It works 60% of the time. Every time.

26 PAX gathered at the flag, with rumors of a mysterious FNG who was nowhere to be seen. First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Mosey to the heart of Apex Community Park, the parking lot adjacent to the tennis courts. Along the way add in some butt kickers and karaoke. Circle up for a standard fare of SSHs, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Steve Earles, and Control Freak Merkins. [Read More]

MJ Stands with The Commish

Pre-Blast 31 HIM (not including MJ) at Phoenix for The Commish’s co-VQ with YHC. This also marked a 6-Pack for Mr. Silver! Such a strong start…it’s no wonder MJ Stood with The Commish. The Warmup (Hi-Liter) Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Mixed Run to the Community Center into extended Paint the Lines. Circle up for 25 each: SSH, Mt. Climbers, Hillbillies, Plankjacks, Imperial Walkers, St. Merkins, SSH. The Thang 1 (Hi-Liter) [Read More]

The Burger King Effect

We’re all familiar with Burger King’s long time moto “Have it your way”. I don’t know that I have ever personally exercised my right to have it my way with their burgers but the options is there I suppose. It’s empowering to have options. There is ownership in the plan when those involved are given the option to choose what kind of experience they ultimately want. This fundamental idea was visited in this workout. [Read More]

Four Fantastic Floundering Fish

A wonderful rainy day for Back in Black with four Pax. I guess the other 3 did not know who was the Q, even the Site Q’s were smart enough to stay away. Start off with a brief run in rain to find some shelter from the rain. When that failed we just stopped under and over hang and did some warm ups: 10 xGood Mornings 10x Side Saddle hops [Read More]

Taming the unruly colonists

**Note: this is an account of Arsenal’s Q at Claymore, as reported by YHC, Pickles. Most of the facts here are actually true.** A couple of weeks back when YHC realized that Arsenal would be in town the idea sprang up that he should Q Claymore. Brilliant! Now, this was Arsenal’s first attempt at taming the unruly PAX of CARPEX. He had Q’d YHC and Arts n’ Crafts on a few of our business trips, but nothing official. [Read More]


We began the workout bright and early with a strong showing of 25 HIM’s. The weather was cold and damp but none of us regretted leaving the cozy fartsack for a morning of hard work and fellowship. Warm-Up Sooey started us off with a light jog to the parking lot. SSH: 15, Good mornings: 10, Merkins:25, PlankJacks:15, Mtn Climbers:15, The Thang 1 Another short mozy down “Powerline hill”. 7’s Burpies at the top and Merkins at the bottom. [Read More]

Traveling Pain Pills

AO: Phoenix Twelve HIMs gathered this morning for some fun at Phoenix. Welcome brother Chum, who joined us from F3 Chapel Hill area. Here’s what we did. Warm-up: Mosey to the upper lot, circle up for Good Mornings, Side Straddle Hops, Windmills… on cue, Callahan arrives late, again. Continue with Sir Fazio’s forward, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Sir Fazio’s reverse. Five penalty Burpees (thank you, Callahan). Finish up with Merkins and Mountain Climbers. [Read More]

All the lamp-posts

For some PAX, variety is the spice of life. They head out on grand adventures of Q swapping and comb the exicon for new and utterly ridiculous things to do to the human body. However, some of us prefer reliable and routine - like FOD with Beaker at the helm. It is kind of like an old pair of blue jeans. Simple. You know the pair…it has your wallet imprinted in the back right pocket and the threads are worn down where you knife goes in. [Read More]

Shortest backblast Top 10

The numbers were low, yet very vocal during this relatively mild morning. We did log around 4.2 miles total! (#neckstrain) Also, I have no idea how to change a date on wordpress, so for the record, this back blast is from December 1st. Thang: Hill 7’s by kiosk (Burpees and CDD) Flood wall by pond partner 1 rock the body, partner two run the levee loop (3 rounds) Finish with a run around the pond for the whole pax, stopping periodically to do Imperial walkers and catch the six. [Read More]


My M had a hair appointment after the babies’ bedtime last night… which offered the perfect opportunity to knock out some laundry and catch up on podcasts. Last week’s call that was on the F3 Nation podcast featured Olive’s testimony. As I was listening to that, I saw Pet Sounds’ call for a Q-sub. Having navigated that course last week - and having vision cast from a recorded phone conference - I quickly saw a plan come together. [Read More]