Mucho Chesto Merkin Mile

Wolverine’s starting time moves to 5:30 next week, and YHC was honored to Q the final 5:45 workout. It’s a special occasion, so I knew I had to bring something special. I pulled into the parking lot and the conditions were perfect. Dark, raining, not really cold but certainly not warm. Perfectly gloomy. Warm-Up Mosey over to the middle school parking lot and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios forward, Sir Fazios backwards, hill billies and cotton pickers, all x 15. [Read More]

Partner Up...and Size Does Matter

When: February 16th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Crimson, Red Ryder, Chappy, Wonderland, Hotspot, Snots, Imp, Highlighter, Water Wings, Parker, GTL, Term Paper, Pickles, BOGO, PBX, Biner, Blue-n-Out, Blueprint, Chum, Matlock, Chipper, Monkey Nut, Crabby (FNG), YHC Earhart YHC comes in, five minutes to spare, with a great spring morning. How can you not want to come out in the gloom when it is partly cloudy and 65 degrees? Well, it appeared I was not the only one who felt that way because 23 fellow HIM posted as well. [Read More]

Bounty Hunter BLIMPS

It was a scorching 57 degrees this morning, perfectly timed for Tank Top Thursday. YHC was the only participant, but appreciated Parker’s good intentions this morning, only to realize that he doesn’t own one. I think he can fix that with some scissors by next week… 11 PAX ready to go, no FNGs, and we’re off. Warm up jog around the track to the far parking lot, wave hello to FiA as we pass. [Read More]


After returning home from the Oak City Recovery Run Club block party on Tuesday night, I sat with the M watching the Bachelor Winter Games (because I suppose that’s more entertaining than the quadrennial actual winter games), looking at a map of Bond Park, and perusing the exicon and this fine F3 nation page. It was a 2 hour show. We are diehard Bachelor fans (cc: @AndrewPass and @AP013 on Twitter). [Read More]

180 degrees is better than 0 degrees...

Cold. Windy. Tuesday. Q showed up early for a little recon. 5:30 and we are off Warmup Standard Half warmup. Couple O Circles around the parking lot. Butt Kickers, Side Shuffles, and High Knees. Circled up for Good mornings16X and Windmills11X. Ok, lets go! Run towards the soccer field, close to the site parking lot. Hang a right on to the greenway…HALT…10 Burpees OYO…keep running through the dark path….HALT….Wide Grip Merkins9X…. [Read More]

Hell's Bells Beatdown

14 HIMs taking on Hells Bells Beatdown When: February 12th, 2018. QIC & YHC: WWW. The PAX: Crimson, Ryder, Sooey, Capone, Sour Mash, Monkey Nut, Earhart, Parker, Wilbur, BOGO, Pickles, Shut-in, Water Wings, WWW. Q’s first time leading HIMs for a Hells Bells kettlebell beatdown. It was a little bit warm this morning so it was a good time to get our sweat on. I was a little worried because it was 5 minuts to start time and only Shut-in and Sooey had a kettlebell. [Read More]

Burpee 11's

YHC was originally planning a vanilla workout this morning, but last night WKRP claimed vanilla for himself and Bradford’s Ordinary, so I had to come up with something more flavorful. Here’s what we ended up with. Warm-Up Mosey over to the parking lot between the two fields, uh-oh our FiA sisters are already there, let’s head over to the other end to give them some space. Circle up for side straddle hops x 19 because it’s my 2. [Read More]

Fly, Eagles Fly! (5 Feb 2018)

13 Hung(over)ry PAX showed up at Wolverine for holy-cow-that-was-an-amazing-Superbowl-so-GO-EAGLES beatdown. Temps were modest for January, no rain, and no last-minute additions. Somebody had to help Hi-Liter with his strap-on (Breathtaker, that is). Welcome and disclaimer to Tubeless’ Father-in-Law Dennis, and we’re off to the races. Warm up: A moderate mosey pace down to Davis Drive Middle, with a little side-shuffle left and right along the way. Circle up for 20 SSH IC, 15 mountain climber IC, 15 plank jacks IC, 15 merkins IC. [Read More]

Bloody Super Blue Mother Ruckers

Last week at Flying Circus, Biner was giddy with excitement over the arrival of a new ruck. Where to break it in? Camelot? Nah, ’tis a silly place. 4 PAX decided to oblige him at SNS. We couldn’t have picked a better morning for it: clear skies, a giant full moon turning to red as the Earth’s shadow passed over…oh, and a balmy 17F of chill in your face. Somehow, hauling 35# through the gloom, mixing in some PT, and I’m pretty sure none of us noticed the chill. [Read More]

What the heck is an Octothreat

As the Twitterserve would have it, YHC and some of the fellas including Captain Insano got into a deep-cut thread over the weekend and thus was born the “Octothreat.” With the pressure of the entire F3 Nation, YHC set out to embark the PAX on the first-ever Octothreat. But first, another solid showing at Insomnia. YHC was looking for the easy way out before the Q on this morn, but the peer pressure pushed YHC into the 0505 start time (sorry to Angry Elf who showed up like a HIM at 0520 for recon). [Read More]