Good Friday - Stations of the Cross

To get our minds right for the power and solemnity of the Good Friday holiday, a team of 29 HIM commemorated Christ’s journey to Calvary in a special Danger Zone - ‘Stations of the Cross’-edition. The 14-part story of Stations of the Cross follows Jesus from His condemnation by Pilate, to His beaten, lifeless body being laid in a tomb hewn from rock. Each station featured a theme, helping us find new meaning in Christ’s journey. [Read More]

Keep Pushing

I don’t know what’s going on with the weather this week. It’s spring, but it’s snowing. The weatherman says it’s one temperature, the thermometer in my car says it’s another temperature, and while I’m standing there waiting for the clock to tick 5:45 it feels colder than either of them. One FNG, disclaimer is given, let’s get the blood moving and warm these boys up. Warm-Up Mosey over to the end of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios both ways, plank jacks and merkins (morning, Ma Bell! [Read More]

Virgin Wolverines Hunting Sloths on a Track in South Merka

The path to Q’dom had to start somewhere, for Tubeless it started at Wolverine. 12 brave PAX showed up to attack the time change, put a hurting on Monday, and celebrate YHC’s VQ. Things were off to a great start as Jiggly Puff made his return to the gloom after having his 2.2 Gus. All PAX were stoked to see him. Welcome back Jiggly Puff! Speaking of PAX, YHC was stoked to see 12 PAX post for the Tubeless VQ. [Read More]

Respect at the Circus

16 PAX were warmle welcomed to what is rapidly being acknowledged as the finest Thursday AO in Northwest Cary. “Damn that’s a nice shovel flag!” Fine, fine weather. Goose dropped his gloves in the driveway back at the house…thanks Biner for saving me! YHC with the Q: (Proper) Warm-Up Lap around the parking lot and to the top of the steps to the track SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billys, King David Kicks, Windmill, Slow Count Merkins, Slow Count Squats [Read More]

March Madness

Apparently it’s March already. February, you always cheat me out of 2-3 days. So time to get those NCAA pools going. But before that starts, let’s celebrate in the rainy gloom at Hunter Street Park. PERFECT weather. Warm Up JigglyPuff posts the flag, and we start with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mosey to a suitable parking lot for some warm up. Along the way we get in some butt-kickers, high knees, and side shuffles. [Read More]


YHC made a last minute decision to lead Phoenix as a way to be accountable to show up and not fart sack. It is always fun to lead such a strong group of PAX! Nice weather and great way to start the weekend. At 6:30 sharp we were off to the far parking lot near fields 6 and 7 for our warm up. Warm Up: SSH x 15 IC Imperial Walkers x 15 IC Arm circles x 10 IC Reverse arm circles x 10 IC Mountain Climbers x 10 IC Merkins x 20 OMD Thing 1: [Read More]

40 mins of Welcome to Hunter Street Skate Park

Date: 2/22/2018 Location: Bounty Hunters QIC: Parker PAX: 13 13 Pax gathered in the 63 deg downright balmy gloom on a late Feb morning for a promised reintroduction to the wonder that is Hunter Street Skate Park. Since GTL and YHC took over site Q duties at BH a couple weeks ago YHC feels obligated to make sure the Pax are aware of all the options here. I mean, it really has a lot to offer. [Read More]

A #2 in the Woods is NOT a Double Down!

Nice morning. 63 degrees. Overcast. 15 for insomnia pre-run. Pet Sounds does the Duece in the woods adjacent to parking lot between EC and SNS. All of the ingredients were present. 32 dudes showed up and split into 3 groups. 14 for Boot Camp, 14 for Vespers (further split into two groups) and 4 for Rolling Stones. Gotta love Wednesdays in Bond Park. Pax List includes SNS, Vesper and the Rolling Stone Pax. [Read More]

14-199 Ruck WoD 2/21/18

Four swarthy gents posted for this week’s Rolling Stone hosted at SnS. YHC saw a recommended workout posted this weekend in honor of Jerome Gonzales, a GRT and Pathfinder who died this past weekend during an event. It sounded like a good time: With that, we grabbed an extra ruck along with 40# and 60# bags, and headed for the ball field lot. There, we did: 2-minute AMRAP push-up (no ruck) 2-minute AMRAP sit-up (no ruck) 2-minute AMRAP ALRSU with ruck Burpee time: 10 ruck burpees, farmer carry ruck 80yd in one hand 10 ruck burpees, farmer carry ruck back in other hand 10 ruck burpees, recover. [Read More]

2nd Time Around

Shank put out the APB for a Q on Sunday night. YHC perused the work calendar for a moment, and heeded the call. I was set for my 2nd ever Q on Thursday at BO, but in retrospect I’m glad it came a couple of days early. Monday, being President’s Day, provided the rare opportunity to double dip for an AO survey and an outing with my 2.0. The last few weeks have been bittersweet on that front - my M is 36 and a half weeks along with our 2. [Read More]