Field of Crab Soccer

YHC sets out for Q 2-of-10, and it’s to FOD we go. Upon arrival, take a solo trip to the field to drop off some stuff. Pax arrive, we’ve got a visitor from New York, Green Card, and he brought an FNG, ta boot. Disclaimers delivered and YHC properly heckled by Franklin and we’re off. Warmup: Over to the other lot for high knees and a butt-kickers lap Good morning, SSH, Mnt Climbers, Merkins, Sir Fazio (both ways), 10 burpees for Disco Thang 1: [Read More]

Beware of the Stink B.O.M.B.S.

Joining Carpex, my first post was Dante’s Peak. That following Monday Grinch took me to Wolverine. So it was only fitting that I reached out to him to see if he was ready to come off the Injured Reserve List to be part of my first Q at Wolverine. He was! Welcome Back Grinch. And thanks to Hi-Liter for bringing breakfast this morning to celebrate the lightest day of the year. [Read More]

Guns out for Summer

So pumped to have pull up bars at DP! Best Friday AO Go Time 0545 Jog to end of lot - circle up 25x SSH 15x Peter Parkers 20x merkins Mozy long way to pond Stop along the way for pulsing squats for 6 and short loop back for 6 The Thang: 3 groups of 5 for 5 rounds (maybe) P1, Rock curls P2, run from rocks to pull up bars, P3, pulls up to failure P4, spot P3 for extra pullups P5, run from Pull ups to Rocks Plank hold at top of Pickle for doublesided Shakiras 10IC The Thang Duo: Mozy to to bridge CrawlBear by request from Hotspot! [Read More]

Flag Day Fun

June 14, 2018 – Flag Day YHC Bayonne was honored to host 19 other men (including two F3 HIMs’ sons) for his first “real Q” (not counting a last-minute stand-in for McCants at FWD 5/29) on a glorious sunny Flag Day morning in the Peak of Good Living, USA. Today’s magic number was 14, in honor of the day. Tank Top participation was mediocre, with YHC and 8 other HIM’s sporting some form of non-sleeved attire (Red Ryder and Disco Duck being among the best dressed). [Read More]

Listen Up....I don't hear Pet Sounds

Date: June 13, 2018 Weather: Humid, 83 degrees, cloudy 40 Pax total, including 17 for Vespers. What a group! 5:45. No Pet Sounds (he did make Refinery). Burt takes the Q. Warm up: Mosey to the gate, head to other side of the gate for a standard warm up including 20 burpees, SSH, Merkins, Cotton Pickers, Good Mornings and Little Baby Jumping Jacks. Sprints up the hill (about 40 yards) with a prisoner run back down the hill. [Read More]

Crazy(ish) Phoenix

Banjo hit the Pax with news of his trip to the IR and naturally YHC jumped on the chance to Q Carpex’s premiere AO on a Saturday morning. And with the boys headed out for Crazy Train, we had to get a good beatdown in, in their honor as well. Fellowship run at 0605 (sorry Chipper who had been waiting since 0545 chomping at the bit) and the rest of the Pax arrive on-time for a 0630 start. [Read More]

No Pull-ups, No Problem

YHC started the morning with a nice little fellowship run with Hello Kitty. Got back to the flag and the PAX were already gathering. Nice mix of vets and new guys and guys we haven’t seen recently. 05:45, let’s roll! Warm-Up Mosey over to the parking lot next to Power Line Hill and circle up for hillbillies, side straddle hops, burpees, Sir Fazios and plank jacks. The Thang Mosey over towards Power Line Hill but take a surprise right turn and head down the stairs to the baseball field. [Read More]

Against the Wind

YHC asked about the Dante’s Peak mileage record last week. An innocent question, and not expected to turn into a thing. But since Sooey had the Q the week before me, he took it as a challenge and ran us 3.3 miles. Now it’s up to YHC to top that. Let’s see how we did. Warm-Up Mosey over to end of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, copperhead squats, planks jacks and copperhead merkins. [Read More]

Hello Turtle

YHC has yet to Q at the premier limited running AO in all of Apex on a Wednesday, and with an open spot on the schedule, I jumped on it. 4 for an EC loop around the peak of good living, tclaps to Earhart, GTL and the Duck man for rolling with me. The time is 0530 and we’re ready to go with 17 studs, and 3 vests present. Warmup: [Read More]

Monsoon Murph at OIB

A beach weekend Murph on Memorial Day, you bet your ass. 4 Pax and 1 weighted vest gathered in what felt like a monsoon to get after it. Burt, Parker, Banner and YHC – let’s go. Meet at the peir 1 mile out and back to the playground 100 pullups 200 merkins 300 squats 1 miles out and back to the pier COT: Hello Kitty, Burt, Parker, Banner NMS: Grateful for our freedom and those who laid down their lives for it Tclaps to the crew at the pier for offering to buy our breakfast, a cup of coffee is all we just need Angry Elf wasn’t there God Bless America, and attack the day with an enthusiasm unknown to man. [Read More]