Green wave at FOD...

Great morning at FOD – always a good crowd and fun men to be with! But holy crap the site-q’s are doing a terrible job keeping the pollen down…. couple of times it was tough to get the cadence out with a headfull of green dust. That however, did not slow down this fine crew of men! Here’s what happened according to my recollection… gather at the flag (someone mentioned it’s a bit short, but that’s not everything in life, right? [Read More]

No Mamby Pamby Here

On a rare weekend at home, Earhart put out the call there was no Q for Piranha Park. YHC quickly snapped it up. EC and pain options abound at Apex Nature Park, even though the AO has to start so late to allow Cheddar Bo Jr the chance to unlock the cot dang gate. Anyway, remembering an OTB EC run we did a few months ago in from Vicious Fishes then back again afterward, I decided to resurrect it. [Read More]

Records are meant to be broken

As YHC has not attending a workout at Claymore more than a handful of times, he along with One Direction forgot its a 5:45 start. That being said a few warm up laps around parking lot killed the extra time. Beginning at 5:45, I a call for FNGS was made with no reply. With no flag in site.. we mozy’d pickle as then a site-q arrived with a flag. Stopped for pledge and then continued to other parking lot for warmups [Read More]

Piranha Park Launch!!

When: March 6th, 2021 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Trike, Triple Lindy, Peeping Tom, Yahoo, Overflow, Red Ryder, Clockwork, Side out, Theismann, Open Concept, Snots, Old Maid, Mr. Safety, Ninjago, Queequeg, Flenderson, Nothing Special, Track Star, YHC Earhart 19 PAX gathered to launch the newest, Saturday AO in Apex, Piranha Park! After 127 days of soft launching, YHC and Peeping Tom finally made it official and 17 others were there to celebrate. [Read More]

Missed Shots and Merkins

Field of Dreams. The name just conjures up so many positive thoughts. YHC has spent a lot of time in this park, not related to F3. Many baseball and softball games have been played/coached/umpired out here. And it’s a great site to move around and travel. So we’re going to do a low mileage, core-heavy, sorta March Madness themed workout. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, and disclaimer. Do a mosey lap around the parking lots. [Read More]

Not Welcome Here

17 PAX gather in the brisk cool morning for a traveling Earhart workout. Good too see a mix of Apex and West Cary HIM to help YHC through a new workout in a new location. Gather the PAX at the flag for a pledge then start with walking down the path, high knees and butt kickers; with advancing age trying to start out a workout with a little warm for the warm. [Read More]


The idea for this Q started a few weeks ago when Sooey preblasted something about not wanting to drink alone at Off the Rails the next morning. My degenerate brain took that to mean that he was planning to bring alcohol of some sort the following morning. Turns out Sooey just didn’t want to post alone on a cold morning, but the seed of a beer-themed workout started to grow. Then last week at Off the Rails, Sooey mentioned that story to Disco Duck who was equally enthusiastic about some sort of beer-themed workout. [Read More]

It Gets Harder as it Gets Easier

As I’ve been saying for a while now, I think I got spoiled by the seemingly extended warm weather we had this year. Cause now you can really notice the cold thats here now. This was certainly the case this past Tuesday as YHC ventured out to Q Field of Dreams. Which was the last of the different Tues/Thurs workouts I had planned to Q this year! 19 Pax in total made it out to the site, though the runners were already long gone by the time the bootcamp began. [Read More]

Grundle-Dusting Comes to Cary (the Baby It's Cold Outside edition)

YHC made his virgin voyage to Whoville this morning. First time ever, and I have the Q. What could go wrong? First of all, I apparently park at the other end of the parking lot from where the flag is typically planted. Not that anyone would know, since the pin drop is in the middle of the school building. Once we figure this out, and the clock strikes 0530, there is a disclaimer given and the pledge is pledged. [Read More]

1 new AO; 8 new PAX

This is what I love about our growing region. Today I went to Winterfell for the first time (which by the way is a great AO. Well done Rooney) and met 8 new PAX. Carpex is a big beautiful world, if you’re not traveling around to different sites and meeting these new guys you’re missing out. YHC, One Direction, Cosmo, Houdini, Nope, Scapula and My Little Pony for the EC Army PT Test. [Read More]