that’s a nice shovel flag!” Fine, fine weather. Goose dropped his gloves in the driveway back at the house…thanks Biner for saving me! YHC with the Q: (Proper) Warm-Up Lap around the parking lot and to the top of the steps to the track SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billys, King David Kicks, Windmill, Slow Count Merkins, Slow Count Squats [Read More]

Burpee 100

Banjo, Biner, Bogo, Disco Duck, Goose, Hi-Liter, Ma Bell, Parker, PBX, Pickles, Snots, Water Wings 12 PAX, no FNG’s, 3 headlamps, 4 assorted neon shirts, we’re off. Indian Run to Davis Drive M.S. Warm-up SSH, Imperial Walker. Sir Fazio arm circles. Mountain climbers. Plank Jack’s. Merkins. Calf stretch. Low plank hold. Pigeon stretch. Recover Mosey to track Burpee 100 Timer set at 1 minute repeat. Run 100 yards AMRAP burpees till time, keep a talley [Read More]

Take me to the other side

Twenty HIM showed up on a cold morning for YHC’s second Dante’s Peak Q. For my first Q we stayed on the main side of the park and did burpees. Lots and lots of burpees. More than once I was reminded that there was more to the park than the baskeball court. Today I decided we should stretch our legs and make our way over to the other side. Warm-Up [Read More]

Christmas Came Early

BB 15 HIM joined YHC on a crisp, cool NC fall morning at the flaming chicken. I recommended beforehand, that anyone not wanting to run far and work hard, should stay home. These men came out on purpose. Proud of you guys. Today, we learned about teamwork and, in particular, team communication. When you run a trail in the gloom that’s littered with roots, stumps, spiderwebs, and uneven bridges, you need to work as a unit. [Read More]

10 10 Road of Hard Knocks

When: Oct 20th, 2017 QIC: Free Bird The PAX: GTL, Sour Mash, Ascot, Hot Spot, Malpractice, Kabota, Grease Monkey, Khakis, Monkey Nut, Bogo, Snots, Franklin, Blue print, Nature Boy, Red Ryder, PBX,Wilbur, Old Maid, Free bird When I posted the twitter pre blast warning of “devastation”, I thought it would just be another Twitter scare tactic. Then, when pulling into Dante’s 10 minutes before start, no one was around. I thought to myself, “wow”, everyone took that Tweet seriously last night. [Read More]

We Did it All

Best way to kick off your birthday (unless you’re off on an exotic getaway) is to Q! This year I just so happen to get one of my favorite AOs, FOD, on one of my favorite fall weather type of mornings. Things were lining up perfectly for me to put it to the Pax. My Twitter #PreBlast said we’d be moving today and move we did. We did it all. [Read More]

Happy Birthday Dante's Peak!

When: Oct 13th, 2017 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Wilbur, Bocephus, BOGO, Parker, Crimson, Freebird, Sooey, Shut-In, Malpractice, Monkey Nut, Hot Spot, GTL, Snots, Water Wings, Imp, Sooner, Spitvalve (Raleigh), YHC Earhart Can’t believe it has been a year since Shut-In and I launched Dante’s Peak. It took me a while to get the site going as it was the first site where we doubled up with Danger Zone. The PAX were resistant to adding another site, dividing Carpex on the same day, but I am glad we did. [Read More]

Travelin' Wilburys

Alright, listen up. Imabout tired of this early August weather IN OCTOBER. Be Fall already! Yes, I feel better now. Anyway, a great crowd of men assembled at the Mellinial Memorial Skate Park in the unseasonably warm and humid morning to get better. My guess is they did. Extra Credit: First person to tie a recent event to the title of this post wins a free cup of cheap coffee. [Read More]

Let There Be Light

12 warriors entered the gloomiest of all mornings - 75 degrees, a million percent humidity, and no light. With 5 minutes til launch time, there was plenty of time to catch up on the Odyssey goings on. Trying to talk to everyone with all those headlamps glaring at you is not easy. At 0545 we got going. Warm-Up Circle up for 20 x SSH, then follow me out of the park where there is actually light, up Davis and across to the Davis Drive Middle parking lot to continue the warm-up with Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers and, of course, Merkins. [Read More]

Odyssey Eve at the Peak

11 brave PAX ventured out on Odyssey Eve, looking for some last-minute prep work before the main event. YHC was feeling competitive and decided to battle it out between two teams through a series of four relays and races. Here is how it went down: Warm up Quick jog through the woods, bear-crawl over Bear-Crawl Bridge Pit stop at the pond, 10 burpees OYO Continue to the far parking lot, paint the lines and then circle up [Read More]