Tractor Pull

In the several years that I have been doing this thing we affectionately call a cult F3, one of its best features is how it thrusts you into such close proximity to some pretty remarkable men. Showing up day after day to this cult fellowship is the embodiment of the adage that if you want to be successful, identify successful people and follow their examples. Think about it, no other region that I’ve posted in (just Churham) even comes close to the number of kick-a$$ respects we host on any random weekday. [Read More]

Merkin Monday (on a Friday)

Welcome to the 3rd installment of Flaccoversary Week 2018, and only the 2nd installment Q’d by YHC! After an unexpected business trip to Virginia preempted the 2nd installment (that was graciously Q’d by Sabre), YHC felt the need to get swolt. (And my legs aren’t working very well since the lungefest at SNS, so upper body seemed the way to go.) So my M went to Crate & Barrel to buy me something nice for my Flaccoversary, and she found Merkins on sale. [Read More]

Sharknado: Part Deux

The Sharknado - it has become YHC’s favorite circuit routine next to the Murph in recent years, and has become the official benchmark test of downtown Apex’s finest AO, Bounty Hunters. The idea is to test your endurance abilities 3 times per year to see if you are making incremental improvements, and also…because its Thursday. (hopefully not infringing on any trademark laws surrounding The Maynard’s slogan) Warm-up run from the flag to the Apex Town Hall courtyard, circle up [Read More]

The role of Largemouth will be played by his understudy

With just under 12 hours on the clock before the start of Kryptonite, the call went out that Largemouth was dealing with a stomach bug. So I dusted off the script, prepped for the part and took the stage as the Q for a morning performance. And although the audience was visible upset, no one left the theatre and demanded their money back. We mosey across the street (hold up, car right) to the parking lot. [Read More]

Birthday B.O.M.B.S

I"m always leery of the use of the aforementioned especially when on a public school campus in light of where we are as a society. In the case of today, the subject gave reason for concern for all within the immediate proximity but not need to worry about one’s personal safety. Disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance Warmup The magic number of the day is 42 and we did so for Side Straddle Hop, Mountain Climber, Cotton Picker, Crunch Frog and Merkins. [Read More]

No Mucking Way!

September 17, 2018 YHC was inspired last weekend. He spent Saturday prior running around in the mud in Denver for an MS charity. Knowing he had to figure plan a workout for the old crew on Wednesday AND that it rained a little bit in the area, inspiration quickly took hold. Not knowing exactly WHAT they were going to do, he definitely knew WHERE it was going to happen. There was even a PSA on the site AO days ahead of time. [Read More]

Ode to Smaug

As a fan of the Lord of the Ring and Hobbit series I just had to run with this when I found it. The Pax showed up strong this morning including a FNG (kinda) Shut In, Parker and YHC got some ECP in early to get the blood flowing. When the bell rang this is how it went down. Disclaimer (because he wanted to be a FNG but really wasn’t. In truth I was a little confused so he got the disclaimer) [Read More]

We’re Not Sissies

Pre-Blast 9 HIM spat in the face of adversity as Fo spat in our faces. I think we won. YHC has heard through the grapevine that our FNG this AM, who we eventually named Flo-Rida, had questions regarding the strenuousness of our workouts. YHC was committed to giving him a proper introduction. We’re not sissies. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Run to DDMS, circle up behind the school. [Read More]

Starting off LABOR DAY weekend

LABOR DAY weekend … the official end of summer. Most kids are back in school and the days are turning cooler, a little. There was plenty of heat at AO Phoenix for starting off the LABOR DAY weekend right. Yogi had locked in the Q at Phoenix for today, but he handed it off to YHC during the week. I wanted to EH a HIM to co-Q, so new guys will keep stepping up and Q’ing. [Read More]

B R aRen't

18 Pax made it out to Hunter Street Park for a lovely 74 degree and 94 percent humid morning. Slack chatter was looking for an unfriendly BRR beatdown. Lots of mileage was logged yesterday so YHC agreed. See, not always Angry Shutty. Sometimes Very Accomodating Shutty. Here’s what went down after the 0545 disclaimer and Shut-In Shignature warmup… Thang 1: Plank-o-rama First pax took a lap around the soccer field fence and circled back up at the skate park. [Read More]