Clock, block, and rock work

Inspired earlier in the week by Hermes’ rule [1], YHC grabbed the Q yesterday morning, and then was unexpectedly roped into 3 separate happy hours (2 liquor-themed, 1 beer) that afternoon (all virtual, MADD can rest assured) so planning time consisted of waking up, throwing on some clothes, and the 10-min drive in. Theismann was already there doing pull-ups. Earhart showed up looking like a teenager with a serious case of bedhead. [Read More]


This is going to be short. Sorry fellas. I’m beat. Kids are out of town still so last night the M and I went to dinner at Hank’s Dive Bar in DTC. It’s not really a dive but the drinks are good and the fried cauliflower is fantastic. Recommended. I had seen Chewie walk by the window earlier in the evening so as we were leaving I gave the place a bit of a scan to see if I would spot him. [Read More]

You Can't Spell Burpee Without Bob Seger

Another moist morning in Carpex, and Open Concept has brought us an FNG named Tom. Give him the disclaimer, turn on some Bob Seger and let’s get started. Warm-Up It’s Tin2Iron and we can’t mosey, so circle up and do five burpees to reduce the chatter, Sir Fazios, more burpees to welcome late arrival Charmin, imperial walkers, cherry pickers, copperhead merkins and squats, and One Big Crimson Good Morning. The Thang Grab a coupon and line up at the first island for 11’s, coupon curls while walking down to the next island for squats, overhead presses while walking back for rows. [Read More]

Insomnia made me do it!

Once again I find myself not able to sleep. Awake at 1:10am, again at 2:32am and then finally at 4:44am. I give in. I get dressed and head out early to knock out an Insomnia pre SNS Q. During my 1.35m mozy, I take the time to reflect on all the things. I love that we have theses amazing parks/greenways to use. I appreciate the F3 brotherhood that I am a part of and the accountability it brings to my days and remember that no matter how bad I think I have it, someone else has it worse. [Read More]

This Sucked But We Saved Some Kittens

14 pax gathered at the den of the lion with no FNGs and we are off (2 runners joined us for COT) Brief mosey followed by basic warm up of SSH, Hillbillies and Sir Fazios (to get shoulders loosened up for merkins). 1, no make it 3 penalty burpees for the late arrival of Tramp Stamp. 1-18 David Goggins style merkins meandering through the myriad of parking areas ending up on Town Side Drive. [Read More]

Pardner Up!

When: April 20th, 2021 QIC: Earhart The PAX: The Joker, Puddles, Peeping Tom, Sideout, Theismann, Wahoo, Biner, Open Concept, Mr. Safety, YHC Earhart 10 PAX gather in the brisk cool morning for an intro to Cougar Town by Earhart workout. YHC workout started with some EC from the DTP flag to the new site, about 1 mile mosey. I did the EC solo, maybe I should have pre-blasted…lesson learned. Anywho, back to the ME. [Read More]

DTP Changing of the Guard

AO: Disturbing the Peace Q: YHC Even with the haze of pollen in the air, it was perfect weather in the gloom so the numbers remained high at the best AO in all of Carpex. YHC studied and recited the F3 Mission for hours prior to the post so it rolled off the tongue effortlessly to kickoff the workout, next we did the pledge of allegiance and off we went. [Read More]

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

I firmly believe in the saying that “absence makes the heart grow fonder” as I really missed y’all while being out West with no F3 in sight for 5 days. Even coming back out to Q and having the cold didn’t deter me in the least, as a matter of fact made it better IMO. With No FNGS we started with The Pledge Mozy’d up hill around park and down to the bb court. [Read More]

Lowe's vs Sweetwaters

16 PAX, one FNG, disclaimer given privately, perfect weather and we are off. Mosey to a very unsafe place to warm up (sorry Shutty) SSH, Sir Fazios, Good Mornings, Seal Claps and Mountain Climbers Head to newly opened Lowe’s Grocery stopping at each light pole for increasing merkins starting from 1 and getting to 10 Christen the parking lot with a 4-man double pickle Indigenous People Run (IPR). During each lap, one of the 4 will remain in place doing an exercise, until all 4 have taken their turn. [Read More]

Piranha Park Launch!!

When: March 6th, 2021 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Trike, Triple Lindy, Peeping Tom, Yahoo, Overflow, Red Ryder, Clockwork, Side out, Theismann, Open Concept, Snots, Old Maid, Mr. Safety, Ninjago, Queequeg, Flenderson, Nothing Special, Track Star, YHC Earhart 19 PAX gathered to launch the newest, Saturday AO in Apex, Piranha Park! After 127 days of soft launching, YHC and Peeping Tom finally made it official and 17 others were there to celebrate. [Read More]