Just Getting Started!

After some debate on which parking lot we should circle up in we stuck with the standard operating procedure for SWW. After a delivery of the disclosures to our FNG we moseyed over to the back parking lot for some warm-up. SSH x 20 Sir Fazio Forward x 11 Sir Fazio Backward x 11 Seal Clap x 11 Merkins x 15 Calf Stretch Thang 1 Next, YHC had the PAX mosey to the Baseball Field and line up facing the outfield/infield from the 3rd base line. [Read More]

Hablo un poco de espaƱol

Buenos Dias, Hermanos. When it was announced that Liverpool and Water Wings would share their Chimbote, Peru (or is it Chipotle…) story with the Pax at a bread braking and the Q sheet was WIDE FREAKING OPEN for that day, YHC had to jump on it. Knowing we’d have a squad on hand, I was extra excited (hard to believe I know) for this one. With a resounding Yooooooooooooo at 0544, we got ready to roll out. [Read More]

Woke Up Without a Plan

When I announced what we were doing this morning I was accused of waking up without a plan. Not true, I knew two weeks ago I was borrowing this workout from Banjo. If it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for me. Warm-Up Mosey down the road by the pond and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, cotton pickers, and because no one except Old Maid was counting loud enough for YHC to hear, 10 burpees OYO. [Read More]

Just another day at Gran Torino

A lovely, lovely day at Gran Torino. Perfect weather, and an awesome pax! What do I have planned for today? Nothing special. A very simple, yet effective high tempo workout. Just another day at the finiest Hihgh-Tempo bootcamp AO in Northwest Cary. We started with a quick and abbreviated F3 Briefing. No FNG’s today so let’s go! Pledge of Allegiance Follow me for a brief jog and warmup: SSH x 20 20 Regular Merkins OMD Imp Walker x 20 20 Wide grip Merkins OMD 15’ish Good mornings Honestly, the mumblechatter got out of hand here, no clue what the count was 20 Diamond Merkins OMD Follow me to the pullup bars for The Thnag The Thang! [Read More]

5k for Hares this AM

The rain stopped, the temperature stayed warm-ish, and the wind died down for 6 pax to run some 11s, Hills, and a tour of downtown Apex. 3 for EC (2 for ECP and 1 for EC) - YHC, Hanson, and Yogi 0530 - Yogi gave a disclaimer schooled us on the mission and 5 core principles of F3 The mission of F3 is to plant grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. [Read More]

"I am rather inclined to silence" Abraham Lincoln

28 HIMs showed up for my VQ and TCLAPS to Liverpool for the EC run (Hoping if I tired him out enough he would limit the MC he promised to deliver. Today I learned never to underestimate that man and his ability to talk) 0530 hit, disclaimer and we recited the pledge. Checked my weinke and it said mosey so we did. Warm-Up Ran the path along the railroad tracks - stopped at the batting cages and 5 burpees OYO - remember the batting cages [Read More]

Figured 8

Insomnia #TheStandard, the original, the ever popular Insomnia kicked off the morning. There was even an FNG, EH’d by our bro Flacco. Due to his first post being Insomnia Callahan (the amazing Site Q) hit him with the disclaimer and we were off for a reverse Davis Drive loop…come to Insomnia to learn what that route is. Insomnia Runners: Callahan, Chinese Downhill, FNG, Flacco, Ollie, Shut-In “THE SIX” also ran their own Thang. [Read More]

EH Your M

Your right. It had nothing to do with the 1stF this morning which is generally the purpose of a BB but from where I stood this morning it was the most significant thing I said. We spend our mornings pouring into ourselves and each other by way of strength building, creating comradery and lifting each other’s concerns up and we do it in the name of being better men, husbands and community leaders. [Read More]

It's Better When Sooey Is Here

Another dark, rainy, gloomy Carpex morning, perfect conditions for a Duck. Warm-Up Mosey down to the end of the parking lot and circle up for hillbillies, burpees, cotton pickers, Sir Fazios, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. The Thang Mosey over to the railings between the soccer fields for Australian pull-ups and irkins, starting at 10, descending down to 1, but making the last round 10 reps again, just for fun. [Read More]

To you Paul, There is Good in Everyday

19 pax: Banjo, Butt Fumble, Callahan, Chanticleer, Commish, GTL, Honeycomb, Imp, Joe Smith, McCants, Michelob, Old Maid, Parker, Shank, Smithers, Stealth, Triple Lindy, Water Wings, miss one Mosey around to front of school to warm up, SSH, wind mills, cotton pickers, imperial walkers, 5 Burpees, calf stretch, runner stretch. Partner up. Round 1: Mosey to the playground. With your partner; P1 runs the circle to the 2nd light pole and back while P2 AMRAPs: 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 5 deep squats. [Read More]